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dB Control October 2020 Newsletter

Need Field-Worthy EW Systems? Let Radar Simulation Systems Help.
Defense and security operations start at the engineers’ desk. And in the case of electronic warfare (EW) engineers, these talented professionals design systems that protect the lives of military personnel. Once the design is complete, it must be tested for effectiveness. Enter radar simulation systems – specifically, RF sources and receivers

These simulation systems must meet meticulous standards to prove the field worthiness of the larger EW system. For instance, transmitter frequency set-on time needs to be fast (around one microsecond) and the frequency needs to be stable (within one millisecond). Likewise, receivers must measure within 100 nanoseconds at an accuracy of one megahertz. Those specs are just the tip of the iceberg. While radar simulation systems can be built in-house, it’s easy to underestimate the complexity of these designs, not to mention the significant investment in test personnel and equipment. Fortunately, there’s an alternative solution. dB Control VP of Engineering Marcelo Ramos offers some valuable insight in his latest article
Read the article to learn more about technical demands, capability & cost.
Need something custom? Send us your specs.
Featured Product: dB-3205 Q-Band MPM
Read the dB-3205 MPM datasheet.
Escape Enemy Threats at 65,000+ ft. Above Sea Level

At 65,000+ feet above sea level, military pilots need to be protected from incoming threats. Towed decoys help them do that. These impressive pieces of equipment are towed behind an aircraft and are designed to mimic a target. The towed decoy diverts incoming ballistics away from the actual aircraft. This ultimately increases pilot survivability rates. One integral part of the towed decoy system? Its power supply. That’s where dB Control comes in. In fact, a major defense integrator recently called on us to design and manufacture a custom towed decoy power supply.

Read the blog for details.
Contact us about customization.
$12M+ in New Contracts
During COVID-19, dB Control has operated at full capacity as an essential business. In fact, customers continue to receive our reliable products throughout the pandemic. Here are a few of the new contracts from this year:
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