Newsletter 10-1-18
Newsletter 10-1-18
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken  
Susan Grierson, Director
Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School

October 1, 2018                  Vol. 14  Issue 3
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  Send news to by 9:00 AM on Mondays.
BTSN – Back to School Night is one of the most informative meetings of the year. The specialist teachers – art, music, PE, Spanish and dance will start off the evening with a panel presentation about their class goals and curriculum. The meeting will take place in the Room of Requirement, 3rd floor, #313.
The specialists meeting will be followed by individual classroom presentations.
 We hope to see you Thursday!
The Book Fair is Coming The Book Fair is Coming! 
When: October 2nd -5th
     • Oct. 2nd & 3rd – 8:30am - 4:00pm
     • Oct. 4th BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT -  8:30am - 4:00pm & 7:30pm - 9:00pm
     • Oct. 5th -  8:30am - 12:30pm
Where: Gym
Why: Reading takes you places you’ve never been! 
Think about shopping for holiday or birthday gifts – books last forever. 
Fun Run The kids definitely put the Fun in the Fun Run. Lots of exercise and fun was had by all. Thanks to everyone who participated and Tara for organizing. 
The class winners are:
3rd place - Diane Murray's class - extra recess
2nd place - Lauren Barker's class - duct tape John to the wall
1st place - Abra Kessler's class - party with DJ Derrick
Kuumba News- This year Kuumba will be on a weekday, Friday, January 11th. Mark your calendar now!
It is hard to believe that our 20th KUUMBA Day is coming!  Friday, January 11th!  For those of you who don’t know, KUUMBA Day is a celebration of creativity -- a unique Elysian celebration--  actually, our first tradition.  

In 1997, the year when Elysian opened its doors (as a K-2 school!) we applied for a matching dance residency grant from the New Jersey Performing Arts Center.  We were awarded a residency; we selected African Dance; we decided to give the residency to students who would be in 3rd grade the following year  - our oldest students.  At the culmination of the residency, Monroe Movement Space hosted the dance demonstration in their studio.  Many members of the Elysian community turned out, wanting to see what the students had learned and wanting to see if our matching monies had been well spent.  The evening was a complete joy, a first for our new school.  Everyone in the audience got up and danced to the djembe.

Each dancer received a simple tee shirt with a square of African fabric cut from a single cloth, representing a shared community.   Every year since, we have done the same.  All but one year, we have had the same teacher, Yahaya Kamate.   (Our second year, NJPAC paired us with a different dance teacher – not a teaching artist – so we hired Yahaya on our own.)

This year’s KUUMBA Day will be different.  On January 11th –first thing in the morning - the celebration begins: the 3rd grade will demonstrate for parents and relatives what they learned during their residency.   (Any parents unable to attend the morning celebration, may join in the afternoon.)   The 3rd grade will repeat the dance at day’s end for Elysian’s students and teachers; all of whom will have had a unique KUUMBA Day experience, participating in hands-on workshops.  Throughout the day, students will learn about cultures from around the world. 

We are in the planning stages – thinking about which workshops to offer, how to include music, dance, clothing & food, for example, into the day’s plans.  Toward that end, we will be sending a survey home – look for it in your children’s backpacks – asking you for your input.  What cultures are represented in your home? Do you have any suggestions?  Are you able to teach a workshop (with teacher helpers) or help out that day?  We appreciate your returning the survey by the end of the week so we can get to work planning the best KUUMBA Day.

Thank you,

KUUMBA Planning Committee:  
Nicole Berger
Cristina Francisco
Derek Ladson
Roberto Rosa
Lynne Shapiro
Amanda Tripp

Friends of Elysian

The Friends of Elysian, the school’s parent-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit fundraising group, would like to invite you to our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 9 at 6:30 PM in the school building (room TBA)

At the Annual Meeting, we’ll be providing a quick recap of last year, confirming and adding new members, voting on board positions, and discussing plans for this year — as well as listening to your ideas and feedback. We hope you can join us!

If you have any questions in advance of the meeting, or can’t attend but would like to get involved, please don’t hesitate to email us at

PTSO Corner

BOOK FAIR - The Annual Scholastic Book Fair is THIS week, and we could still use some volunteers! Please go to to sign up for a shift (or two!)!

Book Fair hours are Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 - 4, Thursday 8:30 - 4 AND 7:30 - 9 for Back to School Night, and Friday 8:30-12:30. Your children will go once with their class to browse and make wish lists, and then a second time later in the week to buy.

Kindergarteners will only go once to browse. Parents will have to bring them back to buy.

OCTOBER SAVE THE DATES - School Picture Day is Friday, October 19, and the Elysian Halloween Party is Friday, October 26!

DUES ENVELOPES - PTSO dues envelopes have been sent home, but if you did not receive one, please email or send in your donation in a regular envelope, with your contact information on the outside. To help fund the PTSO, we are suggesting all families contribute $25 per child in dues. Please return the envelope with cash or check made out to Elysian PTSO to the main office.

The Cast List for The Music Man, Jr.

Harold Hill -- Zac Shaytin (8H)
Marian Paroo -- Sienna Mello (7L)
Mrs. Paroo -- Caroline Murphy (7L)
Charlie Cowell -- Jack Nilsen (8H)
Mayor Shinn -- Maddie Alderson (6D)
Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn/Wells Fargo 8th Voice -- Frannie Michaels (8H)
Winthrop Paroo -- Evan Ballantyne (6D)
Marcellus Washburn -- Victor Mauseth (6A)
Zaneeta Shinn/Salesman #5 -- Taylor Glynn (6A)
Gracie Shinn/Newspaper Reader #2 -- Caitlyn Powell (6A)
Amaryllis -- Grace Campbell (6D)
Alma Hix -- Juliet Hysen (8R)
Ethel Toffelmier -- Sasha Golubchik (6A)
Maud Dunlop/Wells Fargo 2nd Voice -- Kayla Rivera (7L)
Mrs. Squires/Salesman #4/Woman/Wells Fargo 7th Voice -- Dalia Duran (6D)
Jacey Squires/Newspaper Reader #3: Leo Nakayama (6A)
Olin Britt/Salesman #3/Man #2/Wells Fargo 1st Voice: Sienna Nemeth (6A)
Oliver Hix/Farmer’s Wife/Newspaper Reader #/Wells Fargo 3rd Voice: Lana Kanlic
Ewart Dunlop: Arza Bhalla (6D)
Tommy Djilas: Henry Eig (6A)
Salesman #1/Constable Locke: Leo Burnett (6D)
Salesman #2/Wells Fargo 4th Voice: Christian Auerbach (6A)
Conductor/Boy: Eyal Oualid (6D)
Farmer/Man #1/Wells Fargo 5th Voice: Peter Bruk (7M)
Stage Managers: Dylan Endico (6A) and Lila Jung (8H)
Wells Fargo Voices are solos in the song, The Wells Fargo Wagon. They are not different

Rock Band Members of 2018-19

We are pleased to announce the new Rock Bad Members.

Jared Lee
Juliet Hysen
Daniel Weintraub
Lila Jung
Philip Bubb
Sean O'Callaghan
The Rock Band EXCITEMENT Is Beginning!
This year, Alum Andrew Wholf and Mary Guthrie will lead the Rock Band.  A graduate of Elysian in 2016, Andrew now attends High Tech High School where he studies Audio Technology.  After releasing his first album last year, “Forever Is So”, Andrew spends his free time playing gigs with his bands Elevator Pitch, and Andrew Wholf Band. He also teaches private lessons. Some of his students are currently at Elysian. Auditions were held last Monday.  
The Rock Band will meet for rehearsals Mondays after school at 2:55-3:45.  We look forward to a great year with the band! 
KidStuff Coupon Books

Dear Families,
This year the 8th grade is selling valuable, family-friendly KidStuff Coupon Books filled with hundreds of national, regional and local coupons for all ages! Use just a few coupons and easily save more than the $25 cost of the book. Remember to keep KidStuff in your car!
Most coupons are long-term and valid for 16 months! You will enjoy fabulous savings from: BowTie Cinemas, Macy's, H&M, Dorney Park, and Francesca's, to name a few. 
NEW THIS YEAR:  Purchase of a Kidstuff book include a 12-month membership to the NEW KidStuff App, which provides even more local and national coupons. There is also a way to pay for books online and still give ECS credit for your sale. All info will be included in the letters sent home. 
Order forms will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 1st  or you can find us on Back to School Night at the bookfair, at drop off or pick up in front of the building, or see Regan in room 317. Please make checks payable to Elysian Charter School (include a memo: Kidstuff for 8th). If you have any questions, please contact Regan or Hillary. 

Thank you for supporting the 8th grade class. 

New Boxtops for Education smartphone app
Box Tops Bonus App

To Register Elysian for a sweepstake

Monsters Cereal Madness Sweepstakes
      Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
          Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!
As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regul
    Monday, Oct 1
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Tuesday, Oct 2
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Music Room #219
    Tuesday, Oct 2 thru Friday, Oct 5
    • Book Fair
    Thursday, Oct 4
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    • Back to School Night, 5:45-6:30 Specialist presentations 6:30-7:30 - Classroom presentations
    • Book Fair open late
    Monday, Oct 8
    • Elysian Closed - Columbus Day
    Tuesday, Oct 9
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Musci Room #219
    • Friends of Elysian Annual Meeting, 6:30pm - Room # TBD
    Thursday, Oct 11
    • 3rd Grade Trip
    • 5th Grade Trip
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    Monday, Oct 15
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Tuesday, Oct 16
    • 1st Grade Trip
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Music Room #219
    Wednesday, Oct 17
    • 1/2 Day - Staff Development
    Thursday, Oct 18
    • 5th Grade Trip
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    • Hoboken HS Panel, 6:00pm - 7:00pm 
    Friday, Oct 19
    • Picture Day
    Monday Oct 22
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    • High School Fair, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
    • Board Meeting, 7:00pm
    Tuesday, Oct 23
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15 pm, Music Room #219
    Thursday, Oct 25
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    Friday, Oct 26
    • 2nd Grade Trip
    • Halloween Party - 6:00pm 
    Monday, Oct 29
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Tuesday, Oct 30
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Music Room #219

    Thursday, Nov 1
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    Monday, Nov 5
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Tuesday, Nov 6
    • Play Practice, 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Music Room #219
    Wednesday, Nov 7
    • Trivia Night, 7:00pm, Cadillac Cantina
    Thursday Nov 8
    • Rugby Practice, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 1600 Park
    Monday, Nov 12
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm -3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Monday, Nov 12 - Friday, Nov 16
    • Coin Challenge
    • Parent Teacher Conferences
    Wednesday, Nov 14
    • 1/2 Day - Conferences
    Monday, Nov 19
    • 4th and 5th Grade Trip
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    Wednesday, Nov 21
    • 1/2 Day, Aftercare Ends at 3:00pm
    Thursday, Nov 22 and Friday, Nov 23
    • Elysian Closed - Thanksgiving
    Monday, Nov 26
    • Rock Band Practice, 2:55pm - 3:45pm, Music Room #219
    • Board Meeting, 7:00pm
    Tuesday, Nov 27
    • Picture Re-take Day
    A note about attendance:  The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance.  By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill.  There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans. We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Susan Grierson, Director | | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
    powered by emma
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