March 8, 2020

COVID-19 Update and Reminder to Update Your Emergency Contact Information with the District

Dear CPS Parents, Families, and Staff,

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is committed to providing you with updates regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at Vaughn Occupational High School. Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) staff have and will continue to work through the weekend to ensure contact with students, faculty, and staff at Vaughn. In addition, CDPH is testing certain students or staff with COVID-19 symptoms, and the district has nearly completed a thorough environmental cleaning of Vaughn. As a precautionary measure, CPS Facilities staff will also begin disinfecting high-touch areas, such as handrails, light switches, and doorknobs, in all schools on a daily basis. 

For more details on the steps the district is taking to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus among the Vaughn community, please reference the comprehensive update we provided yesterday on The update is now posted on the website in Spanish, Polish, Urdu, Arabic, and Simplified Chinese.

Please Ensure the District Has Accurate Emergency Contact Information

As this is an evolving situation, it is critical that all of our parents, families, and staff receive the most up-to-date information from the district and can be contacted in case of an emergency. We strongly encourage all parents and families to confirm their emergency contact information with their schools, and we ask staff to update their contact information with the district.

Going forward, we are requesting that all schools keep an accurate visitors log with contact information including email and phone numbers. 

We will continue to keep you informed as this situation develops. For the most reliable information, please visit:
Janice K. Jackson, EdD Kenneth Fox, MD
Chief Executive Officer Chief Health Officer
Chicago Public Schools Chicago Public Schools
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