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The Buzz Around Student Affairs
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News for the Month of August 2020
A message from Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Ed Mills.
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Student-Athletes and SARC Put on Their Race Faces
The upcoming virtual Fall semester is going to be emotional for all students, but Sacramento State’s nearly 500 Student-Athletes are learning to navigate a world where either all or part of sports have been suspended. As of August 13, both the Big West and Big Sky Conferences in which Sac State competes, have voted to postpone all fall sports, with decisions regarding winter and spring athletics still to be determined.
Throughout 2020, Hornet wide receiver Dewey Cotton ‘21, (Criminal Justice) has remained optimistic and focused on building and maintaining connections with the people around him. In June, Cotton’s social media “Race Face Challenge” went viral, garnering rave reviews from his more than 18 thousand social media followers, as well as attention from sports network ESPN.
“Your race face is the face you make when you are trying your hardest to win,” says Cotton. The Race Face Challenge encourages followers, when facing adversity, to put on their race face, do it proudly, and be able to smile when the race is done. For Cotton his videos help him build new connections, reminding himself and other athletes what it is like being outside and to go running on the field with their teammates. 
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Protect the Hive! COVID-19 On-Campus Plan
The start of the Fall semester is just around the corner and we will be welcoming new and continuing students to a Sac State like never before. Throughout the summer, the University has developed a safety plan for how to open the campus and hold classes with the safety of the entire Hornet Community in mind. The operations plan was approved by the California State University Chancellor’s Office and details the efforts that the campus will undertake to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to keep students, faculty, and staff as safe as possible.
To support the operations plan, the University is launching “Protect the Hive”, a marketing plan to educate students regarding on-campus protocol. Protect the Hive messaging will focus on the health and safety of all members of the Hornet family including students, staff, faculty, and outside communities. In the coming weeks, signage will be placed around campus, in buildings and public spaces, detailing campus resources, building hours, and health and safety protocols. In addition to signage, various PSAs and informational videos are in production that will carry students through the semester, educating them on protocol changes and encouraging them to stay engaged and finish the semester strong. Sac State will also be employing more than 100 Student Safety Ambassadors to educate students on campus on proper social distancing protocol. Click here to learn more about Student Safety Ambassadors.
As we prepare communications to students in the Fall, University Communications and Student Affairs Marketing and Communications encourage that all departments strive for consistency with messaging and language. Click here to download a glossary of approved COVID-19 and campus language.
If you have any questions about being on campus visit the Risk Management website.
Risk Management
Trumba: Connecting Campus Events in a Virtual World
Trumba launched in the Summer of 2019 to bring events from across campus together into a centralized campus calendar. As we approach a new semester and tackle the question of how to connect with students in a virtual setting, Trumba provides an exciting opportunity to get Student Affairs events and programming available at the click of a button. Now more than ever, connecting with students will be important in keeping students on track to graduation.
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University Housing Services
Every August, Move-In Day commemorates not just the beginning of the Fall Semester, but for many, an important part of the college journey. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Move-In Day will look a little different this year. It will be spread out over a week versus held in a single day and will take place without the traditional marching band performances and President’s Welcome BBQ. Without these celebrations, Move-In Day will be a little quieter, but the team at University Housing Services (UHS) is excited to welcome students back to campus and to make the memory of residence hall life enduring. Interim Executive Director, Samuel N. Jones encourages staff to remain mindful and to practice patience. Current social events and the COVID-19 pandemic invoke different emotions for everyone and for many, the act of returning to school and moving to campus is a step towards normalcy and is a quintessential part of the college experience. Through it all, the team at University Housing Services (UHS) remains committed to honoring tradition and creating a memorable college experience, while maintaining a safe environment for all Hornets!

Here are a few things to know about Housing during the Fall Semester:
  • To allow for proper safety measures, Move-In Day is scheduled during the week of August 24th through 28th.
  • 19 Resident Advisors will reside in the residence halls this upcoming semester, greeting the more than 450* students that will be living on campus this fall.
  • Students will be in single rooms and suites in Riverview and American River Courtyard.
  • At the start of the semester, dining will be limited to carryout options from the Servery at the Dining Commons. As safety requirements permit, indoor dining options will resume. The Courtyard Market will be available for residents as well.
  • As in the Spring Semester, all student residents will be required to enter residence halls through the main front doors, and at the 24-hour front desks, students will be required to show their student ID. This will help limit the number of people entering the building. Students will not be permitted in room visitations unless the person lives in their specific hall.  Also, no overnight guests are allowed.
  • Students will continue to have access to many of the same amenities including study rooms, computer labs, laundry rooms, and kitchens, but to comply with distancing needs students will need to plan and reserve spaces before use.
  • In compliance with safety regulations, amenities not available this fall are access to Movie and Game lounges, as well as the Fitness and Cardio Center. Historically, these facilities were provided to all housing students.
*450 students as of the writing of this story on August 7, 2020. The number is expected to increase mildly over the coming weeks.
If you have any questions about University Housing Services and options for students, contact UHS at or 916.278.6655.  
A Letter From Associated Students, Inc.
Dear Student Affairs staff, 
Going back to school this Fall is going to be completely different than any other year. Instead of students returning to campus and getting to meet their new classmates, students will be learning from their bedrooms, living rooms, or wherever they can find internet. This year will bring new challenges for students, staff, and faculty that stem from this new virtual space that we find ourselves. With that said, returning to school is a welcomed event, as it brings a semblance of normality and an opportunity to do something besides be confined to our rooms with not much to do. 
ASI has spent the summer working feverishly to ensure that services and programs remained in operation, while adapting to the new virtual campus. We have established vigorous health and safety guidelines to allow for access while maintaining the safety of those who use it. Whereas we would like to continue all services, some have had to be suspended. We are proud to say that most continue and have shifted online, utilizing technologies like ZOOM to ensure a smooth transition to virtual. Though the medium that our services are accessed through has changed, the quality of the service and the dedication behind providing it has not wavered. 
Student involvement this coming year is critical, possibly more so than in previous years. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the current social issues and unrest, and the upcoming November election, their voices need to be heard more than ever. Engagement with committees across campus, attendance of virtual events, and general academic and social involvement are extremely important in giving students a connection to our campus community. With this connection to the community, students are given outlets for communication and are empowered to make enduring and meaningful changes to the world.

Noah Marty, 
ASI President & CEO

How to get connected with ASI this Fall:
All contact information for ASI Programs is available at the ASI Website and students can also DM us on Instagram @sacstateasi with questions.
  • ASI Food Pantry - Summer hours are Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-1 pm and Wednesdays, 1-4 p.m. Details on Fall semester hours are currently being determined. 
  • ASI Student Government - Zoom Board meetings held every Wednesday during the academic year, beginning at 2 pm. Students can log into Zoom Meetings at the ASI Website to get engaged with student leaders! 
  • KSSU Radio - Livestreams continue online. Tune in for live DJ sets, podcasts, talk shows, and a variety of music!
  • Sac State Aquatic Center - Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for equipment rentals only. Register on the Aquatic Center website in advance. 
  • ASI Peak Adventures - Bike Shop and Outdoor Camping Gear rental counter will be open starting on August 10th.
  • ASI Student Shop - Access to many of the resources is virtual through the ASI website, including free legal aid appointments, graduation gear, and more!
  • Safe Rides - Program will return for Fall 2020.
  • ASI Children’s Center - Open for childcare starting August 17th.  
ASI Homepage
Aquatic Center
Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support CARES
CARES is operating virtually Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will offer students phone, zoom, and email options for communication. They have created an online application for all services (emergency housing, emergency funds, reporting a student of concern) to make it easy for everyone on campus to reach us. Phones are set up to receive calls on our computer and will be offering informational sessions to programs and centers.
Use CARES statement of support as a reminder to students
The Crisis Assistance and Resource Education Support (CARES) Office recommends using the following statement to remind students of the resources available to them. This statement is available for faculty or staff to use in syllabi, signature lines, or wherever is helpful.
If you are experiencing challenges with food, housing, financial, or other unique circumstances that are impacting your education, help is just a phone call or email away! The CARES office provides case management support for any enrolled student. Email the CARES office at to speak with a case manager about the resources available to you. Check out the CARES website.
CARES Website
Concerned for a student? Notify the CARES office with a new reporting form

Faculty and staff now can submit a report if they are concerned about a student. Reports can be made for students who disclose homelessness, financial challenges, family dynamics that impact school, medical issues, hospitalizations, or other disruptive or concerning issues. Reports go to the CARES office case managers. A link to the reporting form is here. It is recommended to add it to your browser favorites.

For more information, please email
Student Health and Counseling Services
Student Health and Counseling Services staff are committed to providing exceptional service to the campus community and are excited about the opportunity to continue to serve the campus community during this difficult time. Though many students may be away from campus this fall, they can still access most of the health and counseling services using secure remote technology.
Student Health & Counseling Services is open and still offering most services, both virtually and in-person. Business Hours for the Fall semester are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Students are strongly encouraged to call first before coming in, to determine whether they can be seen virtually or need to be seen in person. Our phone number is 916-278-6461. Face coverings are required to enter the facility. 
Available Services During the Fall Semester
  • Primary Care and Urgent Care medical services are both available.
  • The Pharmacy is open during current business hours.
  • The Vision Center is currently closed due to construction.
  • Counseling services (both individual and group) are being offered virtually. Urgent care counseling is available on site for walk-in services.
  • Health education, wellness workshops and events, and nutrition counseling services are being offered virtually. Students can sign up for these via their Patient Portal.
The best way to keep up-to-date on wellness tips, events, and changes to services is by following @shcssacstate on Instagram.
Student Organizations & Leadership (SO&L)
This Fall, SO&L is focused on providing interactive virtual leadership, engagement, and involvement opportunities for our students through a variety of programs and initiatives. SO&L will continue to serve, support, and advocate for general clubs and organizations through virtual advising, engagement opportunities, and officer training programs. A revamped Leadership Initiative program will continue to develop students’ leadership and professional skills, while providing a platform for them to explore their individual values, group values, and societal/community values through a variety of virtual workshops and experiences. The Greek Life Program will continue to serve and support the five Greek Councils virtually through dedicated advising and Greek New Member Education programs. Additionally, SO&L will be introducing a new virtual Sport Clubs Leadership Development and Engagement Program to further develop and advance the Sport Clubs community and prepare athletes for success on and off the field.
Through Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and social media platforms, SO&L will continue to support club officers and organizations as they strive to achieve their goals. Striving to be as accessible as possible in the virtual environment, “open office” hours are from 3 pm to 4 pm, Monday through Friday and through appointment based advising.
For more information about SO&L and to learn how to schedule virtual appointments with advisors, students are encouraged to explore the SO&L website, follow us on social media @sacstatesoal, email us at, and view our club list at Hornet Hub. Student Organizations & Leadership is excited to help students get connected, build leadership skills, meet people, and have fun! Stingers Up! 
SO&L Website
Hornet Hub
Academic Advising: First-Year Experience
Summer preparations for the upcoming fall are not as traditional as they were in the previous years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For that reason, many resources on campus are shifting their services virtually and have adapted to working remotely since last Spring. First-Year Programs and Senior Coordinator, Trevor Neeley, explains how virtual advising within the Academic Advising Center has been a collaborative effort within the department and an overall challenge.
Neeley supervises the First-Year Experience (FYE) Peer Mentors and the First Year Advising (FYA) program at Sacramento State. The Peer Mentors typically serve 1600-1800 first-year students during the Fall Semester and about 300 students in the Spring Semester. Owing to the Coronavirus he reported, “The Peer Mentors not only worked through the transition of COVID-19 and virtual campus this past Spring, but they also continued to operate without an official supervisor throughout the entirety of this past Spring Semester.” He is proud of his mentors’ smooth transition with being able to help their mentees online.
Many first-year students find the help that they receive from their Peer Mentors as impactful. Within the single semester of being mentored, students gain confidence while attending Sacramento State. Peer Mentors inform their students about their degree requirements, how to access resources online, encourage them to attend events on campus, explore their major options, and many other common scenarios. Neeley is feeling optimistic for the upcoming semester and wants to continue to provide excellence in student service despite the shift to virtual formats. The program is also introducing new strategies on how to reach out to students by communicating with them through phone calls, emails, social media, and more. “This is a program with deep roots on campus, and years of collaborative energies across departments and divisions, and I am just happy to be a part of it,” he describes.
For more information on how to access the Academic Advising Center’s services, please email Trevor Neeley at

Jazmine Lucente '23

20-year-old Nursing student, Jazmine Lucente has an indifferent attitude when approaching this Fall’s virtual semester. Along with many other on-going students at Sacramento State, the sophomore shares that even though she will miss her daily social interactions with her friends, sorority, and classmates, safety is of utmost importance.
Along with this view, Jazmine shares her attitude toward virtual classes: “I have a love/hate relationship with this virtual semester. The pros is that it is convenient and helps me to do more in my day instead of sitting in a classroom. It gives me a chance to multitask and get more done throughout the day, which really makes me feel more productive.”  Jazmine plans to live in Sacramento this semester as a means of social connection, rather than staying in her hometown of San Diego. 

Ashley Saber '24

Having to adapt to a new environment is a challenging life experience to contend with- especially when entering a university that has 30,000 students present. Ashley Saber is an incoming freshman and has lived locally in the Sacramento area. She is familiar with city life, but not very accustomed to the traditions that are practiced by the Hornet family.
Saber graduated from West Campus High School with a total enrollment of 800 students. She is most anxious about adapting to a new learning environment and says that it will take her some time to adjust. She decided to major in Anthropology since the topic of evolution has always fascinated her. Aside from scholastic responsibilities, Saber’s interests are joining the snowboarding club, skiing club, or finding an on-campus employment opportunity.
Sacramento State was primarily the campus of her choice due to its outdoor beauty and various available resources. Although she is not familiar with the programs on campus, she intends to do more research on them. Another way to get herself comfortable with campus is to contact her fellow peers that are registered in the same courses as she is.

Skype for Business is retiring. Microsoft Teams is the way to go.
On July 31, 2021, Skype for Business will officially retire. But there is no reason to worry, Microsoft is providing a bigger and better solution, Microsoft Teams! Aside from the chat, call and screen share features that Skype for Business provided, Microsoft Teams also allow you to share and edit files in real-time, create, assign, track and complete tasks related to a project, and so much more.
Online Resources
Don’t wait until Skype for Business retires, learn all there is to know about Microsoft Teams now! 
How to Use Microsoft Teams
Microsoft 365
Comments, Questions, Concerns? 
Don’t hesitate and reach out via any of the following ways: 
  • Email:   
  • Phone: (916) 278-2745 
  • Microsoft Teams, Skype4Business or Zoom chat: sa-it | stdaf-01
  • FaceTime, Google DUO or WhatsApp: 916-984-5354 

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