Need 911? Call If You Can, Text If You Can’t!
The ability to send a text message to 911 exists in almost every county in Pennsylvania. This service may be helpful for individuals who have speech or hearing impairments or for those who are having a medical emergency that renders them incapable of speaking. It may also be helpful in instances when making noise may endanger the caller, such as during a home invasion or robbery, a domestic violence situation, or an abduction.
While it’s an important communications tool, there are some things to keep in mind when texting for emergency help:
- A text or data plan with your phone carrier is required. You can’t send a message through third-party apps, like Snapchat or WhatsApp.
- Text-to-911 conversations cannot include more than one person. Do not send your emergency text to anyone other than 911.
- Do not use abbreviations or emojis.
- As with all text messages, text messages to 911 may take longer to receive, may get out of order, or may not be received at all.
- 911 call takers will not be able to hear any background noise that could help assist during the emergency.
- Location information will be limited to the tower your cell phone communicates with. A 911 telecommunicator won't automatically know where you are.
Just as in a voice call, the 911 telecommunicator will continue to ask more questions about your emergency – confirming your location, the people involved, and any other important details to responders. Typing questions and answers back and forth with a 911 telecommunicator takes a considerable amount of time, so please be patient and be as clear and concise as possible with your answers. For this reason, placing a voice call is preferred.