Dear Friend,

Coming together on retreat a few weeks ago was such a significant step on our journey together. This community is already showing it's deep desire for more of God than we have right now and we pray that you are already making space to sit with that longing in His presence.

A couple areas we wanted to follow up on:
  • If you know (or have any level of connection with) someone in the community, please let us know by no later than August 31st. Email or reply to this email. Thank you to those who already informed us while on retreat!  
  • If you have not done so already, please send us a passport size photo of yourself no later than August 31st.
  • For those of you who still have questions about our academic partnernship with Sioux Falls, please click here for more information about steps forward.
  • Attached are 2 documents: Spiritual Readings/Reflections and the Certificate/CEU requirements. We wanted you to have electronic copies of this information.

Please note: We forgot to list a book on the required reading list. If you are not a pastor or clergy person we are adding the book In the Name of Jesus, by Henri Nouwen as an alternative to Rest in the Storm: Self Care for Clergy and other CaregiversIf you purchased the book from us and would like to return it, you are welcome to bring it (unmarked) to return on the next retreat for refund. We apologize for this mistake. 

Let us know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to the next time we will be together, October 28-30.

The TC15 Serving Community
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