Wilhelm Wins John H. Martin Award; Burns Named Research Integrity Director
Wilhelm Wins John H. Martin Award; Burns Named Research Integrity Director
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

A newsletter from the Office of Research and Engagement

Silhouette images of women doing research
This year, Women's History Month arrived one year into a global pandemic, an event that studies have shown disproportionately affected women. Women were more vulnerable to workplace disruptions, more likely to carry a heavy mental load, and more subjected to work loss. Despite this, female faculty, staff, and students at the University of Tennessee have persevered. To mark Women's History Month 2021, ORE is looking back at the past year and celebrating the pioneering efforts of women in UT's research enterprise. 
Women's History Month 2021: A Look Back
Five Women Lead Renowned Forensic Anthropology Center
Meet the team of women that are conducting national forensic investigations, training FBI response teams, and managing the world famous Body Farm. The Forensic Anthropology Center, a national leader in forensic science, is led by a team of five forensic anthropologists (from l to r in photo): Giovanna Vidoli, Joanne Devlin, Dawnie Steadman, Lee Meadows Jantz, and Mary Davis.
Click to heret to take the Community Engagement Survey
Steven Wilhelm was recently awarded the 2021 John H. Martin Award for Research, from the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography. This award is presented to one paper each year that has led to fundamental shifts in research focus and interpretation of a large body of previous observations.
Veterinarian providing care to dog
This spring, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is partnering with University of Tennessee Extension to provide trailside activities that promote reading and literature. The one-mile Cosby Nature Trail, near Cosby Campground, has been dubbed "Storybook Trail," where visitors can discover the joy of reading in nature.
head shot of Jane Burns, UT Research Integrity Compliance Officer
Jane Burns has been named research integrity compliance director for the Office of Research and Engagement. This position is responsible for investigating allegations of research misconduct at the university and  providing research integrity training.
Click here to nominate someone for the Environmental Leadership Awards
Upcoming Events from Communities of Scholars
Click to learn more about the April meeting of the Biomembranes CoS Click here to learn more about the Critical Race Symposium
The Science Alliance has announced a call for proposals for the Support for Affiliated Research Teams (StART) award. Those interested can apply via InfoReady starting Monday, March 22. The deadline for submissions is May 3, 2021. Typical awards are $100K and each team must include principal investigators from both UT and ORNL researchers.


Jerry Adams receives founders award—Chandra Myrick receives dissertation of the year award—Hillary Herndon wins funding to increase diversity in music education—Cornelius Eady and Joy Harjo perform at star-studded gala.
Read all recent Recognitions

Upcoming Events

Find additional events on ORE's workshop portal or on the UT calendar.

Contact Us

Office of Research and Engagement
1534 White Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37996-1529
Phone: 865-974-3466
Email: research@utk.edu
Website: research.utk.edu
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