[This newsletter will arrive in your inbox every Friday morning with a weekly round-up of resources to support your remote teaching work.]
Dear Evergreen Faculty and Staff,

Elizabeth and I are so in awe of the ways in which all of you embraced the unimaginable challenge of a quick shift to remote teaching.  Your spirit, creative energy, and tenacity on behalf of Evergreen students is truly inspiring.  As we move towards putting your remote teaching plans into action, remember to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.  Keeping yourself well and in a place where you can sustain remote teaching for 10 weeks is critical - it might mean you don’t answer that email right away, but that’s ok. Over the past few weeks I’ve frequently been reminded of the wise advice of our colleague, Tara Hardy - “Make a plan for forgiving yourself and practice it everyday.”  What happens in our classrooms won’t be perfect but it will be done in a learning community - the sentiment that makes me so grateful to be part of this unique and quirky place we call Evergreen. 

So, my friends, we will be sending this newsletter every Friday as a way to stay in touch, offer resources, and invite you to reflect on what you’ve accomplished this week.  I invite you to a first-day story swap. Hop over to canvas and let us know how your first day went. 

In community,

JuliA Metzker
Elizabeth Williamson

Upcoming Events

The Learning and Teaching Commons will offer continuous support to faculty and instructional staff.
Experiential Learning at the Kitchen Table: Assignments in the Time of COVID-19 
(Commons Conversation)

Facilitated by Julia Metzker
Friday, April 10, 2020 | 12 - 1 pm 

Pedagogy Pop-Up Office Hours
Facilitated by Joli Sandoz (Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar)
Follow the above link for details on dates and times

Keep Teaching Drop-In Consultations
Facilitated by members of the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team

Friday, April 3, 2020 | 2 - 3:30 pm

Individual and Small Group Consultations
Facilitated by Julia Metzker
Please email The Learning and Teaching Commons with requests for individual and affinity group consultations.

Keep Teaching Canvas Course

We encourage all faculty and instructional staff who have not already enrolled in the Keep Teaching Canvas Course to enroll. The Canvas course offers a robust selection of remote teaching resources, curated by the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team and Evergreen Faculty and Staff.
You will also find an organized archive of all campus communications sent through the AllFaculty DL (that means you do not have to search through a billion emails to find that one announcement you were looking for).
You are invited to a first-day story swap. Hop over to the Keep Teaching Canvas Course and let us know how your first day went in the discussion board. Share highlights and challenges. Ask questions. Offer advice.  
Zoom Security Concerns
With the recent hash of "zoom bombings" faculty, staff and students are rightly concerned about the security of thier meetings. The Academic Technology team has put together a Help Wiki of best practices for ensuring your meetings are secure

Faculty Slack Channel

By now you should have all received an email invitation to join the faculty slack channel. We encourage you to do so. The slack channel offers faculty a robust option for real time communication with each other, the Learning and Teaching Commons, and Academic Technologies. If you are having trouble finding that email, please submit a help ticket at help.evergreen.edu.

Keep Learning Institutes

The Keep Learning: Canvas and Zoom workshops for students were a great success! We had 283 students register and attend across five different sessions. Students were polled at the end of the sessions, and 98% of respondents said that they feel reasonably confident in their abilities to participate in program activities, and 96% of respondents said that they feel like they know how to get help if they need it. Those who answered no to either question were advised to make a help request ticket at help.evergreen.edu

We will be offering the same workshops again in Week 2:
  • Monday, April 6th from 3PM - 4PM
  • Tuesday, April 7th from 5PM - 6PM
  • Wednesday, April 8th from 2PM - 3PM
Please encourage your students to attend! They can register here. We will continue offering workshops on these tools throughout the quarter. 
Another resource for your students is the Preparing for Remote Learning website, which offers a host of resources for remote learning, including wellness and study habit tips.      
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