I invite you to dwell in the words of the Psalmist
I invite you to dwell in the words of the Psalmist

TfT Bulletin #6  |   November 23, 2022

I invite you to dwell in the words of the Psalmist (Psalm 95:1-7 ESV) as you enter your Thanksgiving break:
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
    let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
 For the Lord is a great God,
    and a great King above all gods.
 In his hand are the depths of the earth;
    the heights of the mountains are his also.
 The sea is his, for he made it,
    and his hands formed the dry land.
 Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
    let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
 For he is our God,
    and we are the people of his pasture,
    and the sheep of his hand.
Wishing you good health, joyous noise, and a harvest of blessings this Thanksgiving.

Instructional Coaching: East Linn Christian Academy

East Linn Christian Academy continues to grow their TfT mentoring program! The Deep Hope of East Linn's Mentoring Program is to walk alongside teachers as they live out their God-given callings to disciple (educate) students. In 2021, three teachers and Head of School Janelle Detweiler attended TfT’s Coaching Intensive. This year, they wanted to expand their team by training more TfT mentors, but their teachers were not able to attend this year's Coaching Intensive event. When Janelle met with School Designer Amanda Albright to discuss possibilities, they planned an East Linn-specific event to be hosted in Amanda's home. For two days in this Washington state living room, East Linn teachers explored the tools and practices of instructional coaching and their God-given callings to walk alongside their fellow teachers. 
Elementary Chapel: Central Valley Christian
In its monthly kindergarten through sixth grade chapel program this year, Central Valley Christian Schools are using the Throughlines as a thematic guide. They focus on one Throughline a month, with different grade levels leading each chapel. At the end of each quarter, a Celebration Chapel notes how students are living out God’s story in their classrooms and throughout the campus. Val Moll, Director of Student Services, shares the story of their first Celebration Chapel this school year.
Middle and Secondary Chapel: Throughlines at San Marcos Academy
At San Marcos Academy (SMA), the middle and high school chapel coordinators spearheaded a school-wide focus introducing the Throughlines developed by the staff last year. In chapel services, student, staff, and guest speakers share their life connections to the main concepts and scripture passages connected to each Throughline. In this story, June Bond describes how student engagement and learning around Throughlines extends beyond their chapel time.
Teaching for Transformation Webinars
We are pleased to again host a series of webinars (Nov. 30-Dec. 2) to introduce TfT to teachers and schools who are curious and want to learn more. Each of the three webinars has a different focus (elementary, secondary, and leadership) and will feature TfT teachers and school leaders sharing stories from their classrooms/schools. The webinars are intended to answer the questions, "What does TfT look like in the classroom/school?" and "What is the impact of TfT?" 
If you know colleagues from other schools who would be interested in learning more about TfT, please send them this invitation so they can register and join us for a rich time of storytelling.
Learn more now
Meeting Our School Designer Team: Peter Welle
Peter Welle is a history teacher and professional development coordinator at Southwest Christian High School in Chaska, MN. Peter relishes the wholeness -head, heart and hands - opportunities of Christian education. Peter fell in love with TfT when, as an early adopter, he began to slowly experience real transformation first in himself and then in his students. Seeing them plug into Deep Hope and lean forward into their learning sustains him day to day. Peter and his wife Bridgette have three kids whom he loves dearly and three cats whom he tolerates diplomatically. Peter shares this Storyboard from Southwest Christian High School 9th grade Bible teacher Dustin Thompson. His Storyline of “Wonder Why” invites students to be curious explorers of the Bible, eager to grapple with its complexities and rough edges.
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