Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Special Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Update
With the FDA and CDC just this morning calling for an  immediate pause on Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccinations, we want you to know about what we’re doing at Stony Brook University.
In their joint statement, the CDC and FDA reported that as of April 12, more than 6.8 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have been administered in the U.S., and that they are reviewing the occurrence of a rare type of blood clot that developed in six women between the ages of 18 and 48 after receiving the J&J vaccine. The CDC and FDA are each investigating these cases and, “out of an abundance of caution,” they have recommended a pause in the use of this vaccine until they have completed their review.
What We’re Doing and Recommending at SBU
We are fully complying with the pause on J&J vaccines, but still moving forward with our robust vaccination distribution for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Students will shortly be alerted to two new opportunities that will be available within the next few days, and there may be additional opportunities for employees as well, so please watch your email.
We continue to strongly encourage our campus community to be vaccinated as we firmly believe in the significant role this plays in helping to keep us all healthy, protected and well.

If you did recently receive a Johnson & Johnson vaccine, on campus or elsewhere, and have any questions or concerns, we recommend students contact the Student Health Service at (631) 632-6740 and employees call the Health Information Line (HIL) at (631) 632-5000 (Option 1). We also urge Stony Brook University students, faculty and staff who received the vaccine to immediately contact their healthcare provider if they experience any of the following symptons within three weeks of their vaccination: severe headache, abdominal or leg pain, or shortness of breath. 

As always, we will continue to follow federal, NYS and SUNY guidance on all COVID-related, vaccine and safety issues to allow us to continue to come back safe and strong. And we will keep you informed on this and similar situations as they evolve.
 -- The Coming Back Safe and Strong Team
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