June 2016
Workforce Development
Building tomorrow’s workforce today.

First Summer Code Camp a Success 

The first of three summer Code Camps was held last week from June 13 - 17th at Central Magnet School.  Middle school students from Rutherford County learned to create with code.

With over 1,000 tech jobs going unfilled in Middle Tennessee every year, Rutherford Works hopes that students can get a jump start toward a high wage, high demand career.

Rutherford Works will host two more code camps this summer. 
Click here to see photos.

High School Summer Internship Program 

The second annual High School Internship Program is helping rising high school seniors learn real-world skills to jump start their career path.  

Thirty-nine students are interning at 17 Rutherford county employers this summer.  Every Friday, students come to the Chamber for work-based learning sessions that include:

  • Your personality style and how it affects your ability to communicate and work effectively in teams
  • Keys to a Successful Interview
  • Personal Finance and Post-Secondary Planning
  • Identifying Your Strengths for Success

The 2016 program will conclude next week. 

For information about the High School Internship Program, click here

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Rutherford County Health Care Council Meeting
August 10 |8 a.m. 
Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce 
Contact Beth Duffield for questions.
The Career Pathways Partnership program builds partnerships between employers and Murfreesboro City Schools, Rutherford County schools and post-secondary education partners to enhance students’ life skills, encourage career exploration and enable them to make the successful transition to post high school education and the 21st century workplace.
Click here to become a Career Pathways Partner!
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