Marking Our Days

I have this odd irrational fear that pops up in the last few days of winter that spring will never come. I love all of the seasons, but by the time March comes I am done with winter, and anxiously wait for the leaves to start appearing on the trees again and for the earth to come back to life. The fear is slow to start in. First it begins just as a yearning for the warmth and joy of spring and summer, but eventually I get impatient. What if it never comes? Not only would this be an ecological disaster, it would also condemn us to live in a world without the vibrant colors that come with warm weather, and the new-found energy I find with the sun on my face.
Fr. Nick

How Can We Keep from Singing?

 “My life flows on in endless song——-
      Through all the tumult and the strife I hear the music ringing.  
      It finds an echo in my soul—
      How can I keep from singing?"
-- from a hymn by Robert Lowry
Singing is the first art.  Before we crawl, before we draw, before we dance, we sing.  We make sounds with pitches—baby sounds.  It may not sound like singing, but it is the beginning of music.  When a mother sings to her baby, the baby learns the organization of sounds into a melody. 
We sing because we have to—it bursts out of us as we break into song without even thinking.   Music is one of the only activities that engages and stimulates the entire brain.  We are true amateurs in the best sense (from the Latin meaning “lover of”).  We sing purely for the love of it.   We want amateurs singing in our choirs and in our congregations.  We want that joy.  Famous 20th century choral conductor Robert Shaw often told his choirs, “Music and sex are too important to leave to the professionals!" We sing—-because we are human.  We sing—-because we are sensitive.  We sing——because we see beauty and because we have life. We sing for love, for joy, for sorrow, for thanksgiving and for hope.
“O sing unto the Lord a new song;
               Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth:
               Make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise."
--  Psalm 98

How can we keep from singing?
Lynn Gardner

Recognition Sunday -- Awards and Picnic

May 20 is "Recognition Sunday"!  Graduates will be celebrated, awards given, the time capsule buried, and we will host a picnic after the 10:30 service.  Sign up to attend or offer assistance by clicking here.

Come to Church!

The Spring UTO ingathering will be on May 13.  Collect coins in your boxes to support this special fund. Men's and Women's Clubs will meet on the 14th of May for dinner.  The men will meet at 5:30 in the undercroft and the women will meet at 3rd Bay Cafe at 6.  On May 19 there will be a women's retreat lead by Martha Bourlakas at Trinity Episcopal Church in Martinsville. The Prayer Shawl Knitters group will meet on May 28, the fourth Monday of the month at 10:30 in the Parish House.  Loaves and Fishes, our free community meal, is offered on the last Wednesday of the month, May 30. Desserts and volunteers are needed.  For a listing of all activities, services and events consult our calendar and website.There are many opportunities to be a part of our growing church family, we hope to see you soon.
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