Say yes to the Alumni Challenge before June 30th!
Double the Impact of Your Donation
Dear Alumni,

The deadline is fast approaching for The Schulich $5 Million Alumni Challenge.
As you know, our longtime benefactor, Seymour Schulich OC, has issued a $5 million match challenge to all of you to support the School’s future growth and innovation. His Foundation will match your gift to Schulich’s new Graduate Study and Research Building dollar-for-dollar up to $5 million.  
There’s never been a better time to invest in the future of your School. Over 60% of the $5 million has already been received from more than 400 generous alumni across the globe. We need your help to reach our $5 million goal before the Challenge deadline of June 30th, 2017.
All alumni who participate in the Schulich Alumni Challenge will be recognized on a permanent plaque that will be displayed inside the Graduate Study and Research Building.
Be a part of it.  Accept the Challenge.  Every gift counts.

Thank You Schulich Alumni Volunteers for a Great Year!
This past year the School saw more than 600 alumni volunteers participate in our alumni engagement efforts. To all of our alumni volunteers around the world, thank you for your leadership as alumni association executives, as case judges, mentors, event organizers, speakers, offering career advice, coordinating your class reunion and so much more. We are proud of your involvement in growing the Schulich Global Alumni Network. Thank you also to our faculty - our trusted advisors, our colleagues in Student Services, CDC and to our future alumni, our students for your collaboration. Pictured above are some of our dedicated alumni volunteers at a special thank you reception held on May 18th. Click here for more photos from the event.

Upcoming Events

Jack Astor's
133 John Street
Belgian Beer Cafe | NoMad
220 Fifth Avenue (at 26th Street)
Jack Darling Memorial Park
1180 Lakeshore West
Exclusive for EMBA 
November 2, 2017 – Save the date!
Location TBA
For more information on events: 

Alumni Spotlight

Master's Level Class of 2017 give back to Schulich! 
Frank Paul and Puneet Singh
Frank and Puneet
“I believe it is important as a graduating student and soon-to-be alumni that we give both our time and resources with the goal of improving the experience and quality of life for those students who follow in our footsteps”, says GBC President Frank Paul (MBA/MFA '17).
And leading by example, Frank and Puneet Singh (IMBA '17), GBC Director of Community & Alumni Relations have spearheaded the Master's Level Class of 2017 Class Gift Campaign with a matching gift opportunity to champion student well-being. Click here to find out more about the 2017 Master's Level Graduating Class Gift Campaign.

Alumni Community Updates

GBAN Announcement
The Centre for Global Enterprise is pleased to announce the successful launch of the Global Business Access Network (GBAN), a pilot project of select Schulich alumni who have agreed to coach Canadian entrepreneurs and business executives with global ambitions for their companies. The initial cohort of GBAN coaches provides coverage of 110 countries across a wide range of industries and skill areas.
GBAN is also happy to announce that our first matching exercise is complete: two coaches are currently assisting an Ontario-based assembler and exporter of solar battery-powered equipment to make headway in distributing their products to a wholesaler in East and West Africa.
If you are interested in sharing your expertise, ideas, and skills in conducting business in other parts of the world and wish to be considered for GBAN membership, please contact us at

Schulich Highlights

Alan Middleton (MBA ’77, PhD ’97), Stacey Mowbray (MBA ‘88), and Dean Dezsö J. Horváth
Alumni at CONNECT '17
David Bell, Pamela Laycock (MBA ’89), James Alofs (IMBA '10),  Dean Dezsö J. Horváth, Paul Alofs (MBA ’83), Aloma Gravel, Bill Graham (MBA ’86), Howard Lichtman (JD ’79, MBA ’82)
CONNECT '17 welcomed hundreds of alumni, faculty, students, and friends back to campus on Saturday, April 29th. It was a remarkable day of Leading Change with professional and personal development sessions. All in attendance enjoyed the opportunities to network and the entertaining activities including the Alumni CONNECTions Chocolate Cafe. Social Media was on fire with Stacey A. Mowbray (MBA '88), President of the Americas, Weight Watchers International, Inc. who started us off with a fireside chat and Paul Alofs (MBA '83), President and CEO, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation who delivered an engaging and thoughtful presentation. Click here for more photos from the event.
Thank you to our CONNECT 2017 sponsors:
Our affiliate sponsor: Moneris, our supporting sponsors: Johnnie Walker, Schulich Executive Education Centre, and our official CONNECT 2017 Travel Partner: Air Canada.

Schulich Women In Business
Women in Business Alumni Panel
Alumni Panel
Thank you to KMPG for hosting Schulich's Women in Business (WIB) networking event on May 23, 2017.  The evening brought together prospective students to dialogue about the opportunities and challenges facing women in business. Keynote Carla Flamer (MBA '85), President, Marketing Canada, Ipsos, shared her professional story and compelling stats about the issues women face and the value and benefit for organizatios when women are part of the executive team. 
Following the keynote, the students appreciated hearing from a panel of Schulich alumnae who shared their insightful expereinces: Panelists included, Ilnaz Elle Ameli (MBAN '16), Chief of Staff, Analytics & Information Management, Technology Consulting, Deloitte, Eva Reddington (IMBA '11), Program Manager, Mitacs, Alisa Trunova (MBA '15), Associate, GLP, RBC and Jordana Warner (MBA '14) Senior Manager, Systems Planning & Strategy, Sinai Health System. Thank you to our moderator, Alexandra Campbell, Associate Professor, Marketing; Director, IMBA Program, and to Marcia Annisette, Executive Director and Associate Dean, SSIR; Director, Master of Accounting Program and Melissa Judd (MBA '02), Assistant Dean, SSIR for delivering the opening and closing remarks. 

Read more about this event.
Click here for a video stream of the event.

Tech Leader Talk: Digital Customer and Employee Experience 
Schulich Technology Alumni presents Tech Leader Talk : Digital Customer and Employee Experience
Panel of Tech Leaders
On May 30, 2017, the Schulich Technology Alumni Tech Leader Talk brought together a unique panel of experts who engaged our alumni in a facinating discussion on digital disruption and what it means to the custumer and employee experience. All appreciated the various perspectives presented. The panel was moderated by Jon Arnold (MBA ‘84), Principal, J Arnold & Associates with panelists, Wayne Cuervo, GM of Toronto Innovation Centre, Cisco Canada, Renee Racine-Kinnear, Head of UX & Digital Product Design, Sears Canada; Former VP Digital Customer Experience, Indigo and Humza Teherany, Chief Innovation Officer, Compass Group.

HIMP Cocktail Reception - Alumni Rejuvenation Event
Alumni from the Health Industry Management Program (HIMP) gathered at Schulich's downtown campus on May 31, 2017 for an evening of networking and the opportunity to hear about the exciting developments and important changes Schulich is introducing to rejuvenate the Program. Special remarks were made by Joseph Mapa, Executive Director, Health Industry Management Program (HIMP); CEO, Sinai Health Foundation.

Arts, Media & Entertainment Management (ARTM) Alumni Dinner
ARTM Alumni Dinner
On May 15th, more than fifty ARTM alumni gathered at the Nadal Management Centre for the annual ARTM alumni dinner. Grads from the past 40 years paid tribute to Joe Green, co-founder and former director of Schulich's MBA Program in Arts, Media and Entertainment Management and former Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at York, who died on February 3, 2017. Joe's role in shaping what is now York's School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design and the MBA Program in Arts, Media and Entertainment Management was foundational. He remained a leader and guide throughout his time at York and beyond.
Joyce Zemans, current ARTM program director, shared stories of Joe and his influence on her career. After hearing from alumni, who shared their stories of Joe and their current career information, Joyce updated everyone on recent program developments and highlighted the impact the newly established Arts and Media Student Experience Fund has had on students this past year. To learn more about this fund, or to participate, please click here

Doors Open - Sneak Peek of the new YU TTC Station
Doors Open
York University was a host site for Doors Open Toronto during the weekend of May 27 to 28. Along with a sneak peek of the new York University TTC station, Torontonians visited the Ontario archives building as well as the Aviva Centre, official host of the Rogers Cup tennis tournament.

Alumni Photos

BBA '92 Class Reunion
BBA '92 Class Reunion
Master of Real Estate and Infrastructure (MERI) in Vancouver with Professor James McKellar and Sherena Hussain (BBA ’08, MBA/JD ’12)
Vancouver Alumni Spring Social
Vancouver Alumni Spring Social

 Alumni in the News 

Schulich Executive Education Centre (SEEC)

(Schulich Alumni receive 10% discount – please call us directly to discuss eligibility and to receive this discount) 

The Masters Certificate in Marketing Communications Leadership
September 27 – December 8, 2017
(Program Duration:  11 days) 

The Schulich Executive Education Centre (SEEC) is proud to offer The Masters Certificate in Marketing Communications Leadership

The Masters Certificate in Marketing Communications Leadership is Canada’s premier university-level marketing communications planning and leadership certificate. World-class industry leaders share with you cutting-edge best practices in four convenient, short learning sessions spanning 11 days over three months, covering 13 key areas of focus and providing you with the advanced marketing tools you need to achieve better ROI and to fully leverage digital and social media channels at your organization.

Please review the program details from the link below and contact us at 416-736-5079 or visit us at if you have any questions.
If two or more participants register together, a multi-registrant discount is available. Please enquire at 416-736-5079.

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