Stu•dent CEO
/ˈst(y)o͞odnt/ /ˌsēˌēˈō/
noun: A high school student who serves as a leader for their RTSWS cohort.
Did you know RTSWS is in 52 high schools this year? Each cohort has 2 Student CEO's who serve as a liason between the school and RTSWS staff. The position is a fantastic opportunity to elevate their leadership experience and network with other student leaders from across the U.S. and Canada. 
Our Student CEO's have led Instagram takeovers on the @RTSWS_ page, helped volunteers during the fall sessions, recruited more of their peers to join RTSWS, and attended RTSWS CEO Leadership Summits. 
Student CEO's are fantastic leaders, future changemakers, and we are proud to feature one of our rockstar Student CEO's below. 

RTSWS Rockstar Student CEO 

Dana D.  

Senior at Summit Preparatory HS (Redwood City, CA)

Impressive Leadership!

“I really appreciated Dana's dedication this semester with our first RTSWS cohort at Summit Prep & Everest. She really managed her CEO position well and made sure that everything was in order for each session. I am really looking forward to the Spring Mentorship program with this group of young women.” 
- Danielle B. (RTSWS Program Coordinator)

What made Dana want to get involved with RTSWS?

"My principal asked if I would be interested in helping start the club at my school and gave me the website to check out the program. I looked at the website and thought it was so cool how in just a couple of sessions my classmates and I would learn skills that we could during the transition to being adults and throughout our whole lives." - Dana. D
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE about Dana and her favorite moment from the RTSWS Silicon Valley Bank field trip

Spring Mentorship Is Open! 

High School Students: Enroll Now!
All female high school students are welcome to join their classmates in the Spring for RTSWS Mentorship. Invite your friends! 

Mentorship sessions are at your school or via Zoom
~1x per month January - April

Featured Field Trips of the Week:

South High School • Minneapolis, MN

Field Trip to Ameriprise Financial

Cristo Rey High School • Minneapolis, MN

Field Trip to Varde
(PSA: finance fashion is in and
the Varde volunteers are ROCK'n it)


Jump start your career networking, meet other RTSWS students new to finance, and learn from experienced professionals in the industry.
These scholarships, internships and jobs go fast!
Don't miss out on these awesome opportunities
from our sponsors and partnering firms.


Ameriprise Financial: Campus Recruiting Assistant

(Minneapolis, MN)

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GCM Grosvenor: Hedge Fund Strategies

Investments Intern

(Chicago, IL)

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Webs Creek Capital: Analyst

(Dallas, TX)
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