As announced in April, graduate students with benefits-eligible academic employment of 20-29 hours per week will be automatically enrolled in AcademicBlue (SHIP), and those with 30 hours or more will be automatically enrolled in UT SELECT, but may opt to enroll in Academic Blue (SHIP). We expect most students will experience lower out-of-pocket costs under AcademicBlue (SHIP) and receive greater benefits through the addition of dental and vision coverage. However, we understand a small number of students may experience higher out-of-pocket costs under this new plan.
Applications are now open for the Health Care Assistance Fund, designed to help benefits-eligible academic graduate student employees who encounter higher costs due to the change by providing the difference in out-of-pocket costs for care between the two plans in the form of block grants to students.
Students may apply once per semester or session for expenses of at least $250 and up to $6,600 (Academic Blue’s out-of-pocket maximum) per year per individual. In the application, students will be asked to estimate the difference between their out-of-pocket costs and what the costs would have been under UT SELECT (using the comparison chart), and they will be asked to provide documentation of health care costs, such as Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms with private information removed to protect student privacy.
Please visit the fund website for more information on eligibility, covered expenses and additional assistance options. If you have further questions about the fund, please contact Graduate School Associate Dean Maria Juenger.
Students with medical emergencies may also be eligible for assistance from the Student Emergency Fund. The Graduate School has provided funds to the Student Emergency Fund to support graduate students.
The Graduate School will continue to evaluate the fund and make improvements to best serve students.
Also, the Human Resources website has up-to-date information on plan details and insurance options for graduate students, including an FAQ page.
Associate Dean for Graduate Education Transformation
The Graduate School
The University of Texas at Austin
MARK J. T. SMITH Dean of the Graduate School Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs The University of Texas at Austin
This communication is from Graduate Students – Official. View this email online.