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The Saklan School. Pre-K Through 8. think. act. live
Dear 3rd - 5th Grade Parents,

As you know, we will be starting in-person classes for grade 3rd - 5th on Wednesday, October 14th. Monday, October 12th is already a Fall Holiday, but there will be no live online classes on Friday, October 9th or Tuesday, October 13th as teachers prepare to transition back to the classroom. 

There are many moving parts when we consider bringing students back to campus full time. Please take a few minutes to read through this bullet list so re-entry can be as smooth as possible.

Measures taken to reduce exposure to COVID-19
I am sure that you have seen many of the measures we have taken, but I would like to reiterate some of the major ones.   
  • We have upgraded our ventilation system and installed Merv. 13 Filters (same as used in hospitals) and purchased Hepa air purifiers with uv lights for each classroom.
  • All rooms will have students distanced 6 ft from each other.
  • We have created 1800 sq ft of outdoor learning spaces and will be adding 1200 more soon.
  • Portable sinks and touchless faucets have been installed around the campus.
  • Our cleaning crew has been trained in COVID-19 cleaning procedures and we clean and disinfect the campus each night with an antibacterial fogger.

COVID-19 Testing:
  • Every returning student must be tested for COVID-19 before returning to school. Please schedule testing in order that results will be in by the end of the day Tuesday, October 13th. For the test to be valid, please do not schedule it before Tuesday the 6th of October. Please send the results to If you have any questions, please contact me. 

First Days:
  • The first day back (Wed., Oct. 14th, 2020) is a half-day with a noon dismissal. Thursday and Friday will be full days with a 2:10 dismissal. 
  • Students will be allowed to check-in at the screening stations starting at 8:15 am.  Please fill in the Renweb Prescreening Survey before 8:00 am each morning (there is a Renweb phone app that works quite well). The check-in goes very smoothly when everyone fills in the prescreening form. 
  • Physically distance when you are in line and wait until your child is admitted. The school parking lot will be closed with parking available at the Holy Trinity Church next to the school. 
  • All students are required to wear masks. All of our students who are on campus already have done wonderfully wearing their masks. 
  • Please make sure your child has a properly fitting mask, that is at least double-layered and not have a valve.
  • Students also need to bring two backup masks in a labeled ziplock bag for us to store at school. 

Symptoms: By now you are all familiar with the symptoms of COVID-19. One of the things we have learned from working with our early childhood students was how draconian we have to be with even the smallest symptom. During the recent bout of poor air, there were a few runny noses showing up to school. Was it the smoke? Probably. Did we send the student home to get a doctor’s appointment? Yes. While we were 95 percent sure it was the smoke, we still needed to send students to get a medical clearance. Not all were tested, but all had to have a note from the doctor stating they were not contagious. We appreciate your understanding in advance. 

Other Things:
  • There will be no extended day for the foreseeable future. With the cohorting and safety protocols, it makes that program too difficult to do at this time.
  • We will consider restarting hot lunch once we feel that we can successfully manage another moving piece.
  • Visitors and parents are not allowed on campus without permission from the Head of School. 
  • We are planning to restart the bus service on the 19th of October, seating will be limited and an email regarding transportation will soon follow this one. 
  • Uniforms are required, but every Wednesday is free dress day (including Wednesday, October 14th).

Thanks again for all your support; we look forward to seeing your children on campus very soon. 

Warm regards, 

* As you may recall from earlier in the summer, we shortened our schedule due to the need to help students who may be staying home due to COVID-19 related issues. Students who do stay home will have assignments to do and teachers will be available to help out online between 2:15 and 3:15 pm. We do not have plans on live casting classes during this time. 
1678 School Street, Moraga, CA 94556
925-376-7900 |

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