Perfect for summer outdoor dining!
Perfect for summer outdoor dining!
Purchase Glass
Hello Summer... Welcome Back! 
Finally! It's time for outdoor dining with family and friends, time to celebrate being with people again (appropriately distanced, of course 😉).
In the 1990s Josh made tall, stately iridescent vases in subtle tones, exclusively for Tiffany's. But the world has changed and so has Josh. Now he has recently created an assortment of iridescent vases in a rainbow of vibrant hues and unique, sculpted shapes. Each piece has a shimmery opalescent interior and an exterior that's, well, as smooth as glass. In these uncertain times, isn't it a miracle that Josh is still making beautiful glass for us to use and enjoy!
Iridescent Rainbow Vases
Darn it, Josh is making us take a vacation, July 4-12!
Does this mean he doesn't want to see our lovely faces for a while? Yes, that's probably true. But it also means that any purchase you make during our break will be shipped the week of July 13. Please feel free shop online anyway; when you place an order, the glass you love will be reserved for you!
Note: these vases don't come with flowers. If you only want the flowers and not the vases, there's a special "flower" button for you to click below (disregard the fact that it says "Opt Out").  
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