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The October Edition | October 12, 2017
Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Message from the President

Greetings friend, and welcome to the October Comfort Connection! 
I know three people personally who have or whose spouse has early-onset dementia. My own brother was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 56. He can no longer work in his career as a financial planner. He depends on his wife to "think" for him in many ways, especially when the daily routine changes, like when he’s traveling.
I’ve witnessed first-hand how this condition affects not only the person with dementia, but also the spouse, or the caregiver of the person with dementia. It changes everything, for better or for worse. Many of our clients who have dementia are older; in their 70s, 80s, or 90s. At that age, it's just expected, isn’t it? After all, one-third of all people over the age of 85 are diagnosed with dementia!
Just because it is more common as you get older, it doesn’t mean it is any easier to experience, either first-hand, or as a caregiver! It changes everything, and not in a good way!
NO ONE wants to live a life diagnosed with dementia. But I have good news for you! I recently heard this study with 150 people referenced: people who eat 12 servings of dark leafy greens every day enjoy another 11 years of healthy brain function over people who don’t eat dark leafy greens! I know they don’t necessarily taste great on their own, but isn’t that an easy solution?
I’ve found my body literally craves dark leafy greens! This is what I do every morning: I throw about 34 different fruits in my super blender (including apple and pear seeds) and then I scour my fridge for anything dark green and leafy. If I’m fresh out of kale, collard greens, or spinach, I go outside and snip the kale I planted in the spring. Then I go shopping that night to get more fresh dark green leafy organic vegetables. I put other stuff in my smoothie too. . . see recipe below.

"New research is showing that a person with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high body weight is far more likely (600% more) to lose healthy brain function and be diagnosed with Alzheimer's than people who maintain a healthy body weight, who eat green vegetables, and who engage in regular brain exercises." 

Source: http://blog.healthychoicenaturals.com/natural-ways-to-prevent-alzheimers-disease/

I can’t speak to reversing dementia with a healthy diet, but the evidence is strong when it comes to prevention. I am a strong believer you can always take one more step towards making your diet "cleaner" and you will be the biggest beneficiary to that decision!


Katherine Peters
President & CEO

Hiring the Right Caregiver

What can you do when you want to be there for a loved one, but you don’t have the time or energy to provide them with the help and support they need on a consistent basis? Hire a caregiver! But it’s not just about hiring any caregiver… it’s about hiring the right caregiver.
On the new Comforts of Home – Care blog, we're sharing real-life stories about how we've connected the right caregiver for each individual.
For Diane, for example, this made all the difference. Her nieces hired us to provide companionship on a weekly basis, and it was a match made in heaven!
Diane and her caregiver developed a close bond right away, spending their time shopping, going for lunch, laughing, and being in all-around positive spirits around each other. 

Click here to read the full story on our blog

Recipe of the Month: Katherine & Bill's Morning Smoothie

We’ve been going more and more organic lately. . . but now if it's not organic, I don’t buy it.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need as much protein as you think, so this smoothie will feed your body right until lunch!
(All following ingredients are ideas only and can be left out or added to according to personal preference and how healthy you want to go!)
  • Banana
  • Apples, with the seeds
  • Pears, with the seeds
  • Peeled orange
  • Strawberries with the green top!
  • ½ avocado
  • Frozen organic blueberries, mangoes, or pineapples (this makes it cold)
  • Half a lemon with half the peel (super good for you, but definitely a diuretic!)
  • Add or exchange any other fruit (including melons) you like!
  • Always add: a couple handfuls of dark green leafy anything! Collard greens, spinach, kale, sprouts, even old lettuce if you need to use it up quick! 
  • A couple of spoonfuls of this premixed thing I put together: 1 part hemp, 1 part chia seeds, 1 part walnuts, 1 part seedslike organic pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and crushed egg shells*
  • 1 tsp Moringa powder (ordered from Amazon)
  • Fresh coconut
  • Organic almond or coconut milk or water
We use our Blendtec and put it on SMOOTHIE mode. If you don’t have a Vitamix or Blendtec, your smoothie may be a little more lumpy.
At this point in the smoothie-making process, I pour my very tall glass-and-a-half and enjoy my breakfast. But my husband keeps going. He adds things like raw carrots, coconut oil, peanut butter, raw eggs, coconut, kale powder, green part of the cauliflower... pretty much anything bitter and horrible tasting in the fridge. He’s braver than me! Anything bitter or sour is super healthy for you.
*The eggshells are a little powdery, but a great source of calcium, especially if they are free-range organic egg shells. We save our eggshells, boil them for 10 minutes and bake them for about 20 minutes at 190 degrees to kill any bacteria. This website can tell you more:  https://www.mamanatural.com/how-to-make-eggshell-calcium/

Video: Therapy Pets Help People with Alzheimer's

In this powerful video, we can see the beautiful affect that animals can have for people with Alzheimer's!

Click here to watch the video now

Urinary Tract Infections in the Elderly

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) aren't just a nuisance in the elderly—they can cause serious health problems. A UTI happens when bacteria in the urethra, bladder or kidneys multiplies in the urine. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to acute or chronic kidney infections, which could permanently damage these vital organs and even lead to kidney failure. These common infections are also a leading cause of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening infection of the bloodstream.
Seniors Are Prone to UTIs
The population most likely to experience UTIs is the elderly. Older individuals are more vulnerable for many reasons, including their overall susceptibility to infections due to a weakened immune system. Elderly men and women also experience a weakening of the muscles of the bladder and pelvic floor, which can lead to increased urine retention (incomplete emptying of the bladder) and incontinence. These things all contribute to infection.
Typical Symptoms of UTIs are as follows: Frequent or urgent need to urinate; pain or burning during urination; urine that appears cloudy or dark; bloody urine; strong or foul-smelling urine; feelings of pressure in the lower pelvis; low-grade fever; night sweats, shaking or chills.
Lesser-Known UTI Symptoms in Seniors
Older individuals with UTIs may not exhibit any of the hallmark signs listed above because their immune systems are unable to mount a significant response to the infection. On top of the lack of noticeable symptoms, many seniors cannot express their discomfort to their caregivers.
Since aging adults’ bodies respond differently to infection, it is important to look for different signs and symptoms. One symptom of UTIs in the elderly is often mistaken for the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's disease, according to National Institutes of Health (NIH). Indicators of infection in seniors include the following: confusion or delirium; agitation; hallucinations; poor motor skills or loss of coordination; dizziness; falling; and other atypical behavior.
These are often the only symptoms that present in the elderly, so it is crucial to keep an eye out for these sudden changes in behavior and mental state.
Diagnosis & Treatment
In most cases, diagnosing and treating an elderly urinary tract infection is relatively straightforward: a simple urinalysis can confirm the infection's presence and, for someone in good health, antibiotics are the first choice of treatment. UTIs often clear up in only a few days. But depending on the age and health of the patient—and the severity of the infection—the course of treatment can take weeks and perhaps involve hospitalization for the administration of intravenous antibiotics.
Risk Factors & Prevention
Older adults at greater risk for getting a UTI include those who require a catheter in the urethra and bladder; those who are diabetic; anyone with kidney stones; and women who've gone through menopause. After menopause, women produce less estrogen, which helps protect against UTIs. About 20 percent of women who've had a UTI will experience a second one, and 30 percent of those women will get third.
Steps to take to reduce the risk of UTIs:
  • Drink plenty of fluids (older adults should drink four to six 8-ounce glasses of water a day).
  • Drink cranberry juice (without added sugar) or D-Mannose tablets (which is the glucose-like compound in cranberry juice that help reduce the occurrence of UTIs).
  • Avoid or at least limit caffeine and alcohol intake, which irritates the bladder.
  • Do not douche or use other feminine hygiene products.
  • Always wipe from front to back (for women).
  • Wear breathable cotton underwear and change them at least once a day.
  • Take showers instead of baths.
By Caren Parnes
Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

Joke of the Month

Did you hear about the carrot that outran the bunny rabbit?
He lived to tell the kale!

Comforts of Home - Care
P: 204.949.3234 | F: 204.949.9049 | E: info@cohcinc.com | W: ComfortsOfHomeCare.ca
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