Have Hummingbirds Visited Your Yard Yet?
Have Hummingbirds Visited Your Yard Yet?
Have you noticed more hummingbirds in the garden lately? Many of us will see more of these garden jewels this month as they begin migrating south for winter. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is the only species to breed in eastern North America. If you’re lucky, you may occasionally spot a rusty-orange Rufous Hummingbird or red-billed Buff-bellied Hummingbird along the Gulf Coast.
Hummingbirds are a common sight at red-flowered shrubs like Autumn Bonfire or Autumn Fire, but they are also attracted to plants with pink, orange, or purple blooms. Reblooming Encore Azaleas provide nectar to hummingbirds at two critical times of year: during spring migrations and in the fall, when the birds refuel for the journey south. 
We like pairing bicolored azaleas like Autumn Twist or Autumn Sunburst with solid-colored bloomers, such as the ruffled pink blooms of Autumn Carnation. For smaller gardens, the compact Autumn Coral provides a dazzling display to the delight of birds and birders alike. This fall, give hummingbirds a boost by keeping your nectar feeders filled and planting a variety of nectar-rich plants. 
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