Flight Tracker software automates tracking and analysis of career outcomes, including publications, funding, training activities, and other milestones.
Flight Tracker newbie call June 13 | 2 PM - 3 PM CT | Via Zoom
Email scott.j.pearson@vumc.org for more information.
Mentoring Agreement designed to serve mentees’ needs at various phases, from predoc to postdoc to early career faculty, the REDCap-based tool facilitates the unique needs of each mentee-mentor pairing.
FLIGHT TRACKER Streamlined career development tracking & analysis
On the Market: A Job Hunt Round Up. Edge for Scholars. 2020 [accessed 2023 Jan 3]; https://edgeforscholars.org/on-the-market-a-job-hunt-round-up/. (13,652 views)
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