Dear GW Community,
In response to staff feedback and in consultation with university stakeholders, the Benefits office completed a comprehensive analysis of the staff annual time off policy. We are pleased to announce a new and enhanced vacation policy for staff* effective July 1, 2024.
Below you will find a summary of the new vacation policy highlights. Additional details including what's new, what's changing, and what's staying the same as well as available tools and resources to learn more about the new vacation policy are outlined in the new Vacation Policy Overview.
*Please Note: Policy exclusions may apply. For employees represented by a union, they should consult their Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) for their applicable leave policies or otherwise speak with their union representatives for more information about the policy applicable to them. For librarians who fall under the Code for Librarians and for FT Biostatistics employees who work 35 hours per week, current accrual rates and proration rules will continue to apply.