Newsletter 1-14-19
Newsletter 1-14-19
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken  
Susan Grierson, Director
Elysian Charter School Weekly Newsletter
A Positively Different Public School

January 14, 2019                  Vol. 14  Issue 17
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays. When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  Send news to by 9:00 AM on Mondays.

This Week at a Glance

Wed Jan 16 is 1/2 Day. 12:30 Dismissal

Elysian Board Nominating Packets available and due back Jan 18,

This week enjoy an overview of our Spanish Program.

Hola estudiantes y familias,
The Spanish curriculum at Elysian for grades K - 4 is an introduction to the language and is taught weekly for 45 minutes. Students practice Spanish in the same way they learned English - through a variety of hands on activities, play, singing songs and listening to books read aloud in Spanish. The instructional goal is to learn vocabulary while at the same time being excited to learn a new language. 
 Students in grades 5-8 have class twice a week for 45 minutes. Grades 5 & 6 focus on the acquisition of conversation skills. Basic grammar fundamentals are taught and students begin to experiment with parts of speech including nouns, adjectives and verbs. Students regularly participate in written and verbal activities playing hands on games to enhance their developing skills. 
 In grades 7 & 8 students work to further refine their speaking and  listening skills. We take a close look at the grammatical structure of Spanish by dissecting sentences to distinguish between the formal and informal use of verbs. We practice present tense conjugation of regular and irregular verbs. The Spanish language will become more meaningful as speaking and listening skills are combined with an increased knowledge of grammar. Throughout all grades students are encouraged to use Spanish in the classroom.  All classes explore the culture of the vast and diverse Spanish-speaking world. 
Hasta luego,
Notice: Elysian Board of Trustee Elections
Dear Elysian Community,
The Board is formally announcing available openings on the Elysian Board of Trustees.  The Board of Trustees is the governing body which oversees school policy and its budget.   There are 3 Trustee seats up for election this year and each term is a commitment of three years.  Interested candidates should pick up a nominee packet during school office hours 8:00 am. – 4:00 pm. beginning Tuesday, January 8, 2019 from Deb Rosner in the main office.  Please return the notice stating your commitment to run along with your bio to the school office no later than Monday, January 28th at 4pm.   Nominations will not be accepted after this date. 
If you have any questions feel free to contact:
Jennifer O’Callaghan at  Ken Nilsen at
New Board members are elected at the Annual Meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 6:00 pm.
Note from the Nurse
Just a quick reminder we are a NUT FREE school. That includes all nuts and peanuts (including Nutella products).  There have been several reports that students are still coming to school with foods containing peanuts and nut products. Please review our policy and snack safely food list on our website. 
Thank you,
Diane deSombre, RN

Friends of Elysian

We have so much planned as we lead up to the 2019 Annual Party & Auction on Friday, March 1. Please mark your calendar for the following dates and keep a look-out for upcoming communications for additional details!

Tuesday, January 15: Friends of Elysian All-In Tuesday Newsletter

Thursday, January 17: Special one-day sale for tickets to the upcoming 2019 Annual Party and Auction. You don’t want to miss it!

Wednesday, January 30: The next planning meeting for the 2019 Annual Party & Auction, 7:00 PM. Location to be announced.
Do you have an item, experience, or special opportunity you’d like to donate to Friends of Elysian for our upcoming 2019 Party and Auction?
Or, would you be willing to ask local stores, restaurants, and business contacts for items?
If so, please reach out to us at
Our goal is to have a variety of items that can help raise significant funds for the school and we can only do that with your help. We are ideally seeking new items or special experiences, valued at roughly $200 or more. (However, if something is less than that, unique, or you are unsure of the value, please don't hesitate to contact us.)
Additionally, if you'd be willing to help in the procurement of items from local businesses, please drop us a line at the email address above so we can get you started.
Please know that while we hope to be able to include all donations, we may not be able to accommodate all items, or may need to group items together.
Thank you very much for your consideration of this request and for your support!
PTSO Corner
CHILI COOK-OFF IS AROUND THE CORNER! - Save the date and get your recipes ready for Saturday, January 26, at the Elks Club! 

Interested in competing with your best recipe or volunteering at the party?
Hop Bus Pool Looking for 1-2 Downtown Families
A group of downtown families has had great success getting our kids to school in the morning by taking turns chaperoning the kids on the Red Hop, and we are looking for 1-2 additional families who might be interested to join our Hop pool. 
We meet on the corner of 2nd and Grand at 7:55am, and each family is responsible about once a week for chaperoning the group on the Hop and walking the kids to Elysian (and on the other days, your kids will ride and walk with another parent). 
If you would like to learn more, please contact Elissa   
Continued Fall Session of Enrichment Clubs This Week with End Dates

        1/2 Day Schedule
  • Chess 1 - 12:45pm - 2:15pm - END DATE - Jan 30
  • Chess 2 - 12:45pm - 2:15pm - END DATE -Jan 30

    If you have any questions about the club schedule, please email
The Winter Session of After School Clubs begins today
Monday, Jan. 14th.  Please note a change in the start dates for Dance With Derrick clubs. 

Dance With Derrick:  Hip Hop -  Start date Jan. 28

Dance With Derrick:  Broadway Bound - Start date Jan. 23
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work  -  Club begins Tuesday, Jan. 15 but there will be NO CLUB on Tuesday, Jan.  22.  An additional class will be added at the end of the session.

Dressing for a Fire Drill

We perform monthly fire drills in which the students have to quickly leave the building without their coats.

Please make sure your child is dressed warm enough during these upcoming cold days.

Lost and Found
Please write your child's name in their outerwear so if it is lost we can return those items. 
We have so many items left in the Lost and Found bin in the main office.
Can't find your child's jacket?? Sweater??  Sweatshirt??  

These articles that are left behind will soon be donated to charity.
      Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
          Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!
        As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
                   Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regul
    January Calendar
    Monday, Jan 14
    • Homework Help
    • Rock Band Practice
    • Basketball-All Saints vs. Kelly Green 8 - 6:15pm - Multi
    Tuesday, Jan 15
    • Middle School Play
    Wednesday, Jan 16
    • 1/2 Day, 12:30pm Dismissal - Staff Developement
    • Lottery, 1:00pm
    • Basketball-White 7 vs. Stevens White - 6:45pm - Wallace

    Thursday, Jan 17
    • Homework Help
    • Basketball-All Saints vs. White 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Green 5 vs. HOLA 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
    Monday, Jan 21
    • School Closed - MLK Day
    Tuesday, Jan 22
    • Basketball-Green 6 vs. Wallace 6 - 7:45pm - Wallace
    Wednesday, Jan 23
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. Mustard Seed - 6:45pm - Wallace
    Thursday, Jan 24
    • Homework Help
    • Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Stevens Red - 7:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball-Green 5 vs. Hoboken Charter 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-White 5 vs. HOLA 5 - 8:45pm - Wallace
    Saturday, Jan 26
    • Basketball-White 4 vs. Hoboken PAL Purple - 1:30pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Girls vs. Stevens Red - 3:00pm - Multi
    • Basketball-White 3 vs. Hoboken PAL Orange 3 - 4:00pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Green 3 vs. Wallace Grey 3 - 4:50pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Green 4 vs. Wallace Black 4 - 6:30pm - Wallace
    • Chili Dinner - Elks Club - 5:00pm - 9:00pm
    Monday, Jan 28
    • Rock Band\Practice
    • Homework Help
    • Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Hob Middle School Knicks - 6:15pm - Multi 
    • Board Meeting, 7:00pm
    Tuesday, Jan 29
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. Hudson - 6:15pm Multi
    • Basketball-White 7 vs. Mustard Seed - 7:15pm - Multi
    Thursday, Jan 31
    • Homework Help
    • Basketball-Connors/Calabro 5 vs. Green 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace\
    • Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Hob Mid School Warriors - 7:15pm - Multi

    February Calendar
    Saturday, Feb 2
    • Basketball-Girls vs. HOLA - 1:00pm - Multi
    • Basketball-White 3 vs. Wallace Black 3 - 2:20pm - Wallace
    • Basketball- All Saints vs. Green 4 - 6:30pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Green 4 vs. Hoboken PAL Purple 4 - 8:10pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-White 4 vs. HOLA Teal 4 - 9:00pm - Wallace
    Monday, Feb 4
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. HOLA Teal - 6:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball-White 7 vs. Hudson - 7:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball-White 5 vs. Stevens Purple 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    Tuesday, Feb 5
    • Basketball-All Saints vs. Green 6 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    Wednesday, Feb 6
    • 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal - Report Writing
    Saturday, Feb 9
    • Basketball-White 4 -Wallace Grey 4 - 2:20pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Girls vs. Hoboken Middle School - 3:00pm - Multi
    • Basketball- Brandt 3 vs. Green 3 - 7:20pm - Wallace
    • Basketball- All Saints 3 vs. White 3 - 8:10pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-All Saints 4 vs. Green 4 - 9:00pm - Wallace
    Monday, Feb 11
    • Basketball-Kelly Green 8 vs. Hob Middle School Nets - 6:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball-White 7 vs. HOLA Teal - 7:15pm -Multi
    • Basketball-Green 5 vs. Wallace Black 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-White 5vs. Wallace Grey 5 - 7:45pm - Wallace
    Tuesday, Feb 12
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. Hoboken Charter - 6:15pm - Multi
    Thursday, Feb 14
    • 1/2 Day - 12:30pm Dismissal - Aftercare until 3:00pm
    • Report Cards Distributed
    Friday, Feb 15 - Tuesday, Feb 19
    • School Closed - February Break
    Thursday, Feb 21
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. Stevens White - 6:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball -Green 5 vs. Stevens Purple 5 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    Saturday, Feb 23
    • Basketball-Girls vs. Hoboken Charter - 3:00pm - Multi
    • Basketball-Connors/Calabro 4 vs. Green 4 - 3:10pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-White 4 vs. Wallace Black 4 - 4:50pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-White 3 vs. HOLA 3 - 7:20pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-Green 3 vs. Wallace Black 3 - 8:10pm - Wallace
    Monday, Feb 25
    • Basketball-Green 7 vs. White 7 - 6:15pm - Multi
    • Basketball-Green 6 vs. Hudson 6 - 6:45pm - Wallace
    • Basketball- Kelly Green 8 vs. HOLA Black - 7:15pm - Multi
    • Board Meeting - 7:00pm 
    Wednesday, Feb 27
    • Basketball-White 7 vs. Hoboken Charter - 6:45pm - Wallace
    • Basketball-All Saints vs. Kelly Green 8 - 7:45pm - Wallace
    Thursday, Feb 28
    • Basketball-Green 6 vs. Mustard Seed 6 - 8:45pm - Wallace
    A note about attendance:  The New Jersey State Law is very specific about school attendance.  By law, children are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill.  There is no room in the law or regulations to excuse any children who have prior plans. We must mark all children absent who are not in attendance.
    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Susan Grierson, Director | | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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