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Letter from the KCMS President
By Rajneet S. Lamba, MD
Thank you to all of our members! This is my last newsletter as Board President of King County Medical Society. It has been a privilege to serve our physicians and community during a time of unprecedented change and challenge in healthcare.
I look forward to continued work on our executive council with incoming
- President, Michelle Terry, MD,
- Vice President, Daniel Low, MD,
- Secretary-Treasurer, Mark Levy, MD,
- Our unflappable CEO, Nancy Belcher Ph.D., and
- With great support from our Senior Program Manager, Salem Adisu.
I have learned so much from working with our EC, Board, our past President Teresa Girolami, MD, and all of our members.
As I reflect on 2020-2021 Here Are Some Highlights about KCMS, Seattle's oldest and most trusted professional physician organization est. in 1888. KCMS
- Offers access to a network of multidisciplinary physicians dedicated to the highest standards of care,
- Possesses a highly engaged Board of Trustees and active committees to improve the health of our patients and community,
- Provided free CME opportunities with recent offerings of:
* Lead Poisoning Prevention and Housing
* Firearm Safety
* Racism in Medicine
* Opiate Regulations and Suboxone Training
- Opposes exclusionary gatekeeping norms and practices ensconced in King County's medical community that limit opportunities for qualified immigrants, physicians of color, women, individuals identifying as LGBTQ+, and those requiring accommodations related to physical or mental health. We acknowledge the harm that our communities and patients experience from these practices.
- Raised $500k in funds/equipment for PPE and Telehealth equipment to support those continuing to see patients during the pandemic through the KCMS Community Foundation.
- Supports medical students and physicians who are underrepresented in medicine in the United States and our region. The URiM Scholarship has reached $100K in donations and will begin disbursements this summer.
- Spearheaded Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution. KCMS served as Phase Finder for the WA DOH vaccinations in King County. KCMS oversaw the equitable distribution of 10,000s of Vaccines to independent physicians and their staff during phase 1a and then to the broader community in the following stages.
- Provided critical messaging for members throughout the pandemic.
- Maintained and amplified local voices at the WSMA Annual House of Delegates (HOD) to support the diversity of thought in our state's policy-setting commission by opposing exclusionary bylaws changes.
- Continues to push for a more inclusive HOD with virtual access for those with barriers due to cost, ability, clinical demands, family or community needs, etc.
- Hired KCMS's first lobbyist to support relationships in Olympia and support the needs of King County physicians and patients. Thank you, James Paribello!
- Passed coroner reform legislation that:
* Increases training requirements
* Prevents prosecuting attorneys from being de facto coroners in small counties
* Shined a light on the need to increase transparency, equity, and scientific reasoning in the death investigation process.
- Supported our solvency by attracting new tenants to the KCMS owned property, increased membership, and received grants to support our organization.
- Collaborated with local stakeholders including PHSKC, Virginia Mason, Proliance Surgeons, UW Medicine, Harborview Injury and Prevention and Research Center, other hospitals and health systems, independent physicians and practices, minority health boards, Microsoft, Expedia, WPSR, WSMA, Specialty and County medical societies, and a multitude of other non-profits.
- Lifted physician voices by publishing in and collaborating with The Seattle Times, Crosscut, South Seattle Emerald, KXNX, Kiro Radio's The Ursula and Gee Show, The Washington Post, Converge Media and so many more.
- Created an inclusive community for physicians to bring diverse perspectives to share and reflect on to better the health of King County communities.
Thank you all for writing in with your comments. This is by no means a goodbye.
Here's to a wonderful New Year.
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Best Method to Spread Awareness About Methods of Firearm Injury Prevention?Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center has created an interactive toolkit that details three interventions to protect yourself and your loved ones from firearm injury or suicide.
We want to share this information with medical professionals to help inform their patients about these specific safety strategies.
But we need your helpIn your opinion, what is the best way to share this information with physicians and their staff?
Please click the button below to take our survey and let us know.
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KCMS Community Foundation Scholarship!
KCMS Community Foundation (KCMS-CF) acknowledges the historical and enduring effects of racism against Black and Indigenous people and other People of Color.
KCMS - CF recognizes the unique structural challenges those Under-Represented in Medicine (URiM) face during medical training and throughout their careers and believes that diversity and inclusion in medicine remain critical to improving health care for all.
If you are looking to make a donation before the end of 2021, please consider donating to the KCMS URiM Scholarship.
The KCMS Community Foundation is a 501 (c ) 3 and can provide you with a formal acknowledgment letter for any donation of more than $250.
Support the URiM Scholars Award and help fulfill our commitment to cultivating a diverse and culturally competent workforce by ensuring access to medical education for students from underrepresented minority groups. By donating, you can help enhance the quality of patient care, and bring greater diversity to physician education and the healthcare industry.
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Drive a Little, Save a LIFE!
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National LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program
The AMA Foundation has opened the second cycle of the National LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program with an open call for Letters of Intent (LOI). Click here to apply.
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Eric Eisen, MD
Dr. Eisen was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He attended undergraduate at George Washington University and medical school at the University of Oklahoma before moving to New England to complete his Otolaryngology residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. In his spare time, he enjoys golf, skiing, and hiking around Washington.
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Jasmine Abraham, MD
Jasmine Abraham, MD, is a Family Medicine resident at Swedish First Hill. She graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School. She is passionate about creating sustainable pathways towards healthier communities by working with the strengths and assets that communities already have. Her interests are broad and include reproductive health, LGBTIQ health, community health, addiction medicine, behavioral health, hospital medicine, and sports medicine. She was recently accepted as an RHEDI scholar, allowing her to expand her experiences in sexual and reproductive health. After graduating she hopes to pursue hospital medicine and sports medicine.
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Are you a physician on the move?Let us know what you are up to! We'd love to share your news.
Email Salem Adisu at: sadisu@kcmsociety.org.
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