Jay-Z's "filthy language" fodder at Trump rally and Trump-Kim summit today.
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May 30, 2018
Sex Workers Push Back on Marco Rubio Bill, Judy Chu Probes Commerce, and Melissa Harris-Perry Gets New Gig
CROUCHING CHINA, HIDDEN TARIFFS… Bruised by criticism that he’s soft on China, the president reversed course on Tuesday and announced that the U.S. would move ahead with its plan to impose 25% tariffs on $50 billion worth of imported Chinese goods. In other global beefs… NI HOY, NI NUNCA! Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto on Tuesday fired back at Donald Trump for renewing his claim that in the end, Mexico would pay for Trump's proposed border wall. “NO. Mexico will NEVER pay for a wall. Not now, not ever,” Peña Nieto wrote on Twitter. “Sincerely, Mexico (all of us).” TRUMP/KIM SUMMIT HAPPENING TODAY… No, not that Kim. Kim Kardashian is heading to the White House today where she will meet with Jared Kushner to discuss prison reform and then sit down with Donald Trump.  INDEPENDENTS...THROW YOUR HANDS UP AT MEIndependents have surpassed Republicans to become the second-largest voting bloc in California. It is the culmination of a trend that has been accelerating for years. California voters have shed their party affiliation at a growing rate, even as state politics are increasingly dominated by Democrats. GRAB ‘EM BY THE LYRICSThe president took aim at Beyoncé’s husband, hip-hop mogul JAY-Z, at a rally in Nashville on Tuesday night for using "filthy language" at a pro-Hillary Clinton campaign concert in 2016. "The only way she [Hillary Clinton] filled up the arena was to get JAY-Z," Trump said, as the audience booed. "And his language was so filthy it made me look like the most clean-cut human being on Earth." GRIPE SESSIONSThe president is once again attacking his Attorney General this morning, tweeting that he wishes he would have chosen someone other than Jeff Sessions for the post. GREITENS AND SALUTATIONS… Embattled Missouri Governor Eric Greitens (R) -- who had faced criticism over a sexual-misconduct scandal following a report detailing  "multiple instances" in which Greitens allegedly spanked, slapped, grabbed, shoved, and called the woman derogatory names -- will resign on Friday. The 44-year-old Navy Seal denies any wrongdoing. GIRL BYE... Roseanne Barr tweeted a racist comment about former Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman. Hours later she was fired by ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey, a Black woman. The short week is halfway over, and we’re kicking off your Wednesday with this...
  • Days in leadership may be numbered for Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D-CA).
  • Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) and Congressmen Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) lead bicameral call on Betsy DeVos to protect English learners.
  • Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) is rockin’ the red.
  • Former SBA Administrator María Contreras-Sweet works on paid family leave.
  • Washingtonian has a new politics reporter.
  • California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is sued for being “ineligible.”
  • Former Congresswoman Corrine Brown is trying again to get her sentence overturned.
  • We’ve got your guide to all the summer conferences. Check it out below in FOMO.
NM congressional candidate Deb Haaland (D) yesterday meeting early voters at the polls.
Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX) with San Antonio Missions pitcher Jason Jester before throwing out the first pitch on opening night.
Marco Rubio Pushes Bill to Fight Sex Trafficking but Consensual Sex Workers Say New Law Could Hurt Their Business
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) are pushing legislation they first introduced in 2017 that would aid financial institutions in identifying and reporting instances of human trafficking so that offenders can be prosecuted and victims can be protected. The House version of the bill passed last month, but sex workers say the new law could endanger their income, safety, and lives. Given the frequency with which sex trafficking and voluntary, consensual sex work are conflated, sex workers including webcam performers, adult film actors and business owners, strippers, and escorts fear that recent legislation will do more harm than good. Sex workers already have trouble finding financial institutions that will accept their money. Banks are often reluctant to discuss their decisions to close accounts and aren’t legally required to explain them. In 2014, JPMorgan Chase closed the bank accounts of several adult film actors without telling them why. Rubio and Warren’s bill will cause banks to shut down voluntary sex workers’ accounts more frequently and indiscriminately, sex workers worry. Some say the new banking bill could help push voluntary sex work further underground. Last month, the Senate passed the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act which would hold online platforms, such as Craigslist and the personal classifieds site Backpage, liable for user content related to sex trafficking. This could encourage websites to censor sex-related ads to protect themselves from litigation, free-speech advocates warn. But now sex workers will have to turn to methods that offer less privacy to promote their services, making it tougher to screen clients or warn others about dangerous customers. Critics of the recent legislation say the laws are actually pushing sex workers back to the streets to find business. More here.

Bob Menéndez Intros New Bill to Protect Children on School Buses
Following the bus crash that killed a teacher and student in New Jersey two weeks ago, Senator Bob Menéndez (D-NJ) is introducing legislation to improve school bus safety. The Secure Every Child Under the Right Equipment Standards Act would advance new recommendations by the National Transportation Safety Board that all new school buses be equipped with three-point, lap-shoulder seat belts, among other items. “We need to do everything we can to make sure children are safe, and parents have peace of mind, when they’re on a school bus,” said Menéndez. “The recent tragedy only underscores why it’s important to review and upgrade safety standards over time. There was a time not too long ago when seat belts weren’t even required in cars, let alone school buses—but we owe it to our constituents to do everything in our power to improve the safety of our roadways.” Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and John Faso (R-NY) are introducing companion legislation in the House of Representatives. More here.

MSNBC's Trymaine Lee on #RedNoseDay last week with his daughter, advocating for an end to child poverty.
Latino USA’s María Hinojosa on the set of MSNBC’s AM Joy with Joy-Ann Reid on Sunday.
CAPAC Demands Answers Around Chinese American’s Firing at Commerce
The Department of Commerce has been ordered to reinstate Xiafen “Sherry” Chen as a hydrologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Chen had been accused of spying for China and this ruling comes more than three years after those federal charges were dropped. Now, the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) has requested an investigation into the firing of Chen. “In October 2014, Ms. Chen was targeted by federal investigators for alleged espionage and arrested based not on any reasonable evidence, but on what appears to be her race,” the lawmakers wrote in a letter to the DOC Office of Inspector General. “We are doing this because we will not tolerate Chinese Americans or Asian Americans being treated as second-class citizens. No American should have to live in fear that their entire lives may be turned upside down due to wrongful accusations and unwarranted racial profiling," said CAPAC Chair Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) at a news conference last week. Chen was terminated in March 2016, a year after federal criminal charges against her were dismissed. A removal letter cited charges of conduct demonstrating untrustworthiness, misrepresentation, misuse of a federal database, and lack of candor as reasons for removal. A judge stated that Chen had experienced a gross injustice. See CAPAC’s letter here
Bobby Rush Probes Tech CEOs on U.S. Privacy After GDPR
Congressman Bobby Rush (D-IL)
wants to know if the CEOs of Google, Twitter, Uber, Lyft, Snapchat, Airbnb, and Fitbit are making any changes to ensure user privacy once the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in effect. The GDPR is a new set of regulations that require organizations to protect the personal data of EU citizens if that data is provided during an interaction within an EU member state. In the letters to the CEOs -- sent ahead of GDPR -- Rush says these companies touch the lives of nearly all Americans and that it is critical that consumers understand what type of privacy guarantees are in place (or not). The letter says that this is especially important since these companies know what websites consumers frequent, what routes they take, what cities they visit, and who they follow. "I don't understand how we've reached a point where we, in the United States, are reliant on a foreign regulation to protect our data," Rush said. “Americans should not have to suffer from weaker protections because of a Republican majority that refuses to even consider meaningful legislation.  In the absence of GOP leadership, American companies must set an example that they are truly committed to safeguarding user privacy in our nation by clarifying what aspects of the GDPR will and will not be implemented.” See the letters here.
Dems Lead Bicameral Call on Betsy DeVos to Protect English Learners
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV)
, with Congressmen Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and James Langevin (D-RI), led a bicameral group of their colleagues in a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, opposing the consolidation of the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) and integration into the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). “There are more than 5 million ELs in elementary and secondary schools across the 50 states and territories. The growth of English learners has outpaced the general population – with a 60 percent increase in the last decade, compared to a 7 percent increase,” they wrote. “We oppose any regulatory or administrative changes to the organization of the OELA. We also believe these reorganization efforts only further highlight our continued concern about this administration’s vitriolic rhetoric about individuals in this country who speak another language. We urge you to maintain OELA as a separate office with a Director who reports directly to the Secretary. Any deviation from this practice threatens years of precedent, evidence-based work, and expertise critical to meeting the needs of our nation’s English learners.” Twenty-five members of Congress -- including Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Bob Menéndez (D-NJ), Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), as well as Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), Rubén Kihuen (D-NV), Judy Chu (D-CA), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-CA), Michelle Luján Grisham (D-NM), and Colleen Hanabusa (D-HI) -- joined the letter urging the Department of Education to preserve OELA’s success in supporting, educating, and ensuring equal access to education for English learners. See the full letter here.

Special Assistant
The Nathan Cummings Foundation is recruiting a Special Assistant (SA) to join the President’s office team. The SA will report to the President and also to the Chief of Staff/Board Liaison, and will play a critical support role in creating a highly functioning team and organization.
Washington Post Names Graphics Reporter
WaPo announced that Brittany Mayes was joining the Graphics team as a Graphics Reporter. The University of North Carolina grad was previously at NPR, where she worked as a News Apps Designer and Developer. She is a passionate member of the “news nerd” community, having worked as a volunteer and organizer for National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc., National Association of Black Journalists, Online News Association, and Girls Who Code, among others. Brittany was recently named one of the DCFemTech Award recipients in the area of data. Her first day is June 4th. More here.

Washingtonian Taps Brittany Shepherd as Staff Writer
Brittany Shepherd
is joining the Washingtonian as a Staff Writer, where she’ll cover politics, pop culture, and the DC pulse. She previously served as a White House Correspondent for the Independent Journal Review (IJR). Before becoming the White House Correspondent, Shepherd covered entertainment and pop culture for the IJR Life section. Prior to joining IJR, the 2016 George Washington University graduate interned at National Geographic Channel, where she was responsible for script review, pre-and-post development processes, and global programming. She’s also interned with the British Embassy in DC, Economia in Prague, Czech Republic, the Library of Congress, and Influenster, a product discovery and reviews platform. More here

Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) with Captain David Cox, receiving the Navy Commendation Medal for his meritorious service in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Former Congressman Dave Obey, WI congressional candidate Randy "Iron Stache" Bryce (D), and Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) on the campaign trail last weekend.
María Contreras-Sweet Works on Paid Family Leave
María Contreras-Sweet
, the former head of the Small Business Administration under President Barack Obama, is co-chairing a new task force for the Bipartisan Policy Center on paid family leave. She is joined by former Senators Chris Dodd and Rick Santorum, as well as former Congresswoman Mary Bono. As heads of the new task force, they will work to find a bipartisan solution to increase access to paid family leave, 25 years after the Paid Family Leave Act passed Congress. “Paid family leave is an essential component of ensuring that women have equal opportunities in the workplace,” said Contreras-Sweet. “It’s usually women who have to make the hard choices between taking care of loved ones and pursuing professional success. Our economy benefits when everyone has a chance to contribute to their full potential.” Studies show that employees with access to paid family leave are far less likely to drop out of the labor force or to become dependent on government assistance programs. Contreras-Sweet had most recently been involved in long and ultimately unsuccessful negotiations to buy The Weinstein Company. More here.

Melissa Harris-Perry and James Perry Join People’s House Project
The People's House Project (PHP), an organization that recruits and supports House candidates with working-class backgrounds, yesterday announced that Melissa Harris-Perry and husband James Perry would be joining as Senior Advisors. Melissa and James will bring to the organization their experience in media, civic engagement, and youth participation, especially in communities of color. In a release, PHP said that the duo will help with candidate advising and media training in 2018, while looking to broaden and diversify the organization's candidate recruitment. Melissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University and Founding Director of the Anna Julia Cooper Center. She serves as Editor-at-Large of Elle.com and is a Contributing Editor at The Nation. James Perry is President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League. He served 10 years as the CEO of the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center and has played key roles in a dozen political campaigns. "This is an extraordinary opportunity to do the meaningful work of our democracy when none of us can stand on the sidelines," says Harris-Perry "People's House envisions a country that works for all when all of us are working together.  We're thrilled to join their effort to ensure all Americans have a voice." Learn more about the People’s House Project here.
Brickson Diamond, COO of ELC and CEO of Blackhouse, on Sunday serving as the Deputy Chief Marshal of the 250th Brown University Commencement.
Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló (D) after placing third in the 5K del Residencial Luis Llorens Torres over the weekend.
New Study Finds Hurricane Maria-Related Deaths Likely Top 4,645 in Puerto Rico
The official death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria is 64 according to island officials. However, a new study says that the hurricane, and its aftermath, likely killed at least 4,645 people in Puerto Rico. An article published Tuesday by Harvard researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine said that one-third of the deaths could be blamed on the “interruption of medical care ... in the months after the hurricane.” The Harvard researchers looked at deaths from September 20th through December 31st, 2017 and arrived at a “likely to be conservative” estimate of 4,645 deaths. PR Governor Ricardo Rosselló ordered that every death on the island since the calamitous storm be reviewed -- those results are expected later this summer. “The timely estimation of the death toll after a natural disaster is critical to defining the scale and severity of the crisis and to targeting interventions for recovery,” the study concludes. “As the United States prepares for its next hurricane season, it will be critical to review how disaster-related deaths will be counted.” Millions on the island were without power immediately after the storm, and there are several thousand residents who still do not have electricity. This year’s hurricane season officially begins on Friday. More here

Xavier Becerra Sued for Being “Ineligible to Serve”
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra is facing a lawsuit from a political opponent who claims the former Congressman is legally barred from serving in his current post. According to the suit filed in Sacramento County Superior Court by Republican candidate Eric Early, Becerra cannot serve because he was listed as “inactive” from 1991 to 2017 in the state bar. State law requires the Attorney General to have been “admitted to practice” before the state Supreme Court for five years before taking office. Becerra was admitted to the bar in 1985. Governor Jerry Brown (D), who appointed Becerra after then-AG Kamala Harris was elected to the Senate, faced a similar lawsuit 11 years ago. The judge in that 2007 ruling argued that “admission to practice law is separate from the question of ‘active’ or ‘inactive’ membership in the State Bar,” which she called a “purely ministerial” distinction that affects only member dues. In addition to Early, Becerra will face Democrat Dave Jones and Republican Steven Bailey in the June 5th primary. More here.

‘Holy Spirit’ Rises Again in Former Congresswoman’s Appeal
Former Florida Congresswoman Corrine Brown and her attorney are not giving up. William Kent has filed another brief -- this time with the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals as part of the effort to get Brown's conviction on fraud and tax charges overturned. The former Congresswoman’s appeal is based on the removal of a juror, Juror 13, during deliberations. That juror had told other jurors that he had prayed and believed the Holy Spirit had told him Brown was not guilty. At issue is whether the juror’s dismal was lawful or not. Prosecutors argue that the juror was not following the court's instructions, and, if left on the jury, would likely continue to not follow those instructions. Brown’s lawyer is arguing that the juror's religious belief is genuine and cannot be a basis for dismissal. Kent also says that the juror never refused to follow the law and that he was never told that “seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit was against the court's instructions.” Brown is four months into her five-year sentence at a minimum-security prison camp that is part of the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex in Central Florida. More here.
NY congressional candidate Antonio Delgado (D) with former Chairwoman and current member of the Marlborough Democratic Committee, Mici Simonofsky.
Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) last week hosting Israel from Sacramento, CA for Foster Youth Shadow Day.
Linda Sánchez’s Days in Leadership May Be Numbered
Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D-CA)
serves as Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Caucus, making her the highest-ranking Latina in Congress. But Politico reports her days in leadership may be numbered as a result of her publicly calling for a change in House Democrats’ leadership regime: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn (D-SC). “I do think we have this real breadth and depth of talent within our caucus, and I do think it’s time to pass the torch to a new generation of leaders,” 49-year-old Sánchez said on C-SPAN in October. So far, no one has stepped forward to say they are planning to challenge Sánchez. But the rumor mill has churned out names of fellow Congressional Hispanic Caucus members including Congressmen Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), who is also Chair of the DCCC, Joaquín Castro (D-TX), and Pete Aguilar (D-CA). Members of the Congressional Black Caucus may also seize the opportunity to pursue the fifth spot in leadership that’s considered a launching pad for political ambitions. Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), who lost the bid to Sánchez in 2016, could step up to challenge her again but has not weighed in so far. Though her fellow Dems may smell blood in the water, Sánchez said publicly what other Caucus members have expressed privately. More here.

Eleanor Holmes Norton Bets on Red
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC)
is rockin’ the red and has placed a wager in support of the Washington Capitals’ attempt to bring the Stanley Cup home against the Las Vegas Golden Knights. The DC Delegate and Las Vegas-area Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV) have made a traditional Capitol Hill bet of home-district products, but they’re also taking the opportunity to bring attention to some of their most fervent causes. Should the Caps win, Titus and her staff have promised to wear shirts in support of DC statehood. Should the Golden Knights win, Norton and her staff have promised to make “a comparable show of opposition” to the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump site outside Titus’ district. “Unfortunately, D.C. and Las Vegas both know what it is like to have the federal government trample on you, here in D.C. by interfering with local laws and in Nevada by imposing nuclear waste in the state, both without local consent,” Norton said before engaging in a bit of trash talk: “Get ready to wear that shirt, Dina!” The Golden Knights are up in the series, 1-0. More on the wager here

Friday, June 1st, 12P: Congressional Black Associates presents “Political Communicators of Color: Navigating a Career on and Off the Hill.” 340 Cannon House Building. 
Wednesday, June 6th - Saturday, June 9th: The Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Summit. Charlotte, NC. More than 1,000 CEOs, investors, and business experts are expected to attend. Click here for more information and to register.
Friday, June 8th - Saturday, June 9th: Summit 21. Speakers include CEO of Impact Strategies Angela Rye, Blavity Editor-in-Chief Lilly Workneh, and more. Atlanta Convention Center. Atlanta. Click here for more information
Sunday, June 10th - Tuesday, June 12th: The ACLU Membership Conference. Speakers include Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Patrisse CullorsCongressman John Lewis (D-GA), and Founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative in Montgomery, AL Bryan Stevenson. Walter E. Washington Convention Center and Marriott Marquis, DC. Click here for more information.
Sunday, June 10th - Tuesday, June 12th: Mosaic Genius Conference. Speakers include Rashad Robinson, Executive Director Color Of Change, Jessica O. Matthews, Founder of Uncharted Power, and more. Lansburgh Theatre. 450 7th Street N.W. DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, June 13th - Sunday, June 17th: The 22nd Annual African American Film Festival. Albion Hotel South Beach. 1650 James Avenue, Miami Beach. Click here to register
Saturday, June 16th, 6:30P: The March On Washington Festival hosts a fundraiser celebrating Black trailblazers in entertainment featuring acclaimed actress, singer, and philanthropist Sheryl Lee Ralph in a one-woman show of storytelling and song. Studio Theatre. 1501 14th Street N.W. Click here for more information.
Monday, June 18th - Tuesday, June 19th: Forbes’ Women’s Summit. Speakers include U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, Accompany Founder & CEO Amy Chang, HuffPost Editor-in-Chief Lydia Polgreen, and more. By invitation only. Click here to learn more.
Wednesday, June 20th: MALDEF's 2018 Chicago Awards Gala honoring IL state Representative Elizabeth “Lisa” Hernández (D), among others. The Hyatt Regency Chicago. 151 E. Upper Wacker Drive. Chicago, IL. Click here to register
Thursday, June 21st - Sunday, June 24th: The Black Millennial Political Convention, which aims to increase engagement of Black millennials in the political sphere and shed a light on policy issues impacting black communities. This year’s theme is The Advocacy of Policy, Pipeline and Power for the People. Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, VA. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
Friday, July 6 - Thursday, July 12th: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 68th Boule. Houston, TX. Click here for more information.
Saturday, July 7th - Tuesday, July 10th: UnidosUS’ 2018 Annual Conference. Speakers include Ilia Calderón, Co-Anchor of Noticiero Univisión, Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, Maria Teresa Kumar, President and CEO of Voto Latino, among others. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, DC. Click here to register.
Thursday, July 12th - Friday, July 20th: March On Washington Film Festival. Click here for more information.
Saturday, July 14 - Wednesday, July 18th: NAACP’s 109th Annual Convention. Henry B. González Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, July 17th - Wednesday, July 18th: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Women’s Conference. Phoenix. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, July 17th - Saturday, July 21st: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Convention and Expo. Phoenix. Click here for more information.
Friday, July 20 - Sunday, July 22nd: The 2nd Annual Black Campaign School, hosted by The Collective. Atlanta, GA. Click here for information
Wednesday, July 18th - Saturday, 21st: NAHJ International Training Conference and Career Fair. InterContinental Miami Hotel. 100 Chopin Plaza, Miami, FL. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, August 1st - Saturday, August 4th: The National Urban League's 2018 Annual Conference “Save Our Cities: Powering the Digital Revolution.” Columbus, OH. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, August 1st - Sunday, August 5th: NABJ Annual Convention & Career Fair. Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. 400 Renaissance Drive, Detroit, MI. Click here for more information
Monday, August 6th - Saturday,  August 11th: 16th Annual Run&Shoot Filmworks Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, August 8th - Saturday, August, 11th: AAJA National Convention. Marriott Marquis Houston. 1777 Walker St., Houston, TX. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, September 11th - Wednesday, September 12th: CHCI's Annual Leadership Conference. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 13th: CHCI's 41st Annual Anniversary Awards Gala. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC. 901 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, September 12th - Saturday, September 16th: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 48th Annual Legislative Conference. Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Click here for more information
Thursday, September 25th - Saturday, September 29th: NBMBAA 40th Annual Conference & Exposition. Detroit, MI. Click here for more information
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