Library Updates: July 2019
We are excited to announce library updates for the Alder Community! We’ll include library resources as well as other interesting gems periodically!
Current Library Databases
SAGE eJournal Collection
In addition to research articles, SAGE also provides important readings in the field of education for professional development learning.
New ebooks are added on OverDrive. Selected course books and test prep materials for CSET and CBEST are available on OverDrive as well.
Studying for CSET, CBEST or RICA? Check out Mometrix database to get test prep materials and sample questions on these exams all online. Note: You must be online to access the materials. The database does not allow users to download or save these files.
From the U.S. Department of Education, Educational Resource Information Center, ERIC provides 1.5 million records of journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides. When searching, please be sure to click on “Full text available on ERIC.”
To access these databases, visit
If there are resources that are not included in the databases above, please contact us and we can consider adding them into the collection. All Alder residents should have received an email regarding username/password access to these databases below. If you have not received them, please contact the librarian Ray Pun at (
Fun Reads 
Joy Harjo Becomes The First Native American U.S. Poet Laureate, from NPR

“Poet, writer and musician Joy Harjo — a member of the Muscogee Creek Nation — often draws on Native American stories, languages and myths. But she says that she's not self-consciously trying to bring that material into her work. If anything, it's the other way around.”
Writing Resources
  • Need a quick refresher in utilizing research and writing support? Our short video will introduce you to available resources. 
Free Learning Resources and Activities

Media Literacy Educator Certification
by KQED and PBS “offer media literacy micro-credential for free via Digital Promise platform. Teachers, ToSAs, coaches and librarians are encouraged to apply.”

21 Free Resources for Teaching Social Justice in the Classroom
provides various ideas, tools and resources to integrate social justice frames and practices into your lesson plans and curriculum.
About the Librarian:
Ray Pun

I am glad to have met all of you in-person in July! I’ve been a librarian for over 10 years now and I am also a graduate student like you! My doctoral research focuses on using critical race theory to explore ethnic communities’ experiences under the digital divide in Central Valley California. 

As your librarian, I am happy to support your research and writing needs! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. We can zoom, chat on the phone or correspond via email. Best of luck for this year!
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