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Announcements for October 8, 2021

Picture of the Week

Fall Camp Property Workdays of Yore

Announcements, News, and Events
350th Committee Seeks Local Meeting Contacts
Friends: The Ad Hoc 350th BYM Anniversary Committee would like to have a contact person from each Monthly Meeting to share communications between now and the next annual session.  We have a number of projects in process and encourage Monthly Meetings to be involved in them.  The contact person is asked to share information about our activities with your meeting, and encourage Friends to contribute to the various activities and projects we are organizing.  Please contact Harry Scott, Clerk ( or Mary Braun, Development Director ( or Denna Joy, co-convenor of the Quaker History and Quaker Witness subcommittee (
Quaker History & Witness Drop In Group
Interested in Quaker History, Quaker Witness, or geneology?  Have a question you would like answered -- or a resource to share?  Please join the QH/QW Drop-in Group!  
The QH/QW Drop-In Group is held at 7:30 pm on Fourth Mondays. Zoom links are sent on request.  Contact Denna Joy, address in Yearbook, for more information.   
2021 Fall Camp Work Days!
After a great summer and splendid fall, it's time to put BYM camps to bed for winter. BYM Camp Property Work Days are famous for the fun and fellowship! Do you have a few hours to help? 
Opequon - Sunday, October 24th, 10am - 4:30pm
Will begin with time to worship together. Projects include: storing equipment for winter, roof and gutter cleaning, closing windows and shutters, misc. repairs. 
Catoctin - Saturdy, October 30th, 10am - 4:30pm
Projects include: storing equipment for winter, gutter and roof cleaning, stacking firewood.
Shiloh - Saturday, November 6th, 12pm - 4:30pm
Projects include pulling the doc from the pond, point maintenance, misc. repairs and cleaning.

Friends are asked to bring a sack lunch and work gloves and to wear heavy soled shoes, jeans, and long-sleaves.
Sign-up in advance HERE to participate in any or all of the camp work days! 
Oxford Friends Meeting Flea Market This Saturday
Oxford Friends Meeting will be having a Flea Market on Saturday, Oct. 9 from 8:30 am to 2 pm. Stop by before BYM Interim Meeting for good shopping and great chatting! 
Oxford Friends Meeting, 260 S 3rd St, Oxford, PA
FMW Prayer Workshop: Rex Ambler's Experiments with Light
Saturday, November 6th, 3:00pm - 4:30pm by zoom
“Experiment with Light” is a Quaker practice which is based on early Friends’ discoveries.  Devised in 1996 by Quaker and theologian Rex Ambler, he discovered a process by which the Light can be accessed.  This workshop will teach you this process and enhance your ability to find greater inner peace in the stillness.  Please pre-register by contacting the workshop presenter:  Joseph Izzo,, cell 202-425-0496
Conscientious Objection Workshop
Selective Service System (SSS) registration for a possible draft into compulsory U.S. military service is automatic in most states when getting a state driver’s license. If the draft is reinstated, draftees could have as little as nine days to prepare a CO claim before having to go before a local draft board.
Phil Caroom of BYM Peace & Social Concerns and Annapolis Friends Peace & Social Concerns is excited to offer a Conscientious Objector Workshop for Friends ages 15-25 via Zoom on October 19th at 7pm and November 3rd at 3pm.
Part 1 on October 19th will invite realistic consideration of a) what the U.S. military's ultimate function and command systems are, b) how the U.S. Selective Service System seeks to quickly transform ordinary young people into lethal fighters, and c) how one can seek conscientious objector (CO) status and alternate service. Young Friends also will hear two adult Friends tell briefly about their own experiences seeking conscientious objector status during prior U.S. wars.
Part 2 on November 3rd will cover the practical aspects of seeking CO status, including reflecting on the three requirements for CO status, practice responding to questions a Draft Board might ask, and consideration of best ways to document belief in the Peace Testimony. 
To attend, please email Phil at 
Fall Interim Meeting TOMORROW!
Saturday, Oct. 9th
Interim Meeting will be held on October 9, 2021 beginning at 1pm. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting, with Friends gathering at Sandy Spring Meetinghouse and via Zoom connection for Friends elsewhere. Committees that choose to meet in the morning in-person may do so, beginning at 10am. Lunch will be available. 
You will receive a Zoom link upon registration. 

Meg Meyer
BYM Clerk of Interim Meeting
BYM Annual Session Recordings Now Online
Hello Friends. Recordings from Annual Sessions including many of our workshops are available online. Many of our workshop leaders were pleased to be able to share the recordings of their workshops for Friends to view. The Plenary Speaker presentations and a portion of the 350th Anniversary Kick-Off are also available. Thank you to Wayne Finegar, Jason Eaby and Nate Dorr for all the hard work they did to manage the complicated tech set up and management through the week and with the follow up editing and posting of these sessions.  ~ 2021 Program Committee
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