September 28, 2020

Career Navigator News is a biweely newsletter from your Career Navigator, Katie Hendrickson.

Strategic Planning is Here! 

If you haven't already seen it, fyi last Thursday I sent an email to administrators and guidance counselors that included a link to a planning document. I recommend that anyone who works with students (admin, counselors, teachers, etc.) on activities relating to career exploration could collaborate in filling out the form. 
This planning document, when completed, will be helpful to me in understanding the career exploration activities currently happening in your schools, and also will help to clarify tangible goals to increase the number and types of opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning activities.
I hope to see your forms completed by Monday, October 5. (And, if you need the link to be re-sent, please let me know!)

Find me on Facebook!

This newsletter is bimonthly, but I often post on my "Career Navigator - Eastern Minnesota" Facebook page. Take a moment now to friend me by clicking on the link above, or by searching for: @CareerNavigatorEastMN when you are logged into Facebook.
If there is anything you want to highlight like student projects or career exploration activities - send me information, and I will post on my FB page.
Keith Polus from Dover-Eyota recently sent me links to videos highlighting student projects completed last spring. Check out the fabulous projects by going to my page!
Manufacturing Event: October
I'm seeing great response from teachers who plan to participate in Manufacturing Month in October!
Participation looks different for everyone...some teachers may show a video or two of what a specific manufacturing job may entail, others may have their students choose a selection of the manufacturing-specific videos and do some reflection.
Whatever you choose to do, let me know if you are planning to participate so I can be sure to register you and your students for the event! Email me at: by the end of this week.
Upon signing up for Manufacturing Week, you will receive an Educator Toolkit to help you plan. This year, Manufacturing Week will be online and videos will be available on the FutureForward(TM) platform.
Resources to Share
I BUILT THIS! Build Your Future Video Contest
Sponsored by Build Your Future, the contest is open to entries starting on October 1. Click for more information.

Aspirations in Computing Awards for Women in High School (Application closes November 5)  
Applications are now being accepted for the 2020-21 award season. Visit this link for more information,   See 40 second video targeted to students.

Prepare to Launch - October and November
Offered by MNAiC partner Target (and their Women in Science and Technology group). Virtual speaker events in October and November, perfect for STEM women in high school who can benefit from learning foundational skills for launching into a successful career.   More information can be found by clicking here.

Job-Alike Meetings - October dates
Connect with teachers from our region who share your subject! These meetings are scheduled outside the school day. Attendees may be eligible for $50 stipend from Perkins.
Oct 1, 4-5pm - Family and Consumer Science, Maxine Peterson (MDE)
Oct 7, 4-5pm - Business and Marketing, Dean Breuer (MDE)
Oct 20, 4-5pm - Agriculture and Industrial Technology, Dr. Zach Sheehan and Tim Barrett (MDE)

CTE Mission: CUBESat - October 16 deadline
This is an opportunity to build technical skills for careers in space. The US Department of Education invites schools to bring space missions to students by designing and building CubeSat prototypes. No previous experience needed!

Training on Poverty - October 22 and November 19
Learn about the impact of poverty on student success and what can be done to support students experiencing poverty. This is a two-day training, held virtually. October 22 and November 19. Grant dollars can reimburse schools for sub costs (if applicable).

Email Brian Cashman for more information and to register:

STEM Forward Virtual Fall Educator Forum - November 4
Join us for an amazing peer-to-peer learning opportunity that highlights STEM lessons and activities taking place in our classrooms and in hybrid/distance learning environments in southeast Minnesota that you can replicate immediately! This fall's Educator Forum will be taking place virtually via Zoom, on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, from 4:30 to 8:00pm. There is no charge for STEM Forward members to participate in this event. Click here to register! 
Contact Your Career Navigator: 
Katie Hendrickson

Beginning the week of October 5 (next week!) I plan to visit each campus weekly.
In the meantime, I encourage you to reach out anytime with questions, project ideas, or requests to meet.
Cell: 507-421-8777
Please know that if you opt out of these communications, you will no longer receive any emails form SSC.
October - Job-Alike Meetings
10/7-Business and Marketing
10/20-Ag and Ind. Tech
See the article under Resources for more info

October - choose a week!
Manufacturing week is available throughout October 
(email Katie to register)
October 22 & November 19
Southern MN Perkins Consotia Poverty Training
(email Brian Cashman to register)
November 1
CTE Program Approval  due
November 4
STEM Forward Educator Forum
(See more info in "Resources")
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