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District 1 & Colleges / Universities
The voting deadline for your TRSL rep is next week.
Eligible TRSL members actively working in District 1 or in higher education have until 4:30 p.m., Monday, September 10 to vote for their TRSL Board of Trustees representative. 
  • DISTRICT 1 includes actively working members employed in the parishes of Ascension, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, and St. John.
  • COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES includes actively working members employed at Louisiana colleges/universities.
Misplaced your PIN or need voting assistance?
Contact the Everyone Counts Help Desk at 1-888-492-4763
Click here to VOTE NOW!
Your new (school) year's resolution
You may still be getting into the swing of the new school year, but make it a point to review your retirement information through TRSL's secure online Member Access.
Your annual member statement details your salary, contributions, and service credit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018.
You can view and print your statement online by selecting "Member Account Statements" from the "My Account" drop-down menu at the top of the Member Access page.
  • If you have at least five years of service credit and have not entered DROP, your statement will include a projected retirement eligibility date and benefit estimate.
  • If you participated in DROP and continued working, your statement will provide an estimate of your retirement benefit, including your after-DROP supplement.
Please review your statement for accuracy
If your mailing address or beneficiary information is incorrect, please notify TRSL promptly.
If you find an error in salary, contributions, or service credit, notify your employer. Employers should contact TRSL if the statement information does not agree with their records.
Join us for a retirement webinar
  • These online workshops help get you up to speed on your TRSL retirement.
  • Topics include retirement eligibility, applying for retirement, DROP, and much more.
  • Webinars start at 4 p.m. and last about 30 minutes.
Click here to search all upcoming webinars. After you've selected a topic/date, you can register online. Once registered, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to join the webinar at the scheduled date and time.
Counting on Social Security in retirement?
Read this...
We get a lot of questions about Social Security benefits, specifically about two federal laws that may reduce this benefit if you receive a TRSL retirement. Click on the graphic below to learn more about possible reductions to your Social Security benefit. 
2018 Regular Legislative Session wrap-up
During this year's Regular Session, TRSL monitored more than a dozen pieces of legislation directly impacting the retirement system. Ultimately, eight bills passed, including changes to the state's return-to-work provisions.
RTW changes
  • Act 613 (Rep. Miller) adds presenter of professional development training and tutor for any PreK student to the list of "re-employment eligible positions" allowing retirees to return to work and continue to receive a benefit payment after the required waiting period, subject to a 25% earnings limit.

    The new law also clarifies that "classroom teachers" can be re-employed in a temporary capacity to proctor tests, also subject to the waiting period and 25% earnings limit. The tutor provision in Act 613 was originally included in HB 696, sponsored by Rep. Kevin Pearson. Act 613 also added full- or part-time PreK teachers to the list of retirees eligible to return to work in critical shortage situations as outlined below in Act 492.
  • Act 492 (Rep. Smith) adds full-time interpreter, educational transliterator, or educator of the deaf or hard of hearing and full- or part-time PreK teachers to the list of “re-employment eligible critical shortage positions” allowing retirees to return to work without a reduction of benefits, after the required waiting period and certification of shortage by the employer.
For a complete list of other bills monitored during this year's legislative session, visit TRSL’s Legislation webpage.
Visit our website for up-to-date publications
TRSL keeps its brochures and forms updated to reflect changes in state law. You can always find the most recent version of all forms and brochures to view, download, or print at
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