Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

December 28th, 2020

Career Navigator News is a bimonthly newsletter from your Career Navigator, Jami Schwickerath.

Well wishes for you all!

I hope you all have time to take a break, relax, unwind, and refresh. I know you have worked many hours, been stressed, and maxed out. My hope is that the new year brings some calm and routine. I will see you all in the New Year!
Themed Months Upcoming
As you have participated and heard about, we have done Manufacturing and Construction months so far with a plan for more months to come in the New Year. 
  • January/February: Healthcare
  • March: Post-Secondary
  • May: Hospitality
  • October: Manufacturing
  • December: Construction
Themed months also include a digital toolkit full of industry information, highlight videos of local and regional companies, recorded interviews, and lesson ideas. More details will be coming as we get closer!


The Career and Technical Education departments at Triton got a big boost recently. The Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council awarded a grant to Robert Olson and Ashley Zimmerman to make improvements to their programs. Robert will be getting some new welders and Ashley will be updating her sanders. The goal is to give these students some very real hands-on training with the correct tools and technology before they leave school and find work. 

Can I Borrow That? 

Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence has hands-on equipment, tools and simulators available for schools to borrow. Educators must submit a request for the item desired and TCOE staff will review and assess the requests on a first come, first serve basis. Check out their website for additional resources including lesson plans, worksheets, and videos! 

Your Career Navigator: 
             Jami Schwickerath
                       Cell: 507-273-8365
               Email: jschwickerath@ssc.coop
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Happy Holidays!

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