MUDEC Méinden Spring 2022 #1
MUDEC Méinden Spring 2022 #1
Miami UniversityJohn E. Dolibois European Center logo
MUDEC Méinden-Bi-weekly news from the MUDEC community for the MUDEC community-#lifelongMUDEC

Spring 2022 #1

February 14, 2022

Editor's Note: We have made a few changes to the format of our newsletter this semester. Corbett Haase, our student intern, will be contributing in-depth articles (with plenty of photos!) to give you a glimpse of her life at MUDEC. To this end, we will begin publishing every other week. We invite you to follow Corbett's MUDEC semester!

First Impressions

by Corbett Haase, MUDEC newsletter intern
Corbett Haase
Hello! Welcome to the Miami University John E. Dolibois European Center’s Spring 2022 newsletter!
My name is Corbett Haase. I'm a third year history and journalism double major, and I’m the intern for MUDEC’s newsletter this semester! I’m from a smaller city in Colorado called Golden, located about 30 minutes west of Denver.
In this first piece, I hope to share a few initial impressions of life in Europe and my thoughts on day-to-day happenings at the Château! I am beyond excited to see where this European adventure takes me, and cannot wait to walk you readers through life here in Luxembourg!
On my plane ride into Luxembourg, I couldn’t comprehend what I had gotten myself into; my mind short-circuited every time I tried to grasp what I would be doing this semester. It wasn’t until I dropped my stuff off in the bedroom that my host family provided for me that I finally processed that I was in Europe, and there was no turning back.
Welcome sign and flowers at the flagpole in front of the chateau
Orientation was filled with information and activities set in place to get us as comfortable with European life as possible in the first few days after our arrival. After several presentations on how to navigate public transportation, the culture of Luxembourg and Europe as a whole, and a few tours of some of Luxembourg’s historical sites and its capital city, I felt I had a steady grasp on the way I would be living for the next few months.
A new Luxembourg campus course requirement is LUX 101, designed to give us a profound understanding of how to engage with different cultures across the world, and guide us along our time in Europe.
This class has mapped out how to have a successful study abroad experience, as we are completing different ‘European Experiences’ (museums, concerts, guided tours, etc.) These experiences will essentially guarantee that we have the most enriching experience abroad possible.
The chateau Touring Lux City Metz Cathedral
Left to Right: The MUDEC Château; my orientation group wandering around Lux City; Metz Cathedral (Cathedral of Saint-Etienne, Metz)
There is also a language component to this course: we all take an hour of French, Luxembourgish, and German within the first few weeks of class. Personally, this came in handy for me, as I traveled to France and Germany within a week of taking my French and German crash courses. Although I had not taken French since high school, it was exciting to see that my comprehension of the language was still adequate to get me through my first trip to France, and I was appreciative of the introduction to German and Luxembourgish.
Corbett wears a black face mask at the bus stop
It was surprising to see how quickly I gained confidence; within moments of arriving at the Château, finding my first few friends, and moving into my host family’s home, I found this new conviction I didn’t expect myself to have so quickly.
The first few times I tried to use it, public transportation baffled me. I had no idea which stops were mine, and I had no idea where to go after I got off the bus. But after a few days, I developed a reliable map of the route in my head, and completely gave up using Google Maps to navigate my daily commute.
Chateau de Vianden
That first weekend, a group of my friends and I took a day trip to Vianden Castle (at right) in Northern Luxembourg. Although we traveled by bus, this still taught me valuable lessons regarding bus connections and how to map out a trip.
My first two ‘out of the country’ trips were a bit more stressful to plan, as they were both by train. But as soon as I was in the station and on the train, I realized how simple traveling can really be, as long as you keep your head screwed on. I think my regional travels have assuaged most of the anxiety I had surrounding travel; I learned how to schedule train rides, plan activities, and get back home with no hitches.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past couple of weeks that I have been here, it’s that the sooner I can get train seats reserved, lodging arrangements booked, and an idea of our weekend plans mapped out, the less chaotic life will be as the trip approaches.
From what I have noticed, the time seems to go by very quickly here. Maybe my friends are just chaoticor I am just constantly busybut I already feel as comfortable as if I’d spent five years of my life here.
I can’t wait to see how I grow as time progresses; I hope you join me on this journey!

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