Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School
March 14, 2016 Vol. 11 Issue 26
Please note that the school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. Please send news to lynne.shapiro@ecsnj.org by 1:00 PM on Mondays.
The weekly newsletter is archived on Elysian's website, www.ecsnj.org, so that you can always access both the most recent newsletter as well as all previous ones.
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| Harry's Corner Parents Who Promote Less Rigid Lifestyles for Children Prove More Effective By Thomas Carannante (This article was first published in Science World Report on June 18, 2014)
As opposed to keeping children immersed in a strictly scheduled day that includes school, sports, music lessons, and tutoring, parents should try encouraging their children to involve themselves in less structured activities that promote self-exploration.
According to researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, children who spend more time in less structured activities are better able to set and reach their own goals without pressure from their parents. The researchers conducted the first study that scientifically examined the question of how scheduled/formal lifestyles can affect neural development in children. Senior author Yuko Munakata is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at CU-Boulder. His reasoning for conducting a study on this issue was in response to the ongoing debate about parenting philosophy in the media and on parenting blogs. Are strict parents more effective, or do easygoing parents provide a better lifestyle for their children? The study included 70 six-year-olds whose parents recorded their daily activities for a week. After compiling all of the information, the researchers grouped the children's activities into two categories: "more structured" or "less structured." Structured activities included chores, physical lessons, non-physical lessons, and religious activities. Less structured activities encompassed playing alone or with others, social outings, sightseeing, reading, and media time. The University of Colorado Boulder study, "Less-structured time in children's daily lives predicts self-directed executive functioning," was published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology on Tuesday. The researchers found that the children who spent more time involved in less structured activities exhibited a better self-directed executive function than those involved in structured activities. The self-directed executive function was determined through a verbal fluency test. "This isn't perfect, but it’s a first step," said Munakata in a news release. "Our results are really suggestive and intriguing. Now we'll see if it holds up as we push forward and try to get more information." A step further in this line of research is expected to include a longitudinal study where the researchers would follow participants over time to see if these findings hold up in the long-term.
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THIS FRIDAY: Parents’ Night Out When: FRI March 18 from 6:00 -9:00 PM WHERE: Elysian Charter School Why: Fundraising for the class of 2016 Cost: $20 per child $10 per additional child (in same family) Pizza contribution: $5 per child Please note that our very own Francine will be with the students as well.
If you are looking for a place to go to celebrate Parents' Night Out, the 8th grade class parents have secured a room at City Bistro on 14th street. They are going to have drink specials and appetizers available to Elysian Parents! Come join your friends!
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| REMINDER: 5th Grade Grilled Cheese Fundraiser
Thursday & Friday this Week.
Help us raise money for our Mystic, CT trip!
These tasty treats, prepared and grilled up by our very own 5th grade students, will be available for the low, low cost of $2 per sandwich.
We’re selling these tasty treats at lunchtime for grades K-3 on Thursday, March 17 and then at lunchtime for grades 4-8 on Friday, March 18.
Sandwiches will also be available for purchase on BOTH days at dismissal. Please help us out and buy some grilled cheese awesomeness!
Thanks, John & Cristina
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| Basketball Updates
Small Fry:
Snow day makeup: Saturday, March 19th at the Wallace gym:
12:20 PM - 3rd grade
1:10 PM - 4th grade
If the 3rd grade wins this Saturday, March 19th, we will make it to the playoffs.
If we win, the playoff game is scheduled for Monday, March 21, 6:00 PM (Wallace gym).
The 4th grade team did not make the playoffs.
Please note: tomorrow, March 15 is the last day of practice for both the 3rd and 4th grade teams.
Middle division 5th grade:
Our first 5th grade playoff game is Monday, March 14 at 6:00 PM in the Wallace gym.
If we win our first playoff game we will play in the finals on Wednesday, March 16 at 6:00 PM in the Wallace gym.
Please note: Today, March 14, is the last practice for the 5th grade.
Middle division 6th grade:
The 6th grade's first playoff game is Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 PM in the Wallace gym. If we win the first playoff game, we will play in the finals on Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00 PM. Please note: Today, March 14, is the last practice for the 6th grade.
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| PTSO Corner It's Time for Square One Art - Everyone's Favorite Fundraiser!
Please make sure to check your child's backpack for their one-of-a-kind art creation. Order sheets for the Square One Art fundraiser were sent home LAST WEEK. Some new items have been added this year on which you can display their unique artwork. Help your child feel like an accomplished artist while raising funds for Elysian Charter School! Orders can be placed online at Square1art.com or you can pay by check (made out to Square 1 Art). Please make sure your child returns the order form to their teacher NO LATER than Monday, March 21. Any questions, please contact Pam at pam.gorode@ecsnj.org
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| GOODNIGHT MOON at Mile Square Theatre
Book, music, and lyrics by Chad Henry
Adapted from GOODNIGHT MOON by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
Mile Square Theatre is proud to open its brand-new facility at the Artisan in Hoboken with a young audience production of GOODNIGHT MOON, Chad Henry’s lively musical adaptation of the well-known children’s book by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd.
GOODNIGHT MOON is presented Saturdays at 2pm and 5pm and Sundays at 11am and 2pm, from April 9 through April 24,
with a special Autism-Friendly performance at 5pm on April 24.
Show Schedule:
Saturday, April 9 @ 2pm (sold out) and 5pm
Sunday, April 10 @ 11am and 2pm
Saturday, April 16 @ 2pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 17 @ 11am and 2pm
Saturday, April 23 @ 2pm and 5pm
Sunday, April 24 @ 11am and 2pm
Sunday, April 24 @ 5pm Autism-Friendly Performance
Adults: $25
Children and Seniors: $15
MST @ The Artisan
1408 Clinton Street, Hoboken
Purchase tickets at www.milesquaretheatre.org
GOODNIGHT MOON is recommended for all audiences 4 years and up.
Please note: several Elysian classes have tickets to go during the school day.
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| Reminder: Check Out the Lost and Found in the Main Office
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| Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education: Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office! Thank you!
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| MARCH Calendar Monday, March 14
- First 5th grade playoff game, 6:00 PM, in Wallace gym
- Today is last day of basketball practice for 5th and 6th grade teams.
Tuesday, March 15 - 7th grade trip
- First 6th grade Basketball playoff game, 7:00 PM, Wallace gym
- POSTPONED Until Next Week: After School Art Salon - Zentangles with Willa and Lilly (more info to follow)
- Today is last day of basketball practice for 34d and 4th grade teams.
Wednesday, March 16- Half day of school for staff development; 12:30 PM dismissal. After school program as usual
- If the the 5th grade wins their playoff game, there will be Finals today, 6:00 PM, Wallace gym.
- If the 6th grade wins their playoff game, there will be Finals, 7:00 PM
Thursday, March 17- The 5th grade is selling $2 grilled sandwiches at lunch for grades K- 3 and for everyone at dismissal
Friday, March 18- The 5th grade is selling $2 grilled sandwiches at lunch for grades 4- 8 and for everyone at dismissal
- 8th grade trip
- Parents' Night Out, 6:00 - 9:00 PM to help raise funds for graduation. $20 per child; $10 for additional child in same family, $5 pizza contribution. 8th grade class parents have secured a room at City Bistro on 14th street. Drink specials and appetizers available to Elysian Parents! Come join your friends!
Saturday, March 19
- There is a snow day make-up game today, 12:20 PM at the Wallace gym for the 3rd grade team.
- There is a snow day make-up game on Saturday, 1:10 PM at the Wallace gym for the 4th grade team.
Monday, March 21- The New Victory visits to conduct workshops for 7th and 8th grades
- Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 PM
- Square 1 orders are due today!
- Possible playoff game for 3rd grade (if we win Saturday, March 19). 6:00 PM, Wallace gym.
Tuesday, March 22- 6th grade trip
- After School Art Salon - Zentangles with Willa and Lilly (more info to follow - Art Salon with Becky Klein Cohen will take place in April.)
Friday, March 25 - Friday, April 1- Elysian closed for Spring Break
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1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director