Jeppesen FRM
News Flash AUG'22
Fatigue Risk Management solutions
that make a real difference

Welcome Poste Air Cargo!

Poste Air Cargo, an Italian cargo airline headquartered in Rome, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Poste Italiane, has decided to implement Jeppesen Concert and the Boeing Alertness Model (BAM). Poste Air Cargo currently operates six aircrafts in full cargo configuration, including five Boeing 737s, from its hub at Brescia Airport.
Air cargo, such as mail and parcels, is often transported during off-peak hours overnight - meaning it may result in challenging working patterns for the pilots. According to Flight Operations and Safety Management Divisions at Poste Air Cargo, Jeppesen Concert will provide them with the capability to pin-point their fatigue risk hotspots and closely follow the development over time, throughout their crew management process. Poste Air Cargo considers BAM a very capable fatigue model and the company intends to draw as much insight as possible from it, keeping their risk profile well below any concerning levels.
Eduardo Dobashi Furuzato, Scheduling Safety Expert at Jeppesen, comments: "We are extremely pleased to welcome Poste Air Cargo onboard, joining our large family of operators now relying on Jeppesen FRM solutions for their FRM activities. We are excited to get going and confident we have many years of fruitful collaboration ahead of us. Welcome Poste Air Cargo!"
For more information about Concert, please follow this link. For learning more about applying a process-control approach for FRM to crew scheduling, please consider reading this document. 

Social jetlag

Social jetlag describes the habit of having two separate and distinct sleeping patterns. It’s often the case that this disparity occurs between very separate weekday and weekend routines, although it can of course occur in other circumstances as well.
So why is this a problem? Your body has a clever built-in system called the circadian rhythm, which signals to your body when it’s time to sleep. Your circadian rhythm is sensitive and if you develop a lifestyle that is often out of sync you could be compromising your sleep health. For many... (read the full article here).
Sleep Cycle, with millions of users worldwide, has built up what is likely to be the world’s richest repository with data reflecting global sleep habits. They have many interesting articles about sleep that are worth checking out on their website. 

Preventive and mitigating actions to control fatigue risk...

The Fatigue Safety Action Group (FSAG) should be all about, brace for it..., taking action.
With the industry going through unprecedented challenges with shortage of staff and operational disruptions in the wake of COVID and international tensions - It is more important than ever to control crew fatigue risk as best as possible.
The actions sought can be divided into preventive and mitigating actions, for the individual crew member as well as for the organisation. Without elaborating in detail on each activity, the document shared here provides an FSAG with a high-level 'check-list' of factors to consider improving. Taking action. Enjoy!  
For more information on how to control fatigue risk throughout the crew management process, please also consider reading this document. You are most welcome to contact us should you wish to discuss adding or enhancing functionality assisting you

Sleep for Performance

Did you miss out on the Sleep for Performance seminar, hosted by Dr. Ian C Dunican, back in June? In addition to many presentations related to fatigue and performance in sport, it also contained a couple of aviation related presentations in the third session. One on the effectiveness of FRMSs, and another one by Jeppesen describing how sleep science is applied to the crew management process. The presentations are easily digestible, being just ten minutes long. Please find the video library with presentations via this link.

Without data...

First COVID, then war, then peak demand coinciding with staff shortages... When will aviation get back to 'normal'?
Or could it be that these larger disruptions are something we will need to expect and prepare for more thoroughly? Looking at the development over the past two decades, airlines today are much more often suffering severe consequences from ripple-effects in their environment; industrial action of a competitor, problems in the supply chain, fuel prices, political decisions, and so forth. Add to this the extreme weather conditions likely to become more frequent and it is obvious that many airlines need to revisit their strategies for dealing with disruptions - throughout the crew management process. It involves day-of-operation processes and systems of course, but also planning for increased robustness and recoverability.
Experience allows for planners to come up with hypothesises for what would improve robustness and recoverability in the crew management process. It may be a modified reserve or stand-by strategy, changes to crew agreements or ways to keep crew together more often. But then what? These potential improvements will need to be measured and cultivated into data that quantifies the impact on several aspects such as fatigue risk and crew wellbeing, but also cost. Now, -this is where your crew solution really has the chance to shine; with easily configured business logic and powerful optimizers, you could quickly produce what-if's that deliver the data needed for the decisions. Because, to quote W. Edwards Deming; Without data you're just another person with an opinion
To learn more about the value of having class-leading configurability of business logic that enables powerful what-if's with optimizers, please look no further than to this document.

Meet up with our experts:

SEP 23-25: ICTTP, Gothenburg
OCT 5-6: Jeppesen FRM Training Course, Gothenburg
OCT 10-13:  Jeppesen Connect Crew & Ops Users Conference, Frankfurt
OCT 19-20Jeppesen FRM Training Course, Montreal 
Missed out on the previous NewsFlash? It's right here.
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