KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
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Have an opinion about your benefits? Join the Benefits Task Force (BeneTF) for a presentation this Wednesday, March 28, from noon to 1 p.m., in Murray Boardroom. Hear about what the BeneTF is charged with doing and share your thoughts. Register now for Little Loggers summer camp. Registration for Puget Sound's annual Little Loggers summer camp is now open! Little Loggers is a day camp open to boys and girls ages 6–12, and runs July 9–12. Cost for the weeklong camp is $225 if you register by June 20. To register download the Little Loggers brochure and registration form, or contact the athletics department at x3140. Learn more about Little Loggers and other Puget Sound athletics summer camps on the camps page. Get your ski tickets at The Expy! Tickets for the Summit and Crystal Mountain will be on sale at The Expy until Wednesday, April 11. Crystal will be open until April 22, and the Summit areas will be open on weekends, with each area closing slowly beginning this weekend, through May 5, when Alpental closes. Tickets are $59 (Summit) and $60 (Crystal). The Expeditionary is located at 1506 N. Alder St., and is open 4–7 p.m., Monday through Frday. Call x3403 with rental or ticket questions.
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Frankenweek: Frankenstein's History, March 26, noon, Thompson 193. Celebrate the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein with events all week. Look for "Frankenweek" below. LoggerUP. Cheer on the Logger baseball, track and field, and lacrosse teams at home this week!
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Thank you, Loggers! Last Tuesday was the first-ever Logger Day Challenge, a one-day online giving event to celebrate Puget Sound's 130th anniversary. And wow, Loggers, you rocked it. 537 students, alumni, faculty and staff members, parents, neighbors, and friends contributed $75,734—all in 24 hours. Thank you!
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