MAZON | A Jewish Response to Hunger
August 31, 2017
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs)
Charitable Gift Annuities are an easy way to support your philanthropic interests while also ensuring a secure fixed income stream as you age. In exchange for your gift of cash or appreciated securities, you receive a fixed income for life. You also benefit from an immediate charitable income tax deduction and a significant portion of the annuity payments is tax-free.
The process is relatively simple: Donors set up a CGA with their local Jewish community foundation or local community foundation, naming MAZON as the remainder beneficiary of the annuity. The community foundation makes fixed payments to the donor (or a designated beneficiary) for life. Upon the donor's passing, the remainder of the annuity is distributed in a one-time payment to MAZON.
Please check with your local Jewish community foundation for specific terms for Charitable Gift Annuities.
MAZON recently partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego to establish a charitable gift annuity for long-term MAZON donors, Meyer and Claire Yourman. Meyer shared with me his motivation for this life income gift, "We want to help alleviate hunger and are grateful that you (MAZON) are committed to this goal."
If you have already named MAZON as the remainder beneficiary of a Charitable Gift Annuity, please let us know. We would like to recognize you as a member of the MAZON Legacy Society.
MAZON Advocacy Project (MAP)
MAZON on Vimeo
Throughout its 32-year history, MAZON has built strong partnerships with synagogues across the country. The MAZON Advocacy Project (MAP) leverages those relationships and engages congregants and synagogue leaders on the forefront of fighting hunger by providing meaningful opportunities to tackle hunger in America at the state and local levels. With the threat of devastating cuts and changes to the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), it has become evident that a state-based approach to social justice is more important than ever.
MAP employs a community organizing approach to address hunger within a state. There are MAP programs in Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and additional locations are planned. Activities generally remain the same from state to state, however the issues and solutions are different.
Outcomes to date include 150 synagogues in 15 states and more than 30,000 congregants engaged since 2012. MAP has improved the lives of over 5 million Americans by expanding their access to nutritious food, including improved food access for 30,000 seniors in Maryland; increased SNAP enrollment for 50,000 people in Massachusetts; and 62,500 additional children now receive a free lunch at school in Minnesota. In Texas, we created universal school breakfast for 4 million children; in California, MAZON assisted one million young adults and veterans in accessing food benefits; and in Pennsylvania, the expanded food purchasing budget helped 800,000 people.
The MAZON Advocacy Project is building a Jewish constituency committed to social justice and working to end hunger throughout the U.S.
We hope you are enjoying the revamped MAZON Legacy e-Newsletter. Our goal is to provide simple yet focused information on how gift planning options can help you fulfill your philanthropic goals. We also want to share current information and stories about the work that MAZON is doing to end hunger. I hope you find this information helpful!
Please contact me if you have questions or feedback:
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Amy Smith
Planned Giving
Amy Smith | (424) 208-7226 | 
MAZON | A Jewish Response To Hunger
10850 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(800) 813-0557 |
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