4-H Friday
4-H Friday

4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, January 3, 2025

Head with lightbulb, heart with a heart, hands with a hand, and health with an apple representing the symbols of 4-H.
Club News written in white with a green background with a newspaper displayed

Have a Newsletter Contribution?

ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at
https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by 12 pm on Wednesday. We would love to hear from you! Secretary minutes can also be submitted here as well! 
Members of Calumet 4-H Club are singing Christmas carols using sheet music.

Caroling at Villa Rosa

Following tradition, the Calumet 4-H Club caroled at Villa Rosa in Mt. Calvary this holiday season!
Members of Calumet 4-H Club are standing in front of a Christmas tree and wreath. Some are wearing red and white Santa hats.
A girl with brown hair is showing a picture of a bird she made.

Expanding 4-H
Afterschool Clubs

Misty Jimenez, 4-H Associate Educator, partnered with the Fond du Lac Boys and Girls Club, Roberts location, to continue a 4-H Art club within the Boys and Girls Club. Jimenez worked with Anna Koepsell, Robert’s Director, to build out the 6-week Art Club for 3rd-5th grade members. The club had 11 youth members. Jimenez started a new partnership with, Kari Baker, Chegwin’s Director, to start a 4-H Art Afterschool Club at the Fond du Lac Boys and Girls Club, Chegwin location. This club also had 11 youth members. Over six weeks, members of the Boys and Girls Club 4-H Art Clubs explored different art media/topics. These topics or media included painting, oil pastels, weaving, sculpting, and printmaking. Skills progressed each week the club met.
An art show was held after the six weeks. The youth had their artwork displayed for other club members and parents to view. During the art show, 4-H Art Club members shared what they were proud of or their favorite art piece and highlighted the work of their peers by sharing compliments. Youth were surveyed and many reported learning something new during Art Club. Many of the youth shared printmaking and weaving as something they enjoyed about the 4-H Art Club. Jimenez will be working with the Boys and Girls Club at Roberts and Chegwin again in early spring for additional 4-H Club opportunities.
Members of Helping Hands 4-H Club held up the paintings they made with a blue background.

Helping Hands Club Update 

Kids all put their painting skills to work. Instead of doing a gift exchange, we will donate money to Critter Junction. One hundred twelve dollars was collected and the club is donating $30. We will invite Critter Junction to our February meeting to learn about them and give them the donation.
Taft 23 Adult 4-H Swag Class
Some Taft 23 adults got together to design their own 4-H swag. This was a night of fun, fellowship, and learning!! 

Female adults of Taft 23 4-H Club wear the 4-H shirts they made. One is gray, one is black, one is charcoal, and one is pink with the 4-H clover on it. A female with hair pulled back and wearing glasses is showing the 4-H sweatshirt she made. It is black with the 4-H clover with head, heart, hands, and health written around it. Taft 23 is on the sweatshirt pocket.
Youth Leaders written in white with a green background.

Teen Leaders Association

The teen leaders will be going to Siberian Outpost, N9103 County Rd W, Malone, from 9:00 - 11:00 am on January 11. The next meeting will be Monday, January 27 at 7:00 pm at the Rolling Meadows Meeting Room. Please bring any craft supplies you would like for making Valentines for a local nursing home.
Project learning written in white lettering with clipart outline of a head with a brain showing bright ideas.
2025 Family Learning Day flyer with some sessions listed. There are green outlines of a microscope, dumbbells, a plant, a cup with bubbles inside with a straw, a sewing machine, and paw prints.
Family Learning Day Registration OPENED Dec. 30
We will be doing a collection for the Broken Bread Food Pantry. They need toiletry items, canned fruit, pop-top canned goods, pop-top canned goods with meat, hats/mittens/socks, feminine hygiene products, and diapers.
Distance Learning Opportunity: The Science of the Chocolate Chip Cookie
Want to figure out how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie? Register for this awesome distance learning opportunity!

Youth in grades 3-12 are encouraged to register starting Dec. 20. Learn more about this opportunity as well as the other distance learning activities that are coming up here: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/wi-distance-learning/.

Dinosaurs & Unicorns!

Another great distance learning opportunity is coming up! This time youth in grades K-2 can learn about the study of dinosaurs & unicorns and how science and creativity work together. 
Registration opens today, December 20. Check out our website to learn more about all of the distance learning opportunities that are coming up:

Paper Circuits

Registration for another distance learning opportunity is coming up! In this activity, youth will learn about electrical circuits and be challenged to think outside the box.

Register will be open January 2 (8:00 AM) - January 24 (4:30 PM). Youth in grades 4-9 are encouraged to register. Please find more information about this opportunity on our 
website: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/wi-distance-learning/.
Opportunites written in white, along with hands in white and with a green background
Many people pictured with red lab coats and hair nets.

4-H Meats 

Judging Contest

4-H Meats Judging – Saturday, February 8, 2025
Location: Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery Building, UW Madison Campus
What is the 4-H Meats Judging Contest? Have you been to your local meat market or grocery store lately and think you could choose the best cut of meat out of the case? Have you ever watched a live animal contest and thought you could choose what animals would provide the best meat products? This is your opportunity to put those skills to work. This contest tests the knowledge of youth in the placement of carcass and retail cut classes, carcass grading, and retail cut identification. Top senior teams earn the opportunity to compete at national competitions.
Looking for more information, where to register, or resources? Check out the links below:
Deadlines: (more information located in the registration materials): 
-Estimated number of participants (needed to order PPE): January 20, 2025 - through Google form https://forms.gle/332pC8GP34L18BEV6
-Contest final registration: January 20, 2025 - https://254hmeatscontest.4honline.com (Directions for registration are in the packet.)
Upcoming Events written in white with a green background and a clipart calendar that is white and green.

Distance Learning: Paper Circuits Registration Opened January 2 

Winter Leadership Camp

  • January 3-5, Camp Spencer Lake, Waupaca

4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

  • Registration Deadline: Jan 10
  • Contest: January 25, 11:00 am, UW-Green Bay STEM Innovation Building

Small Animal Meeting

  • January 21, 6:30 pm, FDL Fairgrounds Recreation Building Meeting Room

Teen Leaders Association Meeting

  • Jan 27, 7:00 pm, Rolling Meadows Meeting Room

Family Learning Day - Registration Closes Monday, January 27
LEGO Club Meeting

  • Jan 28, 6:30 pm, Fond du Lac County Campus (FCC)
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Photo of Tracy Keifenheim. She has brown hair and a cream colored shirt and black sweater on. Photo of Tina Engelhardt. She has blonde hair with a black cardigan over a red shirt.
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