Enjoy reading the latest issue of Salpointe's Lancer Life eNewsletter
Enjoy reading the latest issue of Salpointe's Lancer Life eNewsletter
A publication of Salpointe's Advancement Department
 November 2017
Wishing Joy and Peace This Holiday Season
Dear Lancer Families,
Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! May God bless you and your family during this sacred season of gratitude. I wish you the joys of spending treasured times with family and friends.
On behalf of the Salpointe community, I thank you for doing your part -- as students, parents, past parents, alums -- to make our school a welcoming, inclusive place where prayer, service, and community are more than a list of values. These hallmarks are embraced and modeled by our faculty and staff … and they are tangible realities lived by our students and alums.
On November 3 and 4, 1170 Lancers and 147 faculty/staff members touched Southern Arizona’s vulnerable populations by serving over 100 nonprofit organizations: we prayed with hospice patients; we fed the hungry at soup kitchens and stocked food banks; we listened to the stories of veterans with PTSD; we read books with underserved children in failing schools; we provided support and clothing for refugees; we honored planet Earth by planting trees, prepping community gardens, pulling buffelgrass and clearing trails. The litany of service goes on and on - enjoy photos documenting many of the volunteer locations. I am so proud of our Lancers! They are living the sacred Carmelite mission of our school.
My special thanks to the Salpointe Catholic Education Foundation for their recent commitment to enhancing Theater Arts and STEM experiences on our campus... Read more.

Kay Sullivan, President

Spotlight on IMPACT
“The woman was radiant!” exclaimed Lynn Ossowski when she returned from Iskashitaa on Friday afternoon. She was describing how a 60-year-old refugee woman carried a 50-pound pumpkin gracefully on her head from the farm to the bus. Our students were in awe of the grace, the work ethic, and the beauty of those they served alongside. Lynn was hot, sweaty, and exhausted, yet her focus was on how incredible her day was. It stands as testimony that despite the heat and arduous labor, we have met the only learning objective for IMPACT days - to encounter Christ in our work and in the people we meet.
There were over 100 simultaneous service projects, 17 rental vans, 7 buses, and 19,500 hours worked. It would take a single person 9 years to complete what we did in two school days. Wow! However, those numbers add up to nothing unless our students learned about their faith. Prayer, service, and community are our driving values... Read more.

 Jessikah Eller, Director of Service Learning
Lady Lancer Volleyball Takes State (Again)!
Congratulations to Salpointe's women's volleyball team which brought home a State championship title for the second year in a row! Other Lancer fall sports teams also had great seasons: football remains in the quest for a State title and plays in the semifinal round on Friday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Glendale Ironwood High School; cross country women placed 3rd and men placed 5th at the State competition; swim and dive women placed 5th and men placed 8th at the State competition; golf women placed 6th and men placed 9th at the State competition; and cheer and pom teams earned the chance to compete at the State competition in January. For a full recap of all athletic teams, including freshmen and JV teams, visit www.salpointe.org/athletics.
Laudato Si'  Curriculum Presented in Rome
Earlier this month, Salpointe president, Kay Sullivan, and faculty member, Kate McGarey Vasey, traveled to Rome to attend the International Congress for Carmelite Schools. They presented about the new Laudato Si' curriculum, based on Pope Francis' encyclical about caring for the earth, which was developed at Salpointe and will be introduced at Carmelite schools around the world. Learn more about Laudato Si' and how it was developed in this video by the Carmelite NGO.
Senior Invited to Prestigious National Conference
Congratulations to senior, Shannon McCoy, who was invited to participate in the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Conference in Washington, D.C. in early November. Shannon worked on research in Dr. Subbian's biomedical engineering lab at the University of Arizona Engineering Department; this was the first time high school students were invited to be a part of this national symposium on informatics and healthcare. Shannon was one of only 16 students and the only from UA's College of Engineering to take part in the poster presentation.
Join the Salpointe Catholic Education Foundation

The mission of the Salpointe Catholic Education Foundation (SCEF) is to support the educational, moral, scientific and artistic endeavors of the Salpointe community. The Foundation has touched the lives of generations of Lancers since its incorporation in 1984, having approved grant requests of over $3.4M to enhance the educational experience of Lancers.

Lifetime memberships are granted with a fully tax-deductible donation of $1,000. The first $1,000 of a membership gift becomes part of SCEF's permanently endowed fund. Learn more and become a member at www.salpointe.org/joinSCEF. Already a member? Membership upgrades are always encouraged! Upgrade at www.salpointe.org/SCEFupgrade.

Valencia and Glinski Award Winners Named
We recently honored and remembered two very special Lancers who left us too soon at the annual Heroes Assembly - John Glinski '68 who succumbed to cancer in 1966 and Carlos Valencia '06 who lost the battle to leukemia in 2004.
Junior recipients of this year's awards are: CJ Franks receiving the annual John Glinski award and Max Zavalza received the Carlos Valencia Humanitarian award. Both of these Lancers model the characteristics of John and Carlos and represent the true meaning of being a Lancer. Congratulations, CJ and Max!
Don't Forget to Designate Salpointe by Dec. 31!
Direct your Arizona Tuition Tax Credit to the Catholic Tuition Support Organization (CTSO) and designate Salpointe. When you file your 2017 state tax return, you will receive a dollar-for-dollar credit for the amount you have contributed. You will get back every penny! Don’t wait! Make your contribution by Dec. 31 and it may also qualify for a federal tax deduction.

Make your contribution directly to CTSO online at www.CTSO-Tucson.org or by calling 520-838-2558.

Maximum contribution amounts for 2017: up to $2,177 for a couple filing jointly and up to $1,089 for an individual. Click here for a CTSO brochure and printable Salpointe designation form to mail directly to CTSO. Thank you for helping to make a Salpointe education possible for deserving students! If you've already used your tax credit to help a Lancer in need, THANK YOU! We are grateful for the difference you make at Salpointe.
Featured Event    
Salpointe Musical: Beauty and the Beast
Disney's transcendent fairy tale comes to life on the Salpointe stage. The story of the beautiful Belle raised by her doting father in a French village too small to harness her expansive dreams. Her love for her father is so strong that she offers her life in exchange for his when he is trapped by a hideous Beast. Raised without love and cursed by an enchantress for his unkind heart, the Beast must learn to love. Is Belle the girl who will break the spell? Come and discover again the transfigurative nature of love.

Be our guest any of the following dates in Corcoran Theater!

December 1, 2, 8, and 9 at 7 p.m.
December 3 and 10 at 2 p.m. 
Purchase tickets in advance at www.showtix4u.com.

Nov. 15        Advanced Drama Production
Nov. 22-24    Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 3       Fall Sports Celebration
Dec. 4-8    Christmas Spirit Week
Dec. 5       Alumni Council Meeting
Dec. 9       Admissions Entrance Exam
Dec. 13     Fine Arts Festival
Dec. 21     Christmas Formal
Dec. 22-Jan. 7 - Christmas Break
Deadline for Distinguished Alumni Nominations
Salpointe's Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame honors in perpetuity outstanding alumni, faculty, and support staff who through their contributions to the arts, business, education, government, humanities, science, and philanthropy have brought honor to themselves, Salpointe Catholic High School, and the community. The deadline to make a nomination for the next induction ceremony is January 31. Click here to read more about past inductees and to submit a nomination form.
Anne Schroff King '64  Retires After 15 Years
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Anne Schroff King '64, who has "retired" from her Salpointe volunteer job after 15+ years. Anne is a proud alum of the Class of 1964 and a loyal member of the Salpointe Alumni Council. She spent every Monday for the last 15 years volunteering in Salpointe's Advancement office and her hard work and stories of Salpointe will be greatly missed. Best wishes, Anne!
Lancer Pride Day is Coming December 1!
Salpointe Lancers often travel, study or live around the world, and we want to see your Lancer pride on display at various locations around the globe. Check out 1988 alumna, Katrina Dominguez, showing off her Lancer pride in NYC!
Send us a photo to myschs@salpointe.org showcasing your "Lancer Pride Around the World" and we'll share it on social media on Lancer Pride Day on December 1, as well as publish it in the next issue of our Salpointe Today newsmagazine.
Be sure to tell Lancers you know who may be traveling or studying around the world. Are you in college at Georgetown? Take a photo on the Georgetown campus! Visiting Paris? Take a photo in Lancer gear at the Eiffel Tower! The possibilities are endless. We can't wait to see all the Lancer Pride Around the World on December 1!
'07 Alum Named Fashion Designer of the Year
Congratulations to 2007 alum, Quinlan Wilhite, owner and designer of Qmulative, who was awarded the designer of the year award in the lifestyle category at Phoenix Fashion Week 2017! Qmulative debuted its spring/summer 2018 collection during the event, and upon winning the lifestyle category award will receive a $10,000 prize package to help further the brand's success. Way to go, Quinlan! Click here to read more about Quinlan and Qmulative.
Alumni Council Beauty and the Beast Show
The Salpointe Alumni Council, in collaboration with the Salpointe Theater Department, invites you to join us during the holiday season for a night of socializing with fellow alumni, drinks, snacks, and a special performance of Disney's Beauty and the Beast presented by Salpointe actors and actresses. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by the performance at 6:00 p.m. The night will continue with a special "Meet and Greet" after the show with the student cast. It's a night you don't want to miss to put yourself in the holiday spirit while directly supporting our amazing Lancers!
The ticket price is $15 per person and also includes snacks and two drink tickets, which can be used for beer, wine, water, or soda. Space is limited, so register today!
Join Salpointe's Alumni Band
Play an instrument? Interested in joining the Salpointe Catholic Alumni Band that played at Homecoming? They are looking for new members to join the group. Friends, family, and alums are all welcome to join. For more information please contact Trish Stanley at 520-400-6613. The Alumni Band is a non-profit Community Outreach Service group consisting of musicians from all over, not just from Salpointe. You merely have to be a family member, friend-of-the-band and/or former student to join. New members are always welcome and the group can even provide an instrument if you don’t have one at this time! So give them a call and they can answer any questions you may have! Contact Todd Crawford ’95, owner of Metro Gnome Music Store on Speedway, a 2017 “Best of Tucson Winner!” at 520-320-3780.
Lancers Give Back to Kids Impacted by Hurricane 
In October, Lancers worked together to help a 2nd grade class in Houston get back on their feet after Hurricane Harvey.
Ms. Turk's 2nd grade class of 18 students not only found their entire classroom under four feet of water, but many of them also lost their homes. A few weeks after the hurricane they started school in a new location.

Led by Theology faculty member, Mrs. Ellen Fisher, our Lancers wanted to help create a reading space where students could get away from the memories of the flood as they settled in at a new school.

The Lancer community raised money to purchase books to build their new library, created felt panels which were turned into a jungle reading nook, assembled Halloween goodie bags, and made handmade sock monkeys for every student.

In total, over $1,100 was raised to support the efforts and 141 pounds of books were delivered to the school. Huge thanks to Mrs. Fisher, the 94 junior and senior theology students, and everyone from the Salpointe community who helped make it happen. Way to go, Lancers!

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