Connecting the ACCGov Leisure Servces Department with Local School Children
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Take a Hike in October!
Join Sandy Creek Nature Center naturalists and discover the beauty around us!. Bring binoculars, a camera, and a sense of adventure.
"Naturalist Walk" is scheduled for Saturday, October 7 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. and is free of charge. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is not required.
For more information, please call 706-613-3615
Join Trails and Open Space staff on an exploration of Tallassee Forest for the Tallassee Forest Ramble. This special hike is scheduled for Saturday, October 14 from noon - 4:00 p.m. The fee is $5 for ACC residents and $7.50 for non-residents. This program is for ages 10 and older. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Online registration is required.
Participants will visit points of interest, discuss historical land use, and future plans for this 300 acre tract of undeveloped land. This is a strenuous 4 hour off trail hike you will not forget.
For more information, please call 706-613-3620.
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Hey, Teens!
This evening is just for you!
Looking for a place to hang with your friends? Join us at Lay Park for teens night out, where teens will play group games and activities led by Lay Park staff. Games will range from basketball, dodgeball, kickball, ultimate frisbee, trivia, video games, and much more!
For more information, please call 706-613-3596.
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"Movies by Moonlight" at Walker Park
The Leisure Services Department will host a free “Movies by Moonlight” outdoor movie on Thursday, October 26 at 7:15 p.m. at Walker Park at 211 Trail Creek Street.
The event features the original “Ghostbusters” released in 1984 at 7:15 p.m.
Registration is not required. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets and will sit on the upper field to watch the film on the large inflatable screen. Costumes are encouraged for this spooky night.
Upon arrival, patrons will be directed to the movie viewing area. The public should bring their own refreshments. Food and beverages will not be sold or provided at the park. Restrooms will be available.
All park rules will be enforced, including dogs always on leash, no alcohol, no smoking, and no grills.
For more information, call 706-613-3800.
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Rivers Alive!
Get your hands dirty and feet wet during the annual Rivers Alive clean-up on October 21. Join hundreds of Athenians as we remove litter from our streams, creeks, and rivers.
Athens area residents wade into local rivers, lakes, and streams as part of the continuing statewide campaign to clean and preserve over 70,000 miles of Georgia’s rivers and streams. This effort is part of Rivers Alive, a joint program of the Environmental Protection Division Outreach Education Programs and the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation. The annual Georgia Waterway Cleanup is the largest single volunteer effort to beautify Georgia’s water resources.
Rivers Alive in Athens is organized by Keep Athens-Clarke County Beautiful, ACC Solid Waste, ACC Transportation and Public Works/Stormwater Division, ACC Leisure Services, ACC Public Utilities/Water Conservation Office, Keep Oconee County Beautiful, Upper Oconee Watershed Network (UOWN), and UGA Office of Service Learning.
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Get Ready for Halloween!
The Department will host a variety of Halloween events for goblins of all ages.
Please visit for a list of upcoming activities.
For more information, please call 706-613-3800.
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No School? No Problem!
For more information, please call 706-613-3800.
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ACCGov Activities and Online RegistrationThe Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department offers a diverse selection of activities highlighting the arts, environmental science, recreation, sports, and holiday events for adults and children. All registration takes place online at
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ACCGov Leisure Services ScholarshipsThe Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department offers scholarship to qualifying Athens-Clarke County children. Scholarships allow participants to pay less than the program fee.
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