Take part in July retreats online from your favorite place.
Take part in July retreats online from your favorite place.
Join Staff and Friends
For a day of trail maintenance, tomorrow, Friday, June 23.  Contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org if you can take part in a day of maintaining the much-loved Center trails. Bring clippers, loppers, insect repellent and a hearty appetite for the vegetarian lunch provided by the Center kitchen. Rain date is Saturday, June 24. 
Upcoming events are described below. See the Calendar for events remaining this year, keeping in mind that changes may take place as online access continues to evolve. Also bear in mind that in-person events tend to fill early. It's wise to register well in advance to ensure a place. 

July 1-8 Retreat with Richard Witteman

In-person and Online

The retreat with Richard is full for in-person participants except for the studio apartment. Please email reception at info@springwatercenter.org if you would like to reserve the studio, or be put on the wait list for a standard guest room. Additionally, you may register to attend this retreat online, using the green button below. 
Richard will give talks, meet privately with both in-person and online attendees, and take part in dialogue meetings with the in-person group and the online group. 
Some words from Richard:
In the stillness of sitting, of being with all that is here, I experience a rediscovery of the simple wonder and curiosity that children know so well. In this quieting down, there is a feeling of connection, of kindness with everythingincluding bodily sensations and feelings. . . the unruly arising of thoughts and emotions. . . the presence of people and relationships, of animals and trees and houses. . . the whole dynamic dance of life. There is a rediscovery of what is. A rediscovery of the miracle of spacious awareness. This spaciousness of being that is our nature.
This silent wonder and openness is not something I do, it’s not a state of mind, nor something willed. Awareness simply is.
Register for Retreat Online with Richard Witteman

July 14-18 Online  Retreat with Les Schaffer

Online Only
In Les' July retreat we will focus on sittings and individual meetings. Participants are asked to attend at least one meeting early in the retreat. Les also gives a talk each day that integrates the practice of sitting with a sense of the exchanges that take place in meetings that are relevant to the group. In this way we can gather together our individual and collective interests, yearnings, aspirations, and energies into the meditative work that is our life.

Les has been meditating since 1973 and involved with the Center since its inception in 1981. He was encouraged by Toni Packer to work with people. He has led retreats at the Center and online.
Register for Retreat Online with Les Schaffer

July 21-25 Retreat with Susan Schepp

In person and Online

This retreat with Susan is full for in-person attendance. Please contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org to be placed on the wait list. Use the button below to register for online attendance. 
This retreat will have a daily talk, opportunities for private meetings, online group dialogue, and in-person group dialogue. 
In her article "Sitting in Silence," Susan writes: What is it to come to a silent retreat where we are essentially alone with ourselves and at the same time sharing the space with others? It is a rather unique experience to be with oneself and others without the usual interactions and surface conversations.  It is an opportunity to get in touch with our innermost feelings and to sense the presence of a deeper energy that connects us all.  And in this space of silence, there can be a sense that there is no longer the feeling of division, and self and other disappear.
Read the full article here
Please note that due to health issues, Susan may not be able to take part in everything scheduled for this retreat. If this is the case, Wayne Coger will fill in for her. 
Register for Retreat Online with Susan Schepp

Online Offerings

Online events offer new possibilities for entering into meditation and dialogue with others. The schedule changes from time to time; please see the online offerings calendar as well as the Calendar of Events for the current schedule of online sittings, Saturday Programs and online retreats.
Online events are hosted in the Center's usual Zoom room. Contact reception at info@springwatercenter.org if you need the invite link to access the room.  
There are opportunities to sit, hear a talk and dialogue with others at afternoon Saturday Programs. The next Saturday Program will be June 24 beginning at 1:30 p.m., with a sitting, followed by a recorded talk by Toni Packer, the Center's founder, and group dialogue. Topics explored in the recording include: What is silence? What is awareness? Is there a difference between the two?
Access talks by Toni Packer and other teachers on the Center's YouTube Channel
These online events are available at no cost, while donations are always appreciated to sustain the work of the Center.  Auto-debit options are also now available for your convenience.
Donate, Support Online Offerings, Become a Member

Staff Update

Stacey McQuade is moving on from staff to start a counseling practice. We wish her well with her new endeavor and thank her heartily for the talent and enthusiasm she brought to the position of reception and many computer-related applications as well. Margaret Spencer will temporarily fill in as receptionist. 

COVID Updates

The COVID policy has been updated and may change again during the summer. Scroll down the home page of the website to read the policy. We make every effort to keep our website up to date with the most current information and requirements. If a change occurs for an event you are registered for, we will notify you as soon as possible.
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