Welcome back students, and to the Class of 2023, welcome to Williams!
We hope you all had amazing summer adventures and your first week of classes went well. Congratulations to the 180 students who received summer funding to pursue unpaid internships all around the world. (Did you know that almost 90% of Williams students have participated in at least one internship over their four years?) You are not going to believe the many fall opportunities we have lined up for you to explore your future. See below for a sampling. Be sure to stop by Mears House for Quick Questions (M - F, 1 - 4 pm) or make an appointment on Handshake to meet with an advisor. We are here every step of the way!
- Don Kjelleren, Director
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Catch up on the latest at the '68 Center!
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2019 Alumni Sponsored Internship Program (ASIP)
Congratulations to the 180 summer interns who were awarded funding through the '68 Center for Career Exploration's Alumni Sponsored Internship Program! Williams students interned throughout the United States and in 14 countries.
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(Photos above from ASIP interns: Ariana Altieri '21, Dario Herrera '22, Zachary Fatihi '22, Daiana Takashima '20, Claire Shao '22, Gabby
Martin '21, Lilliana Wells '22, Masen Boucher '20, and Charles Xu '21)
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Mark your calendars, Ephs! The Fall Job & Internship Fair is right around the corner... Friday, September 27th.
The Fall Job & Internship Fair is a great opportunity for you to connect with alumni and recruiters from various industries that are looking for candidates like you! Come to learn about full-time, internship and fellowship opportunities. Explore various fields and gather information to help you make career decisions in the future.
See which employers are coming here! Please keep in mind that the list is growing and new employers will be registering daily. We hope to see you there!
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EphLink, EphLink! Read all about it!
After one year, EphLink has grown into a powerful network for all students and alumni to utilize. Over 8,000 messages have been sent between 2,000+ Alumni and 1,200+ Students. This fall, we are excited to announce some new features on the platform:
- Industry Groups: Student and Alumni are now able to join industry-specific groups on the platform within the 'Groups' tab.
- Alumni to Alumni Mentoring: Launching TODAY to all alumni!
- Job Board for Alumni: All alumni can now search for, share or refer experienced-level jobs.
Not registered yet? Sign up here today!
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(Photo above: EphLink Industry Groups)
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Real World Ready (RWR) News
RWR just launched its new user experience where students can watch individual modules! The different videos offered will walk you through the major decisions you’ll experience in life after Williams (in a way you can actually understand). Sign up (if you haven't already) and check out the new modules here today. RWR is offered to all four class years!
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Student Employment Walk-In Hours
Have questions about campus jobs? How about tax forms, direct deposit, or paychecks? Need to get that I-9 completed? Student Employment Manager, Janine Burt, will be in Mears House on Tuesday's from 1 - 2 pm, now through November 19th, to answer your questions. No appointment needed. All students are welcome!
If you can't make it to the walk-in hours in Mears House, Janine will also be hosting hours as follows: Monday's from 12 - 1 pm and Wednesday's from 4 - 5 pm in the HR Office and Thursday's from 11:30 am - 1 pm in Paresky.
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Class of '71 Presidential Forum Distinguished Attorney Career Lunch Panel
Fri, 09/13/19, 12:00 pm
Faculty Club Lounge
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Class of '71 Healthcare Panel: The Journey from Williams to Careers Spanning Radiology, Ophthalmology, and Urology
Fri, 09/13/19, 12:00 pm
TCL 123 Wege Auditorium
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How'd You Get There Panel with a Focus on Careers in Education
Fri, 09/13/19, 12:00 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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Suit YourSelf Measurement Workshops
Friday, 9/13/19, 12 - 3 pm Mears House, Lower Conf
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Friday, 9/13/19, 5 - 7 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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Columbia Law School Visit
Tues, 9/17/19, 5:00 pm
Paresky Center, Room 220
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Prepare for the Job & Internship Fair Workshops
Tues, 9/17/19, 4:00 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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Thurs, 9/19/19, 8:00 pm Griffin Hall, Room 6
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Mon, 9/23/19, 12:00 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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Weds, 9/25/19, 12:00 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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How'd You Get There? With Allen Pope, PhD, Executive Secretary for the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
Thurs, 9/26/19, 5:00 pm
Mears House, Lewis Room
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Careers with Social Impact
Walk-In Hours at The Davis Center with our CSI advisor, Anthony Pernell-McGee
Every Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, meet with Anthony for quick questions in The Davis Center. All sessions are 15 minutes, no appointment needed!
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