The Garden ConnectionA newsletter for the gardeners at the Waukesha County Rental Gardens
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Water Being Shut Off on October 1st
The water will be shut off at the Gardens on October 1, so you will need to bring water to the Gardens with you for the rest of the season.
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Reminder - Garden Closes on October 21st
The Waukesha County Rental Gardens close on Monday, October 21, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. If you are done gardening, you can clean up your plot now. The closing date does not apply to those renting permanent garden plots, as those plots do not get plowed.
Just a reminder regarding garden clean up... a $25 fee will be assessed to gardeners if they have not removed everything they brought into the plot including fencing, stakes, string, thick layers of newspaper, cardboard, tomato cages, tools, plastic mulch, plant tags, etc. AND dug up and removed all thick-stem vegetables (i.e., corn), thick-stem flowers (i.e., sunflower), and thick-stem weeds. (See rule #19.) Place these in plant waste piles.
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Cockleburs and Other Thick-Stem Weeds
The Please take a moment to hand pull (wearing gloves) or cut the cockleburs and put them in one of the plant waste piles. Your attention to this in and around your rental plot will be beneficial for next year. Please note Rule #9: Gardeners are responsible for controlling the weeds on their plot and preventing them from spreading to other gardens from Rental Garden open to close date (10/21).
If your plot is mainly weeds, we expect that you will cut and remove the thick-stem weeds by 10/21 (put them on the plant waste piles). We currently have a sizable waiting list for rental plots and request your attention to this.
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Garden Clean Up
Cardboard and Fabric and Plastic Mulch MUST be Removed
- If you used cardboard in or around your garden plot to help with weed control, remove it. Cardboard will not break down over winter, so it must be removed and placed in the dumpster.
- Fabric and plastic mulch must be removed as they do not decompose and will damage the plow in the spring. This is why we do not recommend using plastic or fabric mulch.
Plant Waste/Garbage
- Please put trash in the dumpster and recyclables in recycle bin. Do not put trash on plant waste piles.
- Plant waste or weeds should NOT be placed in the dumpster. The only exception is if the plant material showed signs of disease. If this is the case, plant waste should be placed in a bag and tied shut before placing in the dumpster.
- For plant waste, use established plant waste piles located at several locations throughout the gardens. Do not start new piles.
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Renting a Plot in 2025
Gardeners who actively used their plot this summer have the option of renting their plot again in 2025. A renewal packet will be mailed out in mid-February. There is a deadline to return your signed renewal forms and payment.
If you are interested in moving to a different or larger plot, contact Lisa Boyer at now to be placed on the “waiting list.” Should you change your mind next spring, you will not be required to move.
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Not Returning Next Year?
If you know that you will not be gardening with us in 2025, please let Lisa know by calling 262-548-7775 or send her an e-mail at
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Do Not Leave Your "Stuff" at the Gardens
Please do not leave anything behind at the gardens (by the shed or in the woods). If you do so, it may get stolen, damaged, or placed in the dumpsters. If you have a permanent garden, you can leave it in your garden only if your garden has a fence, but there are no guarantees it will be there in spring.
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Permanent (unplowed) Plots
If you have a permanent plot and have not gardened your plot to its “potential” and/or have not gardened much, please consider giving it up. We have gardeners who are interested in a permanent plot and would be happy to begin this fall to prepare the plot for next year's gardening season. Thank you.
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Horticulture Helpline - Gardening Questions???
Do you have a gardening question? You can contact the Waukesha County Extension Horticulture Helpline by email at or call 262-548-7779. Currently, calls are being answered on Tuesday mornings from 9 a.m. until noon. If you send an email, feel free to include photos! This is a FREE service.
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Lisa on Vacation September 27-October 4
Lisa will be on vacation September 27-October 4. If there are any water leaks or other garden issues, please contact Steve directly at 262-548-7781 or email Steve at
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Questions/Contact Information
Questions? Concerns? Email Lisa at and/or Steve at Our office hours are 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday—Friday. You can call Lisa at 262-548-7775. The phone system does not allow us to view missed calls, so please leave a message!
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Bulletin Board Garden Entrance
Please watch the bulletin board at the entrance to the garden for new messages or updates. It is the easiest way for us to get a timely message to the gardeners! If there is something that you feel we need to include in it, please let us know!
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If you need this material in another format please contact the program coordinator. Extension provides equal opportunity in employment and programming, including Title VI, IX & ADA requirement.
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