Engage with engineering and computing students at Miami University
Engage with engineering and computing students at Miami University
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Industry Relations

It has been a fun and busy start to the Fall Semester.  Students prepared for Career Fairs and interviews with the help of several companies that hosted career prep sessions.  Students created and updated their resumes, received interview tips and tricks, practiced their elevator pitch, and learned what to do at a Career Fair.
Thank you to all of the companies that came to the Career Fairs and to those that spent time with the Engineering and Computing students before the Career Fairs to help them put their best self forward.
All incoming first-year College of Engineering and Computing students are required to enroll in CEC 111 - Imagination, Ingenuity, Impact.' In this course, students delve into the realms of engineering and computing, engaging in hands-on, interdisciplinary design projects aimed at tackling societal and environmental challenges.
In an effort to expose students to a wider range of career possibilities within the fields of engineering and computing, CEC 111 will be organizing a Career Exploration Panel. The objective is to assemble a panel of four industry professionals for each class section, conducted virtually. Each panel session is expected to last approximately 45-60 minutes. These professionals will not be required to deliver formal presentations; instead, students will actively participate by asking questions, guiding the conversation, and gaining valuable insights.
If you are interested in speaking to the students for about one hour on Monday, October 30 or Tuesday, October 31, please complete this form
Please contact Colleen Bush at bushc4@miamioh.edu if you have any questions.
The Fall Semester Finals Week Study Break for all Engineering and Computing students will be held on Monday, December 11. 
The event is an opportunity for the students to take a break from their intense finals' preparations, gather with friends, and spend a little time thinking about something other than classes.
Snacks and comfort food will be provided as well as activities to help the students "destress". 
We are currently seeking opportunities to partner with companies to sponsor the event.  Sponsors will have their company name and logo prominently displayed before, during, and after the event, and will significantly build their brand with CEC students.
More information and registration is available on the CEC Finals Week Study Break Registration form here

The Miami University Engineers Without Borders Chapter is hosting their Annual Fall Gala on Saturday, November 11 from 5:00-8:00.
Tickets can be purchased online here.

If you are interested or have questions, please email ewb-mu@miamioh.edu.

  • Tabling, classroom visits, information sessions
  • Host an on-campus event for students looking for full-time roles and internships 
  • Living Learning Communities for first year CEC students - Advancing Women in Engineering and Software at Miami (AWESoM) and Guys in Engineering and Computing (GiEC).
  • Senior Design Projects - follow the link here for more information on Senior Design Projects, which kick-off in August.
  • Finals Week Study Break 
Please contact Colleen Bush at bushc4@miamioh.edu if you are interested in learning more about how to build your company brand at Miami University. 

Internship Panel: Wednesday, October 11
CEC 111 Career Exploration Panel: Monday, October 30 and Tuesday, October 31
Finals Week: December 11-15
Finals Week Study Break: Monday, December 11
DEI Employer Showcase: Monday, February 19
CEC Evening with Industry: Wednesday, April 17
Senior Design Expo: Thursday, May 9 
CEC Alumni & Friends Conference: Friday, May 10 

Colleen Bush
Director of Industry Relations
106 Benton Hall
510 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056
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