Alternative Christmas Gift Market is now open...
Alternative Christmas Gift Market is now open...
Mission Opportunities

December 15, 22

The Alternative Christmas Gift Market offers a different way to give gifts to friends and family while also giving to those in need. Nineteen non-profit agencies and WPC missions have provided “shopping lists” that offer gifts to enhance the quality and faith-based nature of gift-giving this holiday season. You can “purchase” gifts from the participating groups in honor of family members and friends.

Below are three of the mission organizations Westminster works closely with. To purchase a gift and learn about the other organizations in the market, please click the button below.
Alternative Christmas

Equal Chance for Education

Equal Chance for Education was founded on January 15, 2014 as a Tennessee Nonprofit organization by Michael Spalding M. D. after he saw a personal friend denied the opportunity for higher education because of her legal status. Melissa has lived in Nashville since she was 8 months old and successfully completed high school with outstanding academic records. After talking with her family about her situation, Dr. Spalding went to Nashville State, the local community college, to offer to pay for her first-year tuition. Upon telling the admissions counselor her name the tuition immediately jumped from $7000 for 2 years to $ 28,000. Upon researching further, Dr. Spalding realized that Melissa didn’t qualify for any sort of financial aid or student loans. She was denied in-state tuition to Tennessee universities and colleges even though Tennessee is the only home she has ever known.
A Place of Hope
Project Canaan is Heart for Africa’s 2,500 acre large-scale land development project being used to bring HOPE to the tiny Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) by focusing on four key areas: Hunger, Orphans, Poverty and Education. It will provide training and employment, while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation.

Oasis Center

Oasis Center is a nationally recognized organization on a mission to help young people in Middle Tennessee move into happy, healthy, and productive adulthood. Every year, we engage more than 3,500 youth and families across a broad spectrum of programs and services designed to help them reach their full potential.
A Special Evening of Music and Art
Top reasons you need to show up on Tuesday night, Dec. 10 at 6:00 p.m. 
1. You’re probably too stressed!
2. The lights, music, art, and great coee will brighten your mood.
3. You’ll hear original music from 7 Nashville songwriters.
4. See the oil painting artwork of our many Joy in Learning artists. 
5. Sing a few traditional carols will give God glory and make you feel younger.
6. You’ll be with friends and won’t be staring into a screen.
7. You’ll be inspired!
8. You have nice hair.
9. You may hear more compliments.
10. Tickets are at the door for only $10. 

Click the button below to register for this special event.
A Special Evening of Music and Art

December 11, 17
Salvation Army Bell Ringers
12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Green Hills Kroger

History of the Red Kettle
In 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joseph McFee was distraught because so many poor individuals in San Francisco were going hungry. During the holiday season, he resolved to provide a free Christmas dinner for the destitute and poverty-stricken. He only had one major hurdle to overcome -- funding the project.
Where would the money come from, he wondered. He lay awake nights, worrying, thinking, praying about how he could find the funds to fulfill his commitment of feeding 1,000 of the city's poorest individuals on Christmas Day. As he pondered the issue, his thoughts drifted back to his sailor days in Liverpool, England. He remembered how at Stage Landing, where the boats came in, there was a large, iron kettle called "Simpson's Pot" into which passers-by tossed a coin or two to help the poor.

The next day Captain McFee placed a similar pot at the Oakland Ferry Landing at the foot of Market Street. Beside the pot, he placed a sign that read, "Keep the Pot Boiling." He soon had the money to see that the needy people were properly fed at Christmas.

Register to Ring

RSVP with Sherri Givens if you would like to stay for lunch. Cost $10.

Third - Fifth Grade Math Tutors Needed at Cockrill Elementary School
Math tutors are needed to help third - fifth graders starting in January. Training is provided. A background check is required.
Please contact Jennifer Anderson for details. 

January 7-February 25
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
$50 per person

Limit: 8 participants

From hand-building to
glazing, create your
own pottery items with
the help of our fabulous
pottery team. Items are
microwavable, oven-safe, and dishwasher-safe.

Click here to register.
Songwriting Class
Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4
10:00 a.m. - Noon

No fee

The Craft of a Nashville
Songwriter: This is a four-week
introduction led by Steve
February 5, 12, 19, 26
4:00-5:30 p.m.

Limit 24 children

Each group will attend
two weeks of pottery and
two weeks of recreation
in the gym! Classes are
for K through 4th graders,
church members and
community friends.
Grandparents, bring your

Click here to register.
Please click here for the latest in Joy in Learning news and class schedules.
Generosity 2025 Pledge
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