reception invitation banner

To continue to create community and foster the development of students of diverse backgrounds, the UC Santa Barbara Graduate Division, in co-sponsorship with the Office of Equal Opportunity & Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance, will host a reception  to celebrate graduate students of color on our campus. Graduate Division Dean Carol Genetti and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Michael Young will give opening remarks at the reception on October 28 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Loma Pelona Center (new location). Come meet and mingle with your fellow grad students, and learn about such campus groups as the Graduate Students Association, Adventure Sports, and the Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity at an informational fair.  This event is free and open to all graduate students. To RSVP, please complete the form on the GradPost. If you have any questions about this reception, please contact Robert Hamm, Coordinator of Graduate Student Professional Development.
We hope you will join us!

Tuesday, October 28
4 to 6 p.m. at Loma Pelona Center

Hosted by the UCSB Graduate Division
and the Office of Equal Opportunity
& Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance

Created by Patricia Marroquin
Communications Director, UCSB Graduate Division

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