Weekly Update
Week of Jan 27

2020 Legislative Health Fair

The start of the new year means a fresh calendar full of events and neat ways for you to get involved! The Charitable Healthcare Network will be holding our annual Legislative Health Fair at the Ohio Statehouse Atrium on Wednesday, February 19th from 11am-2pm. CHN members are encouraged to set up a table at the Atrium and provide simple health screenings to Legislators and their staff while discussing with them about the work charitable health care organizations are doing in their districts and across Ohio. Make your voice heard and join us for this unique legislative advocacy event! Register by February 12th for free lunch and parking at the event. Please direct questions to Katie via email or at 614-869-3413.

Legislative Health Fair 
Ohio Statehouse Atrium 
Wednesday Feb. 19th 

Legislative Heatlh Fair Registration


2020 Legislative Health Fair

Wed, Feb 19th

Ohio Statehouse Atrium
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

2020 Safety-Net Symposium

April 3-4, 2020

Crown Plaza - 33 E Nationwide Blvd, Columbus, OH 43215 

Register with the 

Ohio Department of Health

Free and Charitable Clinics are required to register with the Ohio Department of Health annually. There are two forms - both are required by Jan 31, 2020:

1. Volunteer Staff Report
2. Clinic Registration 

These reports are due by January 31st and must be completed and mailed to ODH at 246 N. High Street; PO Box 118, Columbus, Ohio 43216-0118 OR Fax to (614) 564-2422.
Also - Make sure you are up to date with the Ohio Attorney General  and the Ohio Secretary Of State
Contact Deb at dmiller@charitableheatlh.org with any questions

Speaker Request for Proposals Available - Speak at our Saftey-Net Symposium!

We are seeking speakers for our 3rd annual Safety-Net Symposium. The Saftey-Net Symposium is a two day annual conference specifically designed for the providers of charitable health care. We are looking for presentations that will improve knowledge, enhance skills and highlight successful programs and practices. Submission topics can be in any area related to the operations of a charitable organization, best practices of providing care for the vulnerable, or the future of the health care system in Ohio. 
While we strongly encourage free clinic professionals and volunteers to submit a proposal for a presentation, we also encourage you to forward this opportunity to others who you believe would be excellent speakers for our conference - please share this RFP!

RFPs are Due to the CHN by Friday February 7th 

Click Here for the 2020 Saftey-Net Sypmposium Speaker RFP
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