Dear Penguin students,
Thank you for your continued patience during this difficult time.
Today we are announcing that most classes at YSU will resume on Wednesday, Oct. 14, even if the faculty remain out on strike.
Unless you are notified otherwise by the department chair, your classes will meet as scheduled.
Classes will be covered by part-time faculty, full-time faculty who have chosen not to go on strike, other qualified instructors or via other educational formats. Students should continue their assigned work.
Faculty went on strike Monday morning. Negotiating teams for the university administration and the faculty union met this afternoon, are now in recess and are set to resume negotiations at 9 p.m.
For the latest updates, monitor your YSU email. Updates may also be sent via Penguin Alert.
If you have any questions, contact the Penguin Service Center at 330-941-6000, or refer to the university's Strike Information page.