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Texas Tech Human Development and Family Studies Newsletter
Welcome to the September 2019 edition of HDFS Buzz, the newsletter of the Texas Tech University Department of Human Development and Family Studies. We look forward to a semester full of discovery, excitement, and productivity! 
In this edition, you will read about our inaugural HDFS Study Abroad in London and learn about our two new faculty members, Dr. Gabriel “Joey” Merrin and Dr. Christy Rogers. We are thrilled to have these scholars join our HDFS family. In addition, our department hosted several educational camps and events this summer that translate our academic scholarship to engagement in the Lubbock community. Our alumni continue to make an impact in the community and beyond. Mark your calendars to celebrate our first alumni reception on October 18 from 4:00-5:00 PM before the College of Human Sciences homecoming parade watch party. In addition, we will be hosting an alumni and friends reception at the National Council on Family Relations conference in Fort Worth on Friday, November 22.  Look for an invitation soon. 
As always, I encourage you to stay in touch and share your latest news and accomplishments with the HDFS community. Thank you for helping us celebrate the many achievements in Human Development and Family Studies. 
Ann M. Mastergeorge, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Rockwell Endowed Professor
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
College of Human Sciences
HDFS Welcomes Two New Faculty Members
The Department of Human Development and Family Studies welcomes Dr. Gabriel "Joey" Merrin and Dr. Christy Rogers.
First HDFS Study Abroad Program: London
As part of the first HDFS study abroad program, Dr. Stephanie Shine led HDFS 3301, Theories of Human Development and Family Studies, and Mitzi Ziegner led HDFS 3306, Child and Adolescent Guidance. Students learned to navigate a large city, live with roommates and a host family in a homestay, and balance the challenges of taking two fast-paced summer session courses.

Department of Human Development and Family Studies 2019 Faculty Retreat

Department Highlights
  • The Department of Human Development and Family Studies faculty held its annual HDFS Faculty Retreat at Cagle Steaks all day on Friday, August 23rd with the theme of, "Research Roundup at the Collaboration Corral."
  • The Child Development Research Center hosted its annual STEAM camp July 15-19 on the Texas Tech campus. Campers participated in activities integrated with a STEAM approach to learning. Participants experienced math, science, technology, and engineering through creative age-appropriate hands-on projects including a variety of art projects.
  • The Center for Adolescent Resiliecy's United Future Leaders (UFL) program hosted its Talkington SYWL Leadership Camp: Follow My Lead for the incoming 8th graders from the Talkington School for Young Women Leaders for the second year in a row. Over 50 eighth grade students participated in the fun and action-packed week. The camp took place at Texas Tech University June 23-27th and incorporated lessons and activities which promote leadership by exploring topics such as civility, ethics, competence, identity, mission and purpose, and emotional security. Each lesson was designed to provide opportunities to grow in communication, perspective, and self-confidence.
  • The Center for Early Head Start hosted its family-friendly event for the fourth of July with students and their families.
  • Dr. Trejos-Castillo has been elected to serve on the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Peer Review Committee for Psychology for the 2019-2020 grant applications.
HDFS Faculty Awards
The College of Human Sciences celebrated its faculty and staff award winners and nominees at the annual Fall Faculty & Staff Reception on August 21, 2019, in El Centro. Dr. Tim Dodd welcomed faculty, staff, and department chairs with brief remarks. Dr. Ann Mastergeorge introduced each new faculty and staff member in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies. HDFS faculty award winners each greatly were celebrated.
Ann Mastergeorge Interview
Infant brain expert says early years are critical for mental health
Dr. Ann Mastergeorge, Department Chair, said the brain is constantly developing and building over time, and healthy relationships are critically important in those early years. The majority of brain development happens in the first few years of life and so when negative experiences occur, they can have lasting impacts on the structure and function of the brain, Mastergeorge said. Read more about Dr. Mastergeorge's findings and watch the video interview.
Save the Date: HDFS Hosting Alumni Reception on Oct. 18, 2019 
The Department of Human Development and Family Studies will host a casual reception for alumni and their families on Friday, October 18th at 4:00 p.m. in El Centro in the College of Human Sciences. Join us immediately following that event for the Texas Tech Homecoming parade just outside the Human Sciences building. The College of Human Sciences will host a family-friendly parade watch party with free food, fun, and games at 5:00 PM.
Early Childhood Alumna Makes a Difference in International Teaching Career

Olivia Lucy graduated from Texas Tech in 2015 with a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood (EC) and teaching certification. Olivia has been an assistant teacher at the American School in London (ASL). Throughout her time in that role, Olivia has been able to teach full time, sharing the classroom responsibilities with a teaching partner, and simultaneously attend school at UCL part-time.
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