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Dear Friend:

These shoes were made for walkin'...

The November campaign is well underway as I pick up the pace of my door-to-door effort. This is the sweat-equity part of the job, and by far the most affordable. Tennis shoes are cheap compared to direct mail and yard signs!

This is why I need your help. It is not fun to ask friends and family to support me personally, which is why I ask you to look at the global perspective – there are 125 members of the Kansas House. The more legislators we have who are rational, thinking people, the better. So this isn’t about me; it’s about putting together a majority in Topeka who are intelligent, pragmatic, and policy-minded, and you can help make that happen.

Please join me on October 6 for a very special fundraiser with the Doug Talley Quartet. Doug is a 23rd District constituent, a longtime friend, and now Gallagher for Kansas supporter! Many of you also know him as the jazz band director for Shawnee Mission Northwest. Keep in mind that your $50 helps me reach thousands on Facebook, $100 will buy nearly 1,000 walk cards, and $250 will buy 80 yard signs. 

No-Pressure Campaigning

Would you host a neighborhood meet-and-greet for me? This is an easy way to help – no pressure for you, and I do all the work! We would work together to send invitations to your neighbors, I provide the cookies, lemonade, and conversation. This way, I can meet voters at their neighbor’s house, in their comfort zone. Also, if your HOA has a fall event or other activity, I would love to come and meet people.  Reply to this email if you can help in this way.

Go With Gallagher!

The 23rd District is no longer as comfortably Republican as it once was. Party affiliation is just one of the distinct differences between my opponent and me. Throughout this campaign I will give you a number of reasons why I am the best candidate for the job, and why electing a Republican is of specific importance.  

I have signed the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission’s Fair Campaign Pledge, and anything distributed by my campaign will have “Paid for by Gallagher for Kansas, Joyce Thompson, Treasurer” on it. Pointing out differences and highlighting experience is not “going negative,” and I commit to keep personal lives out of this campaign. Other organizations may campaign in support of or opposition to me, but it is illegal for me to know about any of this activity. All political mail must include “Paid for by” information, and I encourage you to review this material closely and contact me (cell: 816-830-1165) if you see or hear something that gives you pause. 


I ran because my friends and neighbors weren’t being represented – not only in Topeka, but even right here at home. Our previous representative just didn’t show up. She wouldn’t meet with business leaders, small business owners, teachers, parents, etc. As someone who has been very involved in this community, I knew I would be more accountable and was more “plugged in” to serve constituents, not just hold a title. So I’m putting my shoe leather where my mouth is – or something like that.

The incumbent chose not to run, thus my unchallenged primary. However, a Democrat moved into the district to run, hoping to capitalize on a rare “open” seat. A vocal Democrat organizer and activist, she has broad support from Democrats across the state, but as a new resident, is unknown among those she seeks to represent. 

Why should you Go With Gallagher?

Mike & I have lived here 32 years, raised our girls, and been engaged in dozens of community and school activities. If you crave the accountability I mentioned above, you’ll want to be represented by someone you run into at Hy-Vee or Gomer’s, not someone who showed up in time to take advantage of political circumstances.


Advance voting has not yet begun, but now is the time to apply for a mail ballot so you don’t miss out! Click the ballot application below to submit your application.

Your ballot will be mailed on October 15 and should arrive in your mailbox by October 17.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions about the campaign or the Kansas House of Representatives.

At your service,

Linda Gallagher, Candidate
Kansas House of Representatives, District 23
Serving Shawnee, Lenexa, and Overland Park

Quote of the Day:  

"In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: You either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and passively doubling the value of some die-hard's vote."
         --David Foster Wallace

About Linda

6-term Republican Precinct Committeewoman
5th Generation Kansan
32-year Lenexa resident
Email Linda

What I'm Up To: 

  • Meeting with Kansas Farm Bureau
  • Shawnee Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon with Rep. Kevin Yoder
  • Lenexa Chamber of Commerce After Hours at Grand Street Cafe
  • Shawnee Chamber of Commerce A.M. Connect at Little Monkey Bizness
  • Game On For Kansas Schools meeting
  • Shawnee Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event at the Hampton Inn on Midland
  • “What’s Percolating in the Kansas Legislature” forum sponsored by the Mainstream Coalition & League of Women Voters
  • Met with Shawnee Chamber of Commerce president/CEO Linda Leeper to discuss issues of importance to the Shawnee business community
  • Lenexa Chamber of Commerce A.M. Live event at the Fiser Group
  • I'll see you Saturday at the Lenexa Spinach Festival at Sar-Ko-Par Park

Linda Gallagher | 913-631-3512 | Paid for by Gallagher for Kansas, Joyce Thompson, Treasurer
7804 Monrovia, Lenexa 66216
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