We're gearing up for two days of learning with this special edition.
We're gearing up for two days of learning with this special edition.
News focused exclusively on financing for
energy efficiency and renewable energy
What was it your instructor used to say around this time every year in college?  It was something like: "Okay, everyone, we've got a lot to cover today..." 
We know what the instructor meant. In just over two weeks, we're welcoming hundreds of in-person and logged-on professionals and students to our first annual Yale Clean Energy Conference. To amplify what you'll learn, we offer three explainers keyed to themes experts will explore. Two pieces come from students and one from an enrollee in our Financing and Deploying Clean Energy certificate program
In advance of our event, we're zooming in on what our panelists are up to and on context for the discussions. You'll glimpse why we invited these particular working professionals to compare models and observations. And, hopefully, you'll click where you can to join them - because there's a lot to cover. 
Pre-Conference Reading: What the Terms Mean
Something Old, Something New, Something Dirty, Something Through: Explaining Developers' Siting Choices
Max Flignor
We'll think and talk about how to get solar, wind and other clean technologies to everyone as soon as physics and finance allow. Our assumptions will rise and fall with our grip on the price of land (and the speed with which developers can start building). This explainer starts the discussion. Get your feet under you...
To Span a Continent: Seeing the History and Glimpsing the Future of North American (Green?) Grid Interconnections
Pratima Garg
The conference's first day will confront that network of networks, the electric grid. How can wind and solar developers, marketers, advocates and policymakers expect to push clean electrons across the  USA? This explainer reviews grid interconnection's history to chart a path. Follow the links...
NEbody Knows You Can't Get Anything Free--Even Zero-Marginal-Cost Power
Mike Novello
The 2022 learners in our Financing and Deploying Clean Energy certificate program traded insights and principles across five modules and over a dozen states. In this policy memo, a professional takes up the delicate balance of reliability and sustainability that experts will seek in our panels. Add these ideas...

Panelists' Pursuits and Perspectives

Collective Role: East Bay Community Energy Forges Bigger Partnership For Bigger Economies
The first panel we'll convene on April 1 explores how solar energy, when providers store it, affects overall electricity markets in a competitive area. One panelist, Howard Chang, will bring his perspective from East Bay Community Energy, which purchases power on behalf of an "aggregated" customer base in California. This January press release details how the organization signed on with Convergent, a storage provider. 
The Capital That Connects to Corporate Capital Often Invests in Solar For Local Communities
In panel two, experts will talk through how commitments from big companies to buy clean power drive up renewables' share of overall power. These commitments, called "power purchase agreements," pull on supply from companies like Soltage. This pvMagazine piece from last month details a Soltage project, developed in partnership with an investment manager. Soltage's CEO will speak on our panel. Bring up the lights...
As Local and State Policymakers Press For Grid Modernization, There's Much Capital Yet to Unlock
The promise of an updated grid spanning from Augusta to Alaska, as we explore in this week's explainer, builds on grid updates in states and regions. Connecticut's energy and environment commissioner, Katie Dykes, moderates a panel on this challenge. Prepare with this recent Hartford Courant story on her work. 
You'll Need Energy in Reserve (For the Conference, and for the Decarbonization Drive This Decade)
In the closing panel of our conference's first day, scientists demystify the workings of batteries that store man hours' worth of renewable energy. While this sort of storage has yet to break out commercially, capital in the space says it will. This chart from Canary Media shows relevant investment booming tenfold in a decade. 

Webinars and Events

Yale Clean Energy Conference
Yale Center for Business and the Environment
April 1 and 2, 2022
NREL Industry Growth Forum
April 13-14, 2022
In person in Denver, CO 


Senior Manager of Operations
CT Green Bank
Hartford, CT
Director, Origination
Convergent Energy + Power
New York, NY
Senior Government Affairs Advisor
Washington, DC
Director, Sustainability
Orlando, FL 
Director - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
S & C Electric Company
Chicago, IL
Project Director, Development
NextEra Energy Resources
San Francisco, CA
Principal Climate and Sustainability Consultant
Turner & Townsend
London, England, UK
Climate Action Manager - Pan India
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

A joint program of Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Yale School of Management
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