October 14, 2019
Acts 27:4
From there we put out to sea again and passed to the lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us.
New International Version (NIV)
                Where were you 50 years ago today?  I was seven years old.  My parents, my two older brothers and I boarded a plane in New Jersey and landed at Rhein Main Air Base in Germany.  I slept the whole flight and awakened in time to eat a banana for breakfast.  Dad bought an old Opal automobile as we waited for our Ford Comet Caliente to arrive.  I remember the smell of the heater on that old car as we drove through the countryside to a village called Schrollbach.  New furniture awaited us on the third floor of a home we rented from a German family.  The new adventure had begun!

                Paul was on his way to Jerusalem at last.  He boarded a boat that would nearly sink in a storm.  The winds turned against them.  After the boat crashed into rocks, he would be bitten by a snake on the Island of Malta.  Do you wonder?  Would Paul have gotten on the boat knowing the possibilities of disaster?  God came to Paul in a dream assuring him he would arrive safely in Rome.  Holding on that hope, he boarded the boat. 

                On the first Sunday in Schrollbach, my mom found a Baptist Church near Kaiserslautern.  There I would accept Christ and become a Royal Ambassador.  There my friends and I would be baptized.  There I came to realize that my God travels.  God didn’t come to me in a dream, but in a church community that loved me.  His voice sounded like Frank Gamboa my R. A. leader.  Like Paul, challenges arose.  But God was with us.  Always with us.  He still is.  “Through many dangers, toils and snares, we have already come . . .”
Pray with me:       
Father, thank you for leading us on the journey of our lives.  Help us to get quiet enough to listen for your still, small voice today.  Speak to our hearts Lord, Jesus.  Say to our souls that you are with us, that you will never leave us, nor forsake us.  When we hear your voice, let us believe it!  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.   
This year our Every Day with Jesus readings will follow The Bible Project Read Scripture Plan.  Copies of this reading plan are available at Tallowood Baptist Church, or download 
the app at readscripture.org.  Read through the Bible with us in 2019!

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