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volume VII | issue 9
As a nonprofit, our mission is to Educate, Develop, Grow, and Employ college students in the field of marketing.

Find Your EDGE


Terri L. Bartlett and Christine Aguilera
We love pictures and guess that you do, too!  This month we’re featuring photo highlights of our activities in Boston earlier this month:  students, academics and marketing professionals joined together to celebrate our shared mission.  If you were with us in Boston and at DMA’s &Then, look for yourself in the photos below, as well as our photo display on Facebook
And, while you’re at it …. Spread the good news with your likes, shares, and tweets (@mktgEDGEorg)  letting others know of the great connections made by so many.

Terri L. Bartlett

Marketing EDGE President

Christine Aguilera

Marketing EDGE Chair
Full House at Boston Park Plaza.
A full house at Boston Park Plaza.
Tim Litle, Worth Linen and Andrea Steele working the crowd during the Program and Scholarship Auction
Tim Litle, Worth Linen and Andrea Steele working the crowd during the Program and Scholarship Auction.
A group of inspired attendees during the networking reception.
A group of inspired attendees during the networking reception.
Rob Reger, Epsilon (far left) leads a enthusiastic career panel discussion at the Boston Student Career Forum.  Panelists (from left of Rob to right) are Justin Drake, Dunkin’ Brands; Magda Losonczy, Fidelity Investments; Anthony Oland, Wunderman & KBM Group; and Maura Packham, Quad/Graphics.
Rob Reger, Epsilon (far left) leads a career discussion at the Boston Student Career Forum.  Panelists (from left of Rob to right) are Justin Drake, Dunkin’ Brands; Magda Losonczy, Fidelity Investments; Anthony Oland, Wunderman & KBM Group; and Maura Packham, Quad/Graphics.
JoAnne Monfradi Dunn and Joel Quadracci with the Corporate Leadership Award
Joel Quadracci, Quad/Graphics Corporate Leadership Award winner with his award presenter JoAnne Monfradi Dunn (r).
Pamela Larrick with her award presenter, Amanda Loderstedt.
Pamela Larrick with her award presenter, Amanda Loderstedt.
L-r: Marie Adolphe with Clarke Outstanding Educator Award Winner Dr. Charles Hofacker, and presenter Dr. George Milne, a previous winner.
L-r: Marie Adolphe with Clarke Outstanding Educator Award Winner Dr. Charles Hofacker, and presenter Dr. George Milne, a previous winner.
Seoungwoo Lee, University of Maryland - Shankar-Spiegel Best Dissertation Proposal Award Winner
Seoungwoo Lee, University of Maryland - Shankar-Spiegel Best Dissertation Proposal Award Winner

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Marketing EDGE | 1120 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10036-6700 US
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